Claws of War (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (lizal gauntlet), legendary (requires attunement)

A pair of lizal gauntlets crafted by the Dragon Demigod of War. These bulky shields cover the entirety of both the wielder's arms, are comprised of extremely thick, spiked steel plates, and are designed to be used both defensively and offensively. A faint, red glow emits from the gaps in between the plates, the fingers of the gauntlets are clawed, and the knuckles are pointed spikes.

Scion of War. While attuned to these gauntlets, you may use these gauntlets as light weapons for the purpose of two weapon fighting, and count as magical for overcoming damage resistance. However, the Strength requirement increases to 18.

Hands of Destruction. While wielding these gauntlets, you may choose for them to either deal bludgeoning or slashing damage. In addition, the base damage of the gauntlets increases to 1d8.

Claws of The Dragon God. As a bonus action, you may choose to cast claws of the dragon at 17th level. When this happens, you take 4d4 fire damage as the gauntlets emit fire, the claws to double in length and the gauntlets fuse to the wearer's arms. While activated in this way, you have resistance to fire damage, cannot be disarmed of the gauntlets and can choose for your claws to deal fire damage instead of bludgeoning or slashing.

Fires of War. While attuned to these claws, you gain access to special draconic powers. You have a number of magic points equal to your Constitution modifier. While Claws of The Dragon God is active, you may cast both dragon rend at 2nd level using 1 magic point, and dragon's breath cast on yourself using two magic points. When cast in this way, dragon's breath deals fire damage, and can be expelled in a 30 ft. line.

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