Chakram of Undead Revival (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Chakram), Rare (Requires Attunement)

These two-paired Chakram are rotten in green Ooze that drips off the blade, then dissipating in a small bubble rot, unaffecting anyone, the bladed circlet is black and green with a gem that emits foul stench. On successful attacks with this weapon, while attuned you deal an additional 2d6 necrotic damage and when thrown the Chakram's hover in a green mist and return to the users hand after thrown, so long as no obstacles are in the way of return. There is also a variant of the Chakram which is called a Chakri of Undead Revival, these are smaller and weaker Chakram that can be held on the wrist but grant the advantage of being hidden, as they can be mistaken by a normal wrist accessory.

Undead Revival When dropping a creature below 0 hit points with a Chakram, provided that they do not have legendary reactions or extra lives, the affected creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or become a 5e zombie with a zombie's hit point maximum, this creature becomes a zombie for 1 hour or fewer, under your command, then dies as the magic released from the Chakram dissipates, while under your command you can issue a command towards the creature as long as they can hear the command, if no command is issued the zombie chooses what to do.

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