Chem-Baron (5e Class)
Chem Baron[edit]
(DM Note: This class allows the player to ignore certain economic limitations such as material costs and living conditions please review this class before use to see if it's appropriate to your setting and conducive to the story you want to tell.)
ChemTech is a marvelous creation that has revolutionized medical and mechanical fields it's abilities truly know no bounds, A chembaron uses this and their multiple connections or know how to capitalize on the powers of chemtech and sometimes they might just have to get their hands dirty
Creating a Chembaron[edit]
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Steampunk lich by travis anderson |
When creating a chembaron ask yourself this is the character willing to do anything to get a leg up? Did they invent chemtech or are the just an early adopter? do they know a maker or did they steal their Chem Tech? How are they involved in the chem trade or is it even traded?
- Quick Build
You can make a Chem Baron quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Intellignece. Second, choose the Noble or Criminal background. Third, choose the first and only option
Class Features
As a Chem Baron you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Chem Baron level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Chem Baron level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields
Weapons: Martial weapons and Firearms
Tools: Tinkers Tools
Saving Throws: Constitution and Intelligence
Skills: Choose 3 from athletics, acrobatics, intimidation, persuasion, medicine, perception, stealth, and survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- Two martial weapons, chainmail and a dungeoneer's pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d6 x 25 gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Chem Points |
1st | +2 | Augmentations, Criminal Enterprise, Chem Workshop | 1+Int mod |
2nd | +2 | Chem Points | 2+Int mod |
3rd | +2 | Method to the Madness | 3+Int mod |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 4+Int mod |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 5+Int mod |
6th | +3 | Wet Work | 6+Int mod |
7th | +3 | Hostile Takeover | 7+Int mod |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 8+Int mod |
9th | +4 | Toxic Love | 9+Int mod |
10th | +4 | Artificial Scarcity | 10+Int mod |
11th | +4 | Black Markets | 11+Int mod |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 12+Int mod |
13th | +5 | Advanced Workshop | 13+Int mod |
14th | +5 | Buisness Savy | 14+Int mod |
15th | +5 | Lake City Quiet Pills | 15+Int mod |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 16+Int mod |
17th | +6 | Die For Me | 17+Int mod |
18th | +6 | Dynasties & Dystopias | 18+Int mod |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 19+Int mod |
20th | +6 | Chem King | 20+Int mod |
At 1st level your body has been augmented in a way to accept extremely harsh surgeries and toxic cocktails of designer drugs, you gain advantage on checks and saves against poisons and airborne toxins, on top of that this base toughness will allow for heavy augs later down the line
Criminal Enterprise[edit]
You through means of either of coercion, good business skills, or sheer might makes right mentality. You've gained control of a passive income that fuels your constant need for life saving/altering augs and designer drugs
Work with your DM on what this could be, examples being a gang or company, something of the sort
You gain a base passive income of 100x your prof bonus gp per week this is called liquid capital which can only be used for narrative means, example buying rooms in an inn or buying nonmagical items like grappling hooks, rations, ammunition and to be used on chem workshop items, NOT WEAPONS OR ARMOR
Liquid capital can also be spent on other liquid capital gains such as
Ore Mine Variant (5e Equipment)
News Delivery/Postal Service (5e Equipment)
It's up to your GM whether or not these are allowed but do be fair for a less intrusive business, pick the mine.
The prices of chem workshop items can become quite oppressive so be sure to keep up with different avenues of liquid capital
Chem Workshop[edit]
The chem workshop or more colloquially known as the chop shop is where new chemtech is created and innovated on, the location of the workshop is dubious at best theoretically the workshop could be anywhere, there could be multiple workshops located around or what have you, you could probably own one yourself as part of your criminal enterprise
a user of chem tech you also gain access to the workshop's other products such as improved augments and devious battle intoxicants (listed at the bottom of the page) You'll have to pay an exorbitant amount of funding and wait some time for development and delivery (also listed at the bottom of the page)
More items and upgrades will become available to fund as you level in the class.
At 1st level you may take a free augment listed here
Every 3rd level you can take a free augment from tier 1,
Acid Globe (Aug) You gain the Acid blast cantrip which uses you aug DC instead for the dex save
Chemical Coating (Item) All your weapons deal an additional 1d6 of acid damage
Targeting Laser (Item) As a bonus action you can mark an enemy the next attack against them is made with advantage
Electro-Buzzer (Aug) you gain the Shocking grasp cantrip which uses your aug attack bonus
Chem Points[edit]
Chem points are a resource that quantify your ability to activate the various augments and resist the various exhausting effects of the multiple cocktails of designer drugs in your system, certain augments and drugs will require a DC or attack roll for their effects
- Augment save DC = 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Constitution modifier
- Augment attack modifier = your proficiency modifier + your Constitution modifier
Method to the Madness[edit]
At 3rd level, you chose a method to your ever-increasing madness. Choose between Great Inventor, Bullying Enforcer, and Maniacal Mogul detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3 and again at 7th, 10th, 12th, and 18th.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
At 5th level you may make a second attack as part of an attack action
Wet Work[edit]
At 6th level you understand that as long as there's more than 1 person on this planet that someone is gonna want someone dead, which means you can make a profit from that.
whenever you kill or incapacitate a creature you gain that creatures CR (minimum of 1) x 10 gp towards your liquid capital
You may add the number of player characters in your party times 10 gp to your passive income
Hostile Takeover[edit]
At 7th level you know that fear is a great motivator and motivated allies are hardworking allies
as a reaction when an ally you can see is under the frightened or fear condition, you may spend 2 chempoints to remove this condition
on the flipside you may as a bonus action have all enemies within 60ft roll a Wisdom save against your aug DC to not be frightened of you
Toxic Love[edit]
At 9th level you've become addicted to chemtech to such a point that you've become immune to the fear, frighten, and charmed conditions and now hostile takeover works with the charmed or mind control conditions as well
Artificial Scarcity[edit]
At 10th level you understand the power of making the easily available unavailable
at the beginning of a long rest if you have any unspent chempoints you may store up to your prof bonus plus your con mod of chempoints as a reserve, you may then use these reserve points freely until your next long rest as reserve points do not carry over
As a bonus you may as a downtime activity during travel scout the area making sure that no matter who you're talking to that you definitely know what's up
After completing the downtime activity, the group gains advantage on information and haggling checks whilst in the area
Black Markets[edit]
At 11th level you know a secret shop when you see one,
As a downtime activity you may establish a black market or franchise in a town, city, or local inhabited area
A black market can only be placed in certain areas like towns, cities, ports, or generally seedy places. it yields an extra 100 gp to your passive income
A franchise can be put almost anywhere where people live and exchange goods. it only yields a meek 50 gp to your passive income but acts as a personal general store with 50% off on all items
And fret not if you find yourself stuck in a place for also as a downtime activity you may upgrade either an existing black market or franchise and double it's current income
Advanced Workshop[edit]
At 13th level the chem workshop has grown enough to grant you one of its favorite patrons access to higher class items if you can afford the cost.
Gain access to tier 3 and 4 items
Business Savy[edit]
At 14th level you're excellent at predicting the market and dealing with the profane eldritch being that is the economy
You now add half your level (round down) times 100 to your passive income
as a background or downtime activity you may try and speculate on the market either doubling or halfing your profits for the week,
just roll an arcana check dc 20 minus your prof bonus + int modifier, on success you double your passive income for the week, on fail you half it instead
Lake City Quiet Pills[edit]
At 15th level you regain chem points equal to your con mod when you drop a creature to zero hit points
Now you can buy mundane weapons and armor with liquid capital
Die For Me[edit]
at 17th level your party is just another word for lackeys and you know what lackeys are good for right?
As a reaction you can force all enemies who can hear or see you to make a wisdom save against your aug DC on failure, you choose an ally or yourself enemies can only target that person with attacks and spells until the end of your next turn, on success nothing happens
Dynasties & Dystopias[edit]
At 18th level the common man is nothing to you, you've fought, swindled, bled and almost died to get to where you are today and you'll be damned if someone were to stop you now
When you reach zero hitpoints you do not go unconscious, but you still continue to make death saves
Chem King[edit]
At level 20 you have made an empire of blackmarket connections and off the book trade deals that you have enough liquid capital coming in that you rival countries in sheer GDP
during liquid capital calculation you replace features that say x10 with x100 and features with x100 with x1000
Great Inventor[edit]
Great inventors don't just make new products they reinvent the whole damn market, some say your mad others say eccentric you don't care what they say, all you care about is that your next experiment is an astounding success
- Tinkerer's Hands
At 3rd level your hands are just natural tools,
you count as always having tinkers tools on you and you may construct common mundane items as a downtime activity
- "I Made Her A Snack. Sheesh, I'm Not That Crazy."
At 7th level your ability to make something from barely anything grows
you count as always having advantage on tinker's tools checks and you can make mundane items as an action or bonus action
- When you’re going to change the world, don’t ask for permission
At 10th level you're ready to initiate a great leap in progress
you gain a Laboratory (5e Equipment)
you now add your int mod onto your aug save and attack mod
- Love and legacy are the sacrifices we make for progress.
At 13th level your ability to act well in social situations can be less than desired but your intellect will make up for it
you can add your intelligence mod to your charisma skills
- Loneliness is often the byproduct of a gifted mind
At 13th level you got a lot of time to yourself since not many people like you
as a downtime activity you can create tier 1 and 2 workshop items without having to pay the development costs by just taking the development and delivery time to make the item
- Glorious Evolution
At 18th level you've crossed boundaries no mere man was meant to cross but you're no mere man and whatever the consequence pales in comparison to your crowning achievement
You can now access the hex tech tier of workshop items
Bullying Enforcer[edit]
You take what you want and nobody's gonna stop you on the flipside you'll break them if they do
- Muscle For Days
At 3rd level your bulging muscles are the talk of the town
you have advantage on athletics check and when you are flanked enemies to do not gain advantage on attacks against you
- A wolf has no mercy.
At 7th level you are the apex predator
when you are flanked or the target of pack tactics you gain advantage on attack rolls against those enemies
- Everbody wants to be my enemy
At 10th level Oh, Oh the misery
You now add an additional +4 to your max hp for every level of Chem-baron you have
You now add your double your con mod to your Aug DC and Attack Mod
- Into the thick of it
At 13th level you got one hell of a tough hide
You reduce damage you receive by your con mod
- Brawlhalla
At 18th level your tough hide gets tougher
you reduce damage you receive by your con mod + your prof bonus
Maniacal Mogul[edit]
While inventors focus on creating items and enforcers on the brute strength of things, moguls focus on making and raking in that cold hard cash and slinging it around like it ain't no thang
- Greasy Palms
At 3rd level you gain expertise in persuasion and deception
- Greed is Good
At 7th level you can pay an enemy or creature liquid capital equal to 10 x their cr rating to have them charmed for a minute
- There's monsters in all of us
At 10th level you can pay an enemy or creature liquid capital equal to 100 x their cr rating to have them be charmed permanently
You also add your Charisma mod to your Aug mod and save
- Gangster's paradise
At 13th level you double all your passive gains
- Everybodies got a Price
At 18th level you can finally buy magic weapons, armor, and items with your liquid capital
ChemTech Workshop Items[edit]
Workshop Products breakdown into 3 categories Augments/Augs, Drugs and Items they are further broken down into tiers there are 4 tiers of items each tier has a base development cost and time of development and delivery, with each tier progressively becoming more expensive as the items become more powerful
Tier 1[edit]
Tier 1 Items require 1000gp of funding and a 3 days of time
Acid Globe (Aug) You gain the Acid blast cantrip which uses you aug DC instead for the dex save
Chemical Coating (Item) All your weapons deal an additional 1d6 of acid damage
Targeting Laser (Item) As a bonus action you can mark an enemy the next attack against them is made with advantage
Electro-Buzzer (Aug) you gain the Shocking grasp cantrip which uses your aug attack bonus
Gas Mask (Aug) You become immune to airborne toxins and poisons on top of that you may breathe in places where there is no air, you can also see-through fogs
Cracked Energy (drug) As a bonus action you spend 2 Chempoints and roll a number of hit die equal to your prof bonus, you gain temp hp equal to the roll
Speed (drug) As a free action you may spend 3 chempoints to take the dash action
Chem Injector (Aug) As an action you may take 2 drugs ignoring their action requirement, but you must pay both drugs combined chempoint costs
Berzerker's Brew (drug) As a bonus action you may spend 4 chempoints to have advantage on all strength checks and attacks until the end of your turn but you must attack the nearest creature to you
De-Tox (drug) As an action you may spend 2 chempoints to remove one condition you're under
Smoke Grenade (Item) As an action you may spend 4 chempoints to throw a grenade within 60ft of you that creates a 10ft radius fog creatures caught in it count as being blinded
Lifesaver (drug) As a free action you may spend 3 chempoints to pass a death save
Syringe Pistol (Item) this pistol instead being loaded with bullets can be loaded with drugs from the workshop and for 1 + drug's chempoint cost, you can make an aug attack at an unwilling creature within 60ft of you to afflict them with the drug, you do not need to make an aug attack if the target is willing. (Drugs still need to be developed before you can use them in the syringe pistol)
Tier 2[edit]
Tier 2 items take 5000 gp of funding and a week of development and delivery time
Zapp pistol (Item) This pistol has been augmented to instead of dealing piercing damage deal lighting damage on hit you may spend 2 chempoints to lower the targets move speed by 10, this weapon uses your con for attack and damage modifiers
Smoke Screen (Aug) As a bonus action you may spend 3 chempoints to release a 30ft fog centered on you which blinds all enemies within it, the fog lasts for your con mod rounds
Hover Board (Item) you gain a 30ft hover speed, when you take the dash action you triple your speed while riding the board
Black Lace (drug) As a bonus action you may spend 2 chempoints to gain advantage on dexterity checks for 1 minute
Mega Meth (drug) As a bonus action you may spend 5 chempoints to take an extra action after which you gain exhaustion
Chem Injector+ (Aug) As a bonus action you may activate 2 seperate drugs you have access to by spend 2 + drugs combined activation chempoint costs
Arc Traps (Item) As a bonus action you may spend 2 chempoints to set an arc trap within 20ft of you enemies who step on the trap must make a dex save against your aug DC on fail they are stunned until the end of your next turn, on success nothing happens
Wolvers (Aug) Your unarmed strikes now deal 1d6+ con slashing damage as a bonus action you may spend 2 chempoints to make 2 additional unarmed attacks
Gas Grenades (Aug) As an action you may spend 1 chempoints to toss a gas grenade at a point within 60ft of you, the gas grenade explodes into a 10ft radius cloud of toxic gas, creatures caught in the cloud must pass a con save against your Aug DC or become poisoned and take 2d8 + your con mod poison damage
Shotgun Knees (Aug) As a reaction when a creature enters within 10ft of you may spend 1 chempoints to deal your 2d6+ your con mod piercing damage to them
Speed+ (drug) As a bonus action you may spend 1 + x chempoints to increase your movement speed by 10ft plus an additional 5ft per point of x
Hyper K (drug) As a bonus action you may spend 3 chempoints to gain resistance to all damage for 1 round
Red Thirst (drug) As a bonus action you may spend 2 chempoints to gain advantage on attack rolls against a creature with less than half maximum hp for 1 minute
Atlas's Pre-workout (drug) As a bonus action you may spend 3 chempoints to add double your strength mod to strength rolls for 1 round
Tier 3[edit]
Tier 3 items cost 10,000gp in funding and 2 weeks of development and delivery time
Mortal Reminder (Item) This Long bow deals 1d10 piercing and 2d6 acid damage, creatures hit by this weapon who heal on their next turn (besides from life steal effects) reduce the amount of hp they heal equal to the acid damage taken
Chempunk ChainSword (Item) This longsword deals 3d6+con slashing damage on hit enemy immunities become resistances and resistances become nullified
Zapp Rifle (Item) This deals 2d10 lightning damage instead of fire plus, on hit enemies cannot take reactions and lose 15ft of movement until the end of their next turn. this weapon uses your con for attack and damage modifiers
Mini-gun (Aug) as an action you can spend 3 chempoints to make an aug attack against a creature within 30ft of you on hit dealing your prof bonus d4+con mod piercing damage, after the first use as a free action you can spend 2 chempoint to fire again on the same creature only dealing 1d6+ con mod piercing damage and you can do so again until you run out of chempoints
Missile Pods (Aug) As a bonus action you may spend 3 chempoints to cast Magic missile you may expend 2 additional chempoint to add an additional missile
Stickie Mines (Aug) As a bonus action you may spend 2 chempoints to make an aug attack against an enemy on hit the enemy takes 1d6 piercing damage as a free action you can detonate the mine and deal 3d8+your con mod acid damage in a 10ft radius on the enemy
Detox Ultra (drug) As an action you may spend 6 chempoints to remove all negative conditions afflicting you
Sticky Shit (Aug) As a bonus action you may spend 2 chempoints to launch some white sticky shit that covers the ground in a 10-foot square centered on a point within a 60ft range and turns it into Difficult Terrain for 1 minute.
When the sticky shit appears, each creature standing in its area must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be grappled. A creature that enters the area or ends its turn there must also succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be grappled.
Shimmer (drug) As an action you may spend 7 chempoints to boost your Str, Con, and Dex scores by 4 for a minute this can increase beyond the cap
Blood Shot (drug) As an action you may spend 6 chempoints to gain plus 10 to all perception checks and you can see hidden and invisible creatures for 1 minute
Vampiric Wolvers (Aug) Your unarmed attacks deal 2d8+con damage as a bonus action and 2 chempoints you may make 2 unarmed attacks, your unarmed strikes heal you for the damage you dealt
Chem injector++ (Aug) As a bonus action you may spend 4 chempoints to activate 3 different drugs you have access to
Red Rum (drug) As an action you may spend 4 chempoints you gain resistance to all damage (Besides psychic) for 1 minute
Tox-Fume Spewer (Aug) As a free action you may spend 1 chempoints to exude a 10ft aura on yourself of corrosive acid, enemies who enter/exit, start/end their turn in the aura take your con mod + prof bonus acid damage
Tier 4[edit]
Tier 4 items cost 50,000gp in funding and 2 weeks of development and delivery
Chem trailer (Aug) As a free action you can leave a toxic chem trail equal to your size, enemies caught in this trail must make a con save or take equal to double their constitution modifier acid damage, they take this damage at the beginning of their turn as long as they stay in the trail
Lightning Lash (Item) This +3 whip deals an additional 3d6 lightning, on hit you may spend 2 chempoints to stun that target for your con mod rounds, this weapon goes off your con instead of dex
Chrono Pop (Aug) As a bonus action you may spend 3 chempoints to hop back to the last place you were last round
Baron Nashor Squezzins (drug) As an action you may spend 2 chempoints to make all your damage magical for a minute
Trash Furnace (Aug) As a action you may spend 8 chempoints to shoot a harpoon at an enemy if the enemy is under half hp you may reel them into the furnace grinding them up, targets must make a constitution savingthrow equal to your Augment save DC. Dealing 10d10+Con necrotic damage, gaining hp equal to half the damage taken, the hp gained from this cannot take you over your max hp
Chrono Bubble (Aug) As a reaction you may spend 8 chempoints to take drop a 30ft radius bubble on top yourself where enemies suffer from the Slow (5e Spell), this bubble last up to your con mod rounds
Chem Injector+++ (Aug) As a free action you may spend 3 chempoints to activate 4 drugs for a minute
Multi-Leg Platform (Aug) your size becomes large as you lose your lower half and have it replaced by large mechanical legs giving you 60ft move and spider climb speed
Glasc Companion (Item) This automaton follows you around and as a bonus action you can apply a different drug to a number of creatures equal to your proficiency bonus
Fish-bones Rocket Launcher (Item) This is a +3 weapon, damage is equal to 8d8 fire damage can be reloaded as a bonus action
Life Booster (drug) As a free action you may spend 7 chempoints to gain double your con mod hp at the start of your each of your turn for a minute
Electro Field Dispersal (Aug) As a bonus action you may spend 6 chempoints to cause a 15ft aura around you, creatures who start or end their turn in the aura take your 3d10 + your con mod lightning damage this field lasts for your con mod rounds
Death Begone (drug) As a reaction you may spend 6 chempoints to pass a death save
Nitro (drug) As a free action you may spend 4 chempoints to quadruple your move speed equal to your proficiency bonus in rounds (This effect cannot be stacked)
Pyroclast Sprayer (Aug) As an action you may spend 6 chempoints to fire a 60ft cone of 8d8+ your con mod fire damage, creatures caught in the cone must make a dex save or take half
Workshop Upgrades[edit]
Yes you can upgrade the workshop itself to gain faster delivery times or access to items technically not in the workshops wheelhouse
These upgrades cost 100,000 liquid capital and take effect immediately once purchased
High Speed Development and Delivery you reduce delivery and development times by half round down
Planar Delivery no matter where or when you are your deliveries always make it right to you
Cheap Labor you reduce funding costs by half round down
Hextech Access You gain access to Hextech items
HexTech Items[edit]
HexTech can only be acquired by the inventor subclass or through the
Hextech items cost 60,000gp in funding and 4 weeks in development and delivery time
Hex Core (Aug) This magical core is infused with top-of-the-line techno wizardry, when installed into a host that creature gains +4 to all their stats and gains a new stat cap of 24
Titan Gauntlets (Items) these Oversized (5e Variant Rule) Gauntlet, Weaponized (5e Equipment)'s deal thunder damage instead of bludgeoning
Laser Arm (Aug) As part of an attack action you may spend 8 chempoints to fire a 20ft long 5ft wide line, creatures caught in the line must make a dex save or take 3d12+6 fire damage, half on success, after one round creatures near line must make a dexterity save again or take 5d10+5 force damage as the lasered area explodes
Hex-cane (Item) As an action you may spend 1 chempoint to fire a bolt of arcane energy at a target within 120ft of you that deals 3d6+int mod force damage, you gain temp hp equal to the damage dealt
Hex Core Rocket Launcher (Item) An augmented weapon that can be fired for 12 chem points and deals 10d8 fire damage can be reloaded as a bonus action and deals additional 6d8 lightning damage
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:
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