Power Rangers (5e Class)
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Power Ranger (5e Class)
The Power Ranger class is inspired by the iconic superheroes known as Power Rangers. These warriors harness the power of the morphing grid to fight against evil and protect the universe. With their martial arts skills, powerful weapons, and the ability to morph into their Ranger forms, they are formidable heroes who embody teamwork and justice
Mighty Heroes of Hope and Justice
In a world threatened by the forces of darkness and chaos, a special group of heroes emerges—the Power Rangers. These brave warriors harness the power of the morphing grid, an enigmatic energy source that grants them extraordinary abilities. With their unwavering dedication to justice, martial arts prowess, and a dazzling array of weapons, the Power Rangers stand as a symbol of hope and unity in the face of adversity.
Creating a Power Ranger
When you build your Power Ranger, ask yourself the following questions. Was this power passed down to you by a previous power ranger? Were you the heir of a long line of power Rangers and now you must take the responsibility and mantle to become one? Or did the Grid Force choose you itself?
- Quick Build
You can make a Power Ranger quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the Folk Hero background. Third, choose your morpher and the explorers pack.
Class Features
As a Power Ranger you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Power Ranger level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Power Ranger level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: None
Weapons: Ranger Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Dexterity
Skills: Choose any three skills
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- Morpher
- An explorer's pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d8x10 in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Martial Arts | Features | Grid Energy |
1st | +2 | 1d4 | Martial Arts, Morpher, Unarmored Defense | - |
2nd | +2 | 1d4 | Morphing Power, Grid Energy | 10+con |
3rd | +2 | 1d4 | Ranger Origin | 15+con |
4th | +2 | 1d4 | Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement | 20+con |
5th | +3 | 2d4 | Extra Attack, Grid Force, Ranger Speed | 25+con |
6th | +3 | 2d4 | Ability Score Improvement | 30+con |
7th | +3 | 2d4 | Resilient, Co-ordinated Attack | 35+con |
8th | +3 | 2d4 | Ability Score Improvement | 40+con |
9th | +4 | 2d4 | — | 45+con |
10th | +4 | 3d4 | Martial Arts, Ranger Speed | 50+con |
11th | +4 | 3d4 | — | 55+con |
12th | +4 | 3d4 | Ability Score Improvement | 60+con |
13th | +5 | 3d4 | Rangers Forever | 65+con |
14th | +5 | 3d4 | — | 70+con |
15th | +5 | 3d4 | Morphing Grid Power | 75+con |
16th | +5 | 3d4 | Ability Score Improvement | 80+con |
17th | +6 | 4d4 | — | 85+con |
18th | +6 | 4d4 | Super Origin Ranger | 90+con |
19th | +6 | 4d4 | Ability Score Improvement | 95+con |
20th | +6 | 4d6 | Mighty Morphing Rangers | 100+con |
Martial Arts
At first level you gain a martial arts die with your unarmed strikes dealing 1d4, 2d4 at 5th level, 3d4 at 10th level, 4d4 at 17th level and 5d4 at 20th level and you can use your constitution instead of strength for attack rolls with unarmed strikes.
Starting 1st level you gain your morpher,a sacred item amongst all power rangers that strengthens their connection to the morphing grid allowing them to transform and keep the forces of evil at bay. With your morpher as a action you can choose to morph and become a power ranger,being a bonus action at level 7.
Unarmored Defense
While not transformed your AC equals 10+ constitution modifier+ proficiency bonus. While transformed it equals to 11, 12 at 14th level and 13 at 18th level.
Morphing Power
Starting 2nd level you gain the ability to morph and use the energy of the morphing grid to fight the forces of evil and stop them from destroying the universe. As an action, you can morph and gain the following features:
- You gain temporary hit points equal to double your constitution modifier and loose these hit points once you detransform
- If you are dropped to 0 hit points while in your ranger form instead you detransform and are reduced to an amount of hit points equal to your ranger level
- As long as you're transformed, your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores gain a +1, +2 at 5th level,+3 at 12th level and +4 at 16th level, this is a bonus and not a permanent stat boost.
- As a reaction to taking any kind of damage while not transformed for 30 grid energy you can morph as an explosion of energy engulfs you dealing 1d6 fire to everything in 5 ft radius not including your self, being 2d6 fire and 10 ft radius at 5th level, 3d6 fire and 15 ft radius at 10th level and 4d6 fire at 15th level. Taking only half the damage you were meant to, and costing only 20 grid energy at 15th level.
- You gain your ranger weapon, if you are not level 3 and have not chosen your ranger origin you gain just a normal ranger sabre dealing 1d8 one handed and 1d10 two handed slashing damage with the versatile trait being able to summon your weapon as an action while detransformed at 3rd level
- While transformed you have advantage on wisdom saves and acrobatics checks.
- While transformed you also gain resistance to non-magical slashing, piercing and budeoning damage and at 10th level you gain resistance to thunder damage, poison and radiant damage.
You can transform this way a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining any uses on a long rest.
Grid Energy
Starting 2nd level you gain "Grid Energy" being a energy source used for all power rangers allowing them to perform incredible feats, you have a number of grid points equal to 5 times your level plus your constitution modifier. You recharge all of your Grid Energy at the end of a long rest.
You use your constitution modifier to attack with your power ranger attacks with grid energy
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
Ranger Origin
Starting 3rd level you choose your ranger origin, being what kind of power ranger you are, whether it be you got your powers from a rock that has dinosaur power in it or a talking face in a cave in the middle of no where told you it was your destiny. You choose your Ranger Origin. Choose between Samurai Ranger, Dino Charge Ranger and Mega Force Ranger. All detailed at the end of the class description. Your origin grants you features at 3rd, 7th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th,8th,14th,16th level you gain an ability score improvement allowing you to improve one of your ability scores by 2 or two of your ability scores by 1 with the normal rule of it not being able to surpass 20. Optional features suggest you can forgo taking the ability score improvement and take a feat instead.
Extra Attack
Starting 5th level you can now take the attack action twice instead of only once on your turn.
Grid Force
Starting 5th level your weapons attacks now count as magical in terms of ignoring damage resistances and immunities.
Ranger Speed
As a ranger your movement capabilities are far greater than before. Starting 5th level your movement speed increases by 10 feet, 15 feet at 10th level, 20 feet at 15th level and 25 feet at 20th level. You can also take both the dash and dodge actions as a bonus action simultaneously for 5 Grid Energy.
Becoming a ranger you are no stranger to being in danger. As such starting 7th level you gain the ability to use the morphing grid to heal yourself and keep pushing forward in battle. Using up an action you may use 10 grid energy to heal yourself 1 hit die of health and expand extra 10 grid energy to add 1 extra die. You can do this as a bonus action at 14th level while you are transformed. Furthermore, you cannot be surprised.
Co-ordinated Attack
Being part of a team you learn to fight together for good and justice allowing you to prevail. At 7th level as apart of an attack you can spend 10 grid energy and a reaction to allow your allies to expend their reactions to make an attack action against a target within 10 feet of you. You may spend an additional 10 grid energy to include additional allies in the attack. Any ally that is selected for this combo attack must be in range to use the weapon they are currently holding or lose this benefit. You do not lose Grid Energy spent on allies incapable of attacking. You can only have an amount of allies participating in the attack equal to your proficiency modifier.
Rangers Forever
At 13th level being in life and death threatening situations constantly you've learned to never give up as long as you have your comrades aside you. When you detransform due to being attacked you start to regain hit points beginning each turn equal to your constitution modifier while you are not incapacitated and you cannot be stunned. Furthermore, you may reroll damage rolls of one with your ranger weapon, taking the new roll even if it is a one and you cannot be charmed while transformed. This state lasts until you are 20 hit points above half of your maximum hit points during your morphing Power transformation.
Morphing Grid Power
At 15th level your connection to the morphing grid has strengthened to lengths far beyond what it ever was. As a ranger you now are capable of keeping lives safe from danger with maximum efficiency Choose one of the following for detransformed features:
- You can roll for damage twice when attacking with your ranger weapon while not transformed, taking the highest roll when you do
- Your AC equals 11+your proficiency modifier+ your constitution modifier while not transformed and while transformed it equals to 13 and 14 at 20th level.
- You always have advantage on attack rolls of any kind
Choose one of the following features while transformed:
- Your Ranger Weapon's damage die increases by one stage (e.g 1d10 - 1d12 )
- You Spend half the amount of grid energy for grid energy related moves that aren't attacks or transformations
- When attacking with your unarmed strike die you can deal double damage as a whole action or you can attack with your unarmed strike as a bonus action dealing half the normal damage for the rest of the turn with each unarmed strike.
Super Origin Ranger
At 18th level your mastery over your powers is unlike any ranger team before you gaining vasts amounts of strength. You gain a +2 to your constitution score while detransformed and this changes to +4 when transformed going past your limit. This feature is only active if you are above three fourths of your maximum amount of hit points, if you drop below that than it deactivates.
Mighty Morphing Rangers
At 20th level your powers rival those of the very first mighty morphing rangers whom are spoken about in legends of ranger history. At the cost of 30 grid energy and an upkeep of 10 grid energy of each of your turns you can activate a near supercharge state of your ranger abilities allowing you to go beyond human capabilities for up to 1 minute. Take note while like this you cannot use your origin abilities other than your normal origin weapons and the abilities granted by them other than changing their states from blades since the power of the very first rangers flow through you. You gain the following:
- Temporary hit points equal to double your constitution modifier
- You gain a attack check bonus of 4 as well as an AC increase of 4
- You may reroll rolls of one when rolling weapon damage, taking the new roll even if it is a one
- Your Movement speed doubles and you can also take the dodge action as a free action
- Every attack hit with causes coloured explosions to sparkle in the background having the colour of which ranger you are. These explosions cause the target of your attack to have disadvantage to hit everyone except you until the start of your next turn.
- A sick guitar solo plays as you move around playing the traditional ranger theme based on which origin you are.
- You gain a flying speed equal to half your Movement speed with this boost and while flying you always look like you have questionable strings pulling you around instead of normal levitation.
Once this state is over, you gain 2 exhaustion levels and you cannot use this again until a long rest has passed.
Ranger Origin
Samurai Ranger Origin
"Long ago ancient samurai warriors faught monsters with power symbols passed down from parent to child to keep the forces of evil at bay" or so the story goes,this origin is one of great strength as you represent the samurai, ancient Japanese warriors of remarkable wisdom and honed battle skills
Now that you've gained your Ranger origin being a Samurai ranger you gain the traditional weapon,of course being a katana but with modifications, having a disk slot from the upper end of the hilt with a octagonal prism that stretches outward from that point. The disk slot allows you to use ancient disks passed down amongst the samurai rangers and allow for powerful weapons to be used. You can choose to switch disks in battle as bonus actions but if the disk states so,the attacks granted will take up full actions. Your ranger katana deals 2d4 one handed and 2d6 two handed slashing damage with the versatile trait.
At 7th level the damage counts as magical. Your weapon has advantage on damage rolls against fiends and undead due to dealing with monsters of the sort on a near hourly basis.
As apart of joining this origin at 3rd level you gain your second save proficiency being wisdom also being used to make long ranged spell checks and adding it behind your damage rolls instead of dexterity for your origin features as the samurai were known to be very cunning in battle but also very perceptive of their surroundings and were philosophers.
The samuraizer is a sacred morphing tool used by the samurai rangers that you gain when you take this origin, the samuraizer at first looked like a giant paint brush before going on to the next model of a flip phone with a paint brush attached to the side until it's final model of a long flip phone with a flash light at the tip to substitute for the paint brush. With the samuraizer you are able to pull off symbol incantations known as Symbol Power as it is the very backbone of the samurai rangers. Follow the basic spell casting list at the end of this class
Now being a Samurai ranger you gain many benefits as this subclass have versatility with its capabilities. As of now you choose which colour ranger you are gaining the following based on your Ranger Colour, as an alternative route you can choose to roll a 1d6 to decide which ranger you are, if your DM intends for there to be a gold ranger than the roll is necessary.
- Samurai Red
- You are part of the Shiba household known to be great leaders and thus deserving of the red ranger title
- Being the red ranger you represent the fire lion as it is best associated with your fiery Shiba spirit in battle, starting 3rd level you gain resistance to fire damage.
- Red Ranger Disk
- Black Disk
As the red ranger you gain the disk of your suited weapon being able to engulf your blade in fire once the disk is input and turn it into a Gaint Greatsword most commonly known as the Fire Smasher being the signiture weapon of the Red Ranger, It takes 5 grid energy to activate.
The fire Smasher only being a two handed blade that deals 1d8 slashing with an additional 1d6 fire damage, becoming 1d10 at 15th level.
- Black Disk moves
- Fire Sweep
Range: 15 foot line, 5 feet wide Cost: 15 grid energy
- Prequistes: Black Disk
As an action, you swing your Fire Smasher in a vertical slashing movement releasing a giant orange fire at the opponents in range forcing them to make a Dexterity Saving throw. On a fail they take 4d6 + your wisdom modifier fire damage and are burned for 1d4 turns dealing 1d6 fire damage beginning each of their turns. If they succeed the save they take half the damage and aren't burned. A burning creature can take an action to douse the flames. At 15th level while using this move you can pay 30 grid energy to make it last as an effect for 1 minute instead of a move.
- Blade Rush
Cost: 15 grid energy Range: 30 foot line, feet line
- Prerequisites: Black Disk
As an action, you spin your black disk and slash forward releasing a energy wave of symbol power at the enemy using your wisdom to hit, upon hitting you deal your blades normal one handed damage as fire damage plus an additional 4d8 + your wisdom modifier slashing damage. This move can also be used as apart of Coordinated attack at double the cost.
- Samurai Blue
- Being the Blue ranger you are a courageous warrior and associated with the flowing water Dragon and are very loyal to your teammates
- As you represent the element of water starting 3rd level you gain resistance to cold damage.
- Blue Ranger Disk
- Black Disk
As the Blue ranger you gain your black disk allowing you to turn your blade into a suited weapon engulfing it in water energy and transforming it into the Hydro Bow, a weapon that is known as the Blue Ranger's signiture. You can turn your blade into this at the cost of 5 grid energy once you put your black disk.
The Hydro Bow has a range of 150 feet and is a two handed weapon that uses wisdom for it's attack and damage rolls, dealing 1d8 piercing damage plus an additional 1d6 cold damage becoming 1d8 at 15th level. Furthermore, you may make another, single, attack as a bonus action when attacking with this ranger weapon.
- Black Disk Moves
- Hydro Swarm
Range: 50 foot cone, 150 foot line Cost: 10-30 grid energy
- Prerequisites: Black Disk
As an action, you form a swarm of Hydro arrows at the oponnet firing off six having to roll for each of them being able to use this move once per morph, you can expand and additional 5 grid energy to add 1 more arrow to a maximum of 8. Whomever is targeted must make a constitution saving throw and on a fail they take an additional Xd6 cold damage with X being equal to the amount of arrows you hit the target with, and are frozen being considered paralyzed and stunned for 1d4 turns being able to make the save again at the end of their turns not suffering any of these effects on a success.
- Blade Rush
Cost: 15 grid energy Range: 30 foot line, feet line
- Prerequisites: Black Disk
As an action, you spin your black disk and slash forward releasing a energy wave of symbol power at the enemy using your wisdom to hit, upon hitting you deal your blades normal one handed damage as cold damage plus an additional 4d8+your wisdom modifier slashing damage. This move can also be used as apart of Coordinated attack at double the cost.
- Samurai Green
- Being the green ranger you aren't one very accustomed to traditions of the Samurai rangers normally being rude and hot headed being a slash first ask questions later kind of person
- As the green ranger you represent the forest bear being fierce and contempt to all things nature. Upon being the green ranger you automatically gain the "Piercer" feat.
- Green Ranger Disk
- Black Disk
As the green ranger your black disk once input allows you to manifest a flurry of green energy and plants to turn your blade into a forest spear being the signiture weapon of the green ranger.
The forest spear is a two handed weapon with 10 feet of range dealing 1d6 piercing damage plus an additional 1d4 + your wisdom modifier piercing damage, increasing to 1d16 at 15th level, it increase your jumping distance by 20 feet as you can use it to pivot yourself into the air like an athlete. This takes 5 grid energy to activate.
- Black Disk Moves
- Forest Storm
Range: 150 feet Cost: 25 grid energy
- Prerequisites: Black Disk
As an action, you pierce a target and burst upwards into the air as wind gathers all resources from around while you slash four times and trap them in the resources around keeping them in place. Make an attack roll against a target and if the attack hits, the target of this takes your forest spear' s damage four times and must make a strength saving throw and on a fail they are restrained for 1d6 turns as you trap them the gathered resources around being made of mud and earth and leaves and vines on a success not being restrained. As an action, a target may make a strength save, no longer being restrained on a success as they break away from the mud and earth surrounding them.
- Blade Rush
Cost: 15 grid energy Range: 30 foot line, feet line
- Prerequisites: Black Disk
As an action, you spin your black disk and slash forward releasing a energy wave of symbol power at the enemy using your wisdom to hit, upon hitting you deal your blades normal one handed damage as piercing damage plus an additional 4d8 + your wisdom modifier piercing damage. This move can also be used as apart of Coordinated attack at double the cost.
- Samurai Yellow
- You are the yellow ranger, AKA, the sweetest and most caring of the ranger group but no enemy should mistake your kindness for weakness as you are still a warrior and better than that a ranger
- Being yellow ranger you relate most to the ape and the element earth being a quick and witty in battle, you gain resistance to psychic damage.
- Yellow Ranger Disk
- Black Disk
As the yellow Ranger you gain your disk which once in the correct input allows you to engulf your blade in earth dust and rubble to transform it into the signiture weapon of the yellow ranger being the Earth Slicer a Gaint Shuriken.
The earth slicer unfortunately due to its massive size is a two handed weapon that when thrown returns back to you with a short range of 50 feet and a long range of 120 feet, dealing 1d10 slashing damage and an additional 1d4 + your wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage increasing to 1d6 at 15th level. Taking 5 grid energy to activate.
- Black Disk Moves
- Avalanche Blade
Range: 100 foot line, 50 foot cone Cost: 15+ grid energy
- Prerequisites: Black Disk
As an action, You launch your earth slicer as it moves at phenomenal speeds gathering rubble around and behind it and slashing the target four times, making an attack roll four times, before they get hit with all the rubble. The earth slicer first slashes four times as it attacks then multiple boulders that it gathered catch up and burry the opponent being 5 boulders each dealing 1d4 Bludeoning damage being able to expand 10 grid energy to make one more bolder. The target musk succeed a constitution saving throw and on a fail they are knocked prone.
- Blade Rush
Cost: 15 grid energy Range: 30 foot line, feet line
- Prerequisites: Black Disk
As an action, You spin your black disk and slash forward releasing a energy wave of symbol power at the enemy using your wisdom to hit, upon hitting you deal your blades normal one handed damage as bludgeoning damage plus an additional 4d8+your wisdom modifier Bludgeoning damage. This move can also be used as apart of Coordinated attack at double the cost.
- Samurai Pink
- Being the pink ranger your are quick in battle and think as well as consider your teammates more then anyone
- Being pink you represent the sky turtle a creature of great winds, however unlike your Ranger skills your skills in the kitchen still need some work having disadvantage on intelligence checks meant to make food but advantage on making poison of any kind also granting you resistance to poison damage as well as advantage on checks against being poisoned and infected with a disease.
- Pink Ranger Disk
- Black Disk
As the pink ranger you gain your disk which allows you to engulf your blade in pink flashes and small whirlwinds to reveal the pink ranger signiture weapon the Air Fan. Taking 5 grid energy to activate.
The Air fan is a thrown one handed weapon with a short range distance of 15 feet and a long range distance of 30 feet making wind slashes and melee range of 5 feet dealing 1d8 + your wisdom modifier slashing melee and 2d4 + your wisdom modifier slashing at long range.
- Black Disk Moves
- Pink Hurricane
Cost: 15 grid energy Range: 100 foot cone up, 50 foot radius
- Prerequisites: Black Disk
As an action, you use your fan to generate a giant storm hurricane to slash your opponent to shreds allowing no surrender. Anything caught in range must make a constitution saving throw and on a fail take 2d10+ wisdom modifier slashing damage and are rendered stunned for 1d4 turns. On a success they take half the damage and are stunned for only 1 turn.
- Blade Rush
Cost: 15 grid energy Range: 30 foot line, feet line
- Prerequisites: Black Disk
As an action, you spin your black disk and slash forward releasing a energy wave of symbol power at the enemy using your wisdom to hit, upon hitting you deal your blades normal one handed damage plus an additional 4d8 + your wisdom modifier slashing damage. This move can also be used as apart of Coordinated attack at double the cost.
- Samurai Gold
- You are great, astonishing, others would even say you go for gold in every category of the word charming, even though the gold ranger is not a traditional ranger and has never been one until recent years, you still keep up the standard dare I say gold standard of the samurai rangers
- The gold baracuda is what you represent as you are the gold ranger being faster than the eye can see and very vicious unlike the other rangers,you gain resistance to radiant damage. Due to being very charsasmatic you have advantage on persuasion checks.
- When you gain the ranger speed feature while transformed instead of a +10 movement speed at 5th level, +15 at 10th level, +20 at 15th level and +25 at 20th level your speed gain is instead a +20 at 5th level, +25 at 15th level and +30 at 20th level as the gold ranger was known to move faster than the eye can see whilst transformed.
- Kind of an odd fish
Unlike the other ranges you indeed did gain a black disk but your weapon is always transformed and you don't have the traditional ranger katana instead you have a short sword deemed the Baracuda blade being the signature weapon for the gold ranger and a very dangerous sheath to come with it having a range of 5 feet with both. This weapon and sheath also has the light property, allowing for dual wielding.
The blade deals 1d6 slashing damage with an additional 1d4 + your wisdom modifier radiant and your sheath dealing 1d4 slashing damage being able to dual wield them if you choose to, the radiant damage only changing to 1d6 at 10th level with your slashing changing to 1d8 (1d6 for sheath) at 10th level.
- Black Disk Moves
- Light Speed Slash
Cost: 15 grid energy Range: 5 feet You don't need your black disk yo use this move as you have trained your skills so finely you can move at light speed to deliver slashes of phenomenal damage. After paying your grid energy you attack an amount of times equal to your proficiency modifier with your sword as an action. While initiating this move, you can spend 10 extra grid energy to force your opponent to make a perception check against your Ranger save DC and on a failure, allowing you roll to hit with advantage but on a success, causing you roll with disadvantage. You can only use this with your baracuda blade and not it's sheath. If an enemy is closer than 30 feet apart from your initial target you can also target them with this move, spending an attack to do so.
- Blade Rush
Cost: 15 grid energy Range: 30 foot line, feet line
- Prerequisites: Black Disk
As an action, You spin your black disk and slash forward releasing a energy wave of symbol power at the enemy using your wisdom to hit, upon hitting you deal your blades normal damage as radiant damage plus an additional 4d8 + your wisdom modifier slashing damage. This move can also be used as apart of Coordinated attack at double the cost.
Dino Charger
<!-Introduce this subclass here->
- <!-Class Feature->
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Spell List
You know all of the spells on the basic spell list and additional spells based on your subclass.
- 1st Level
<!-1st level spell list->
- 2nd Level
<!-2nd level spell list->
- 3rd Level
<!-3rd level spell list->
- 4th Level
<!-4th level spell list->
- 5th Level
<!-5th level spell list->
Mega Force
<!-Introduce this subclass here->
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<!-Class Feature-> <!-Class feature game rule information->
<!-Class Feature-> <!-Class feature game rule information->
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:
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