Hunger of Gnolls (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (any Meele Weapon), Very Rare

The Weapon does its Weapon specific damage type and damage dice as damage and additionally 1d8 as its weapon specific damage. it has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and makes the user feel Hungry and making him want to kill anyone besides friends/family/companions and eat the flesh from their bodies even if it were cannibalistic, you here whispers that demands blood and you cant think of something else than killing the enemy and eating them after the fight, an intelligence saving throw -3 is needed after every hit to withstand the effect. if something is killed by "Hunger of Gnolls" it Devours some of its blood and does for every 5 kill +2 Damage until the fight ends and for every 75 kills +1 permanent Damage to a maximum of 14. if the weapon is used by a gnoll it doesnt have the curse effect of being hungry and so on because either gnolls have already a unsatisfied hunger and the lust to kill or they became custom to that feeling and can resit it, therefore it only gives 2d8 as its specific weapon damage and gets +2 for every 200 kills to a maximum of 10. the weapon is made out of bone and some other material (hide, teeth, etc) and it looks like poor quality but the more blood it eats its grows a bigger, more menacingly, more fearsome, sturdier and the appearance of its quality increases. strength 15-18 (depands on what weapon it is) is needed to wield it.

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