Siege Axe (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (any axe), Rare (major tier)

A heavy axe made out of adamantine, crafted to destroy barriers and structures. You need a Strength score of 18 or higher to wield this axe. Whenever you hit an object or construct with the axe, the hit is considered to be a critical.

When you hit an object or structure made out of multiple sessions, like hitting a wall, upon impact, a shockwave spreads through the object or structure stricken by the axe, spreading fissures and cracks in a 10-foot cube from the point of impact. All other sections of the same object or structure inside that area take the same damage.

Hitting the ground with the axe causes the fissures to spread and open, creating three lines of 5-foot width and 10-foot length coming from you. Creatures in the direction of the lines must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, or they fall prone and take 1d6 bludgeoning damage from the fall.

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