United (5e Equipment)
Weapon (Longsword), Very rare (Requires Attunement) This +2 magical longsword deals an additional 1d6 slashing damage and 1d6 poison damage and is decorated in a black-like texture with the longsword slightly splitting creating two points instead of one with a blackened diamond-like snake that is slithered along the blade almost like a snake ensnaring its prey. Originally made to help aid a revolutionary war by the revolutionary leader Dwaylacker (D-way-lack-er) against king Dandwan (Dan-duh-won). This blade was coined the name, "United" due to the sword uniting many under its blade by Dwaylacker. Ultimately, the war was won and the leader was soon made king. Poison Fortification You have immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition. All United As an action, you lift your sword aloft, uniting every willing allied creature in a 30 ft radius, each creature in this range regains 3d8 hit points and the creature tries to come to you as if they were effected by the command spell: Approach. when a allied creature comes to you in this way and is at least 10 ft within you, each two creatures gives anyone in that 10 ft range a +1 to their AC. This effect can stack but is capped to a maximum of +3 AC. You can use this feature once per long rest. Poison Fanged Cloud When making an attack action you can use a bonus action to charge your blade and activate the snake along the blade, on a successful hit, on top of your normal damage, the snake bites your target dealing an additional 1d6 poison damage to the target and the snake disperses a 5 ft cloud of poison centered on the targeted creature. This poison cloud lasts for 5 turns and at the start of any creature's turn that has stayed or entered within the cloud's range must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or the target takes 1d6 poison damage and is effected by the poisoned condition for one minute. This poison cloud can be dispersed by a 5 mph wind or greater. You can use this ability up to your proficiency modifier. Symbolic Endurance When dropped to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can instead drop to one hit point. You can use this feature once per day. |
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