Gravehook (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (sickle), very rare

This ancient, slightly rusty reaper was forged using malicious chronurgy, causing it to become more effective against older enemies as it pulls them towards their inevitable expiration.

On a hit against a creature missing more than half of its hit points, the weapon deals extra Necrotic damage. The amount of damage dealt depends on the target’s age in years. See the table below. If attacking an undead creature, this only includes the time the creature was alive. Not the time it has been undead.

Necrotic Damage
Age (Years) Damage
0-9 1
10-29 1d4
30-59 1d6
60-99 1d8
100-149 1d10
150-999 1d12
1000+ 1d20

(one vote)

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