Bloodfang Blade (5e Equipment)

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Design Note: This weapon is intended to be used with the blood rogue class and uses bleeding damage.

Weapon (serrated shortsword),

A shortsword with a serrated edge that deepens wounds.

Serrated. This shortsword 1d8 slashing + 1d4 Bleeding instead of the normal 1d6 piercing damage.

Hurtful. This weapon has the wounding property.

Razor Wounds. Each time you hit a creature, its Bleeding damage increases by 1d4, stacking up to three times.

Painful Precision. If you score a critical hit, the enemy must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Dexterity modifier) or become Weakened (disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity checks) for 1 minute.

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