Handaxe of Fate (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (handaxe), very rare (requires attunement)

This handaxe has one side made of pure gold lined with platinum, while the other side is twisted black iron. There are three green gems inlaid into the silver handle. Each gem contains one charge. As an action, you can expend one charge to cast augury and throw the handaxe into the air. If the gold side lands in the ground, it is the equivalent of a weal result. If the black side lands in the ground however, it is the equivalent of a woe result. If the handaxe does not land in the ground, it is the equivalent of nothing. The handaxe regains all expended charges at dawn. The axe will wedge into any material.
As part of the action you use to cast augury, you can make a ranged attack using the handaxe.

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