Staff of Thu (5e Equipment)
Weapon (Quarterstaff), Artifact (Requires Attunement)
Forged by an ancient group apart of the 5 circles of the moon, this weapon had great power as many were filled with greed of the great power it once held over the druids that had wars over the staff. Belonging handful of druidic circles. The adventurers that made the staff soon hid it from the world and died with the wisdom of where it was.
This +3 quarterstaff deals an additional 3d8 radiant damage on successful attack rolls and has multiple cracks upon it and in the cracks, they glow dimly as the moon would and on the end of the staff, it has a small crescent, while the top symbolizes a full moon.
Wrath of Thu As an action, you speak its command word and the full moon on the staff glows as a beam shoots out to a target in a 60 ft radius, the targeted creature must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or the targeted creature takes 5d8 radiant damage and becomes blind for 30 seconds. This can be used once per day.
Spell Deflect As a reaction, you can deflect a spell that is targeting you (No save required). This can be used twice per day.
Moon Globe You can cast Globe of Invulnerability (No component required) once per day.
Destroying the Staff of Thu. This staff can be made powerless by a full spell caster at level 17 by absorbing the power from a rod of absorption.
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