Zezzet Deck, Variant (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Deck of Tarot), legendary (major) (requires attunement by a monk or wizard)

Upon closer inspection, this ornate silver box contains a set of six specialized magical cards. Each card is infused with a different element, and are designed to act in concert of their master, effortlessly cutting down foes like a razor-sharp ribbon of paper. Zezzet decks were named after a prolific philosopher and humanist, who believed that the individual facets of the universe would act at their highest when united together.

Mysticism of Zezzet. While attuned to a Zezzet deck, you gain a number of additional benefits:

  • You can use the deck to cast augury as a ritual, without expending components.
  • You can use a bonus action to divine information about a creature you can see using one of the six cards, learning if the target has any damage resistances, immunities, or vulnerabilities to the chosen card's element.
  • You are under the effects of detect magic at all times.

Elements of Zezzet. While attuned to a Zezzet deck, you gain proficiency with it as a weapon. A Zezzet deck is a magical ranged martial weapon, with the light, finesse, and thrown (30/60) properties, as well as a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. As an action, you can throw up to three of the cards at targets you can see within range, making a ranged weapon attack for each one. Hit or miss, each card you throw then immediately flies back to your hand without fail. The effects of the six cards are as follows:

  • Earth. On a hit, this card deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage. The target must also make a DC(17) Strength saving throw, being knocked prone and pushed back 10 feet on a failed save.
  • Air. On a hit, this card deals 1d6 slashing damage. The target must also make a DC(15) Strength saving throw, being pulled up 10 feet into the air by rising air current until the beginning of your next turn if it is grounded, or forced downward 30 feet by falling air current if it is airborne.
  • Fire. On a hit, this card deals 1d6 fire damage. The target must also make a DC(14) Constitution saving throw, becoming ignited on a failed save.
  • Water. On a hit, this card deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. The target must also make a DC(16) Dexterity saving throw, becoming soaked on a failed save.
  • Wood. On a hit, this card deals 1d8 slashing damage. The target must also make a DC(15) Strength saving throw, becoming restrained until the beginning of your next turn on a failed save as they are constricted by vines and branches.
  • Metal. On a hit, the target must make a DC(13) Wisdom saving throw, becoming petrified until the beginning of your next turn on a failed save. This briefly transmogrifies the creature into indestructible adamantine, rendering it immune to all damage for the duration.

Some Zezzet decks forego one or more of these traditional elements in favor of cards of a rarer or more esoteric nature. These are as follows:

  • Lightning. On a hit, this card deals 1d4 lightning damage. The target must also make a DC(13) Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed until the beginning of your next turn.
  • Slime. On a hit, this card deals 1d6 acid damage. The target must also make a DC(17) Strength saving throw: On a failed save, the target's movement speed is reduced by 10 feet until the beginning of your next turn.
  • Energy. On a hit, this card deals 1d4 force damage. You may make up to two attacks with this card whenever you throw it as part of an attack.
  • Time. This card deals 1d8 force damage without fail. After dealing damage, if the target still has 1 or more hit points, make an attack roll against it. On a miss, the target regains hit points equal to the damage dealt.
  • Light. On a hit, this card deals 1d6 radiant damage. Hit or miss, all creatures within 5 feet of the target creature must make a DC(14) Dexterity saving throw, becoming blinded until the beginning of your next turn on a failed save as they become overwhelmed by a magical flash of light.
  • Dark. On a hit, this card deals 1d6 necrotic damage. Hit or miss, it causes a 10-foot radius sphere around the target to briefly be plunged into magical darkness until the beginning of your next turn, rendering the affected area heavily obscured.
  • Peace. On hit, the target must make a DC(17) Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it becomes charmed by you and your companions until the beginning of your next turn, as it becomes overwhelmed with serenity and calm.
  • War. On a hit, the target must make a DC(15) Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it must use its actions, bonus actions, reactions, and movement speed to move toward and attack the nearest creature it can see until the beginning of your next turn, as it experiences uncontrollable violent urges.

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