Eevlet Sacred Blade (5e Equipment)

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Weapon, Legendary (major)

The Eevlet sacred blade Is the Cause of the Eevlet's eevaform's. This blade is used in the ceremony of turning a 9 year old eevlet into one of the eight eevaform's. Only The eevlet can wield it, and whatever eevaform is holding the blade is what the eevlet turns into. (bubbleon turns the eevlet into a bubbleon as well)

Adaptability. The Eevlet or Eevaform weilding the blade unlocks the blades form the same element as the wielder, listed below. the blade always deals 1d10 slashing damage with the effect listed.

  • Eevlet: The blade deals the natural damage listed.
  • Bubbleon: The blade takes on the water form. While in this state, It deals 1d10 Acid damage on a hit. The target must make a constitution saving throw with the DC listed in the Eevlet Race. The target on a fail Gets the sensation of drowning. the target must act like it is dying by drowning. they make the same saves and damage as if they were drowning.
  • Bolteon: The blade takes on the Thunder form. While In this state, It deals 1d10 lightning damage on a hit. the target must make a constitution saving throw with the DC listed in the Eevlet Race, and on a fail, the target becomes incapacitated from the electricity pulsing through their body. the target makes the same saving throws at the end of their turn to undo the effects of incapacitation.
  • Flameon: The blade takes on the Fire form. While In this state, It deals 1d10 Fire damage on a hit. the target must make a constitution saving throw with the DC listed in the Eevlet Race, and on a fail, the target becomes lit with an immense flame. the target takes 2d8 damage at the end of each of their turns while still engulfed within the flame. only water or dirt about 2 gallons or 4 pounds of dirt can undo the flame.
  • Psyceon: The blade takes on the Eon form. While In this state, It deals 1d10 Psychic damage on a hit. the target must make a Wisdom saving throw with the DC listed in the Eevlet Race, and on a fail, the target undergoes a mental breakdown. The target takes 2d10 further psychic damage at the end of each their turns on a failed save, and they are also confused until the succeed a saving throw at the end of each of their turns.
  • Darkeon: The blade takes on the Dark form. While In this state, It deals 1d10 Necrotic damage on a hit. the target must make a Wisdom saving throw with the DC listed in the Eevlet Race, and on a fail, the target becomes completely hypnotized. the target acts like it's under the command spell, but it will do anything you mentally or verbally tell it to do, regardless of well being. its eyes become completely red for the duration, and must make saves at the end of its turn until it succeeds.
  • Grasseon: The blade takes on the Life form. While In this state, It deals 1d10 Poison damage on a hit. the target must make a constitution saving throw with the DC listed in the Eevlet Race, and on a fail, the target becomes intoxicated and poisoned, as if it had 20 beers. the target takes 2d8 poison damage at the end of each of its turns, and makes the save again until succeed.
  • Frosteon: The blade takes on the Ice form. While In this state, It deals 1d10 Cold damage on a hit. the target must make a constitution saving throw with the DC listed in the Eevlet Race, and on a fail, the target becomes a frozen statue. the target becomes petrified, but instead of stone its ice. The target can still see around it, but cannot do anything on its turn. its free'd of this condition if the ice is broken.
  • Nympeon: The blade takes on the Light form. While In this state, It deals 1d10 Radiant damage on a hit. the target must make a wisdom saving throw with the DC listed in the Eevlet Race, and on a fail, the target is put under a complete entrance with your beauty and splendor. they are now charmed, but they do everything you ask them to, if you succeed in a DC 5 persuasion check. they are cured only if you attack someone.
(one vote)

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