Gleaming Repentance (5e Equipment)

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Weapon, Very Rare (Major) (Requires Attunement)

Ah, yes, one of our more interesting acquisitions. Legend has it that this is the finger of a long-forgotten king who succumbed to the burden of his own hubris.
.. Hm? Related by virtue? Surely you jest...
—Alder Oggersprock, local purveyor of artifacts

This magic weapon is a bony, petrified human finger. Cinched tightly around the base of it is a rotund and chipped signet ring with a protruding emblem of three fate-casting sticks made of bones. Simply being in the same room as it has a slightly maddening effect. Whispers of an ancient, unknown language invade the mind of one who wields it. Should Comprehend Languages be cast, these echoing whispers are understandable, alliterated, and clear but completely nonsensical. "Bears break brimming blue," and, "Gold? Goo. Gone ghastly garlands," are prime examples.

To attack with this item, make a ranged attack with a range of 100/400. On a hit, you deal 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier as necrotic damage. If you are attuned to this item, Penance may be used as part of the same action.

Penance. By invoking the wicked and mad spirits forever attached to this item, you are granted unwieldy strength. Roll 1d4. If the outcome is an even number, add an extra 1d8 to the damage roll, and you may either invoke this ability again or finish the attack. You may reuse this ability within the same attack action as long as you continuously roll even numbers on a 1d4, thereby allowing another damage roll of another 1d8. If the outcome is an odd number at any point after invoking Penance, your attack successfully completes, and you receive the same total necrotic damage you dealt to your target alongside two levels of exhaustion.

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