Lesser Twisted Bident (5e Equipment)

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Twisted Bident's forms.png

Weapon, very rare (requires attunement)

This ancient staff has found the grip of countless devils, and now it finds yours. It is a profane mockery of a legendary, one-of-a-kind weapon. The weapon has three forms, which you can switch between while gripping the staff and speaking the command word as a bonus action. These forms are the Dormant Staff, Hell Fork, and Devil Scepter. Regardless of form it can be used as an arcane focus. While attuned to this staff, even if it isn't on your person, you have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks made to deceive a devil.

Dormant Staff. While wielding this magic quarterstaff, an invisible devil eye appears on your forehead to grant you advantage on initiative checks and all Wisdom (Perception) checks. While this eye is present you can see otherwise invisible creatures, and you can see the true shape of shapechangers.

Hell Fork. This magic trident deals an extra 1d8 necrotic damage on a hit. If you're hit while wielding the fork, you can cast hellish rebuke (DC 17) without expending charges or spell slots.

Devil Scepter. When you cast an arcane spell while wielding this magic mace, the spell gains a +2 bonus to its spell save DC and to any spell attack roll it uses. If the scepter is not in your hand but within 30 feet of you, when you cast any spell you can choose for it to originate from the scepter instead of you.

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