Swords of Light and Darkness (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Longsword), Legendary (Required by Good aligned Spellcaster)

Twin Swords that must must be used in conjunction. Use Longsword stats. Uses only one attunement slot. When dual wielded by an attuned Spellcaster the swords have a +3 bonus to attack and damage. The Sword of Night is a sentient being with 30 charisma, 22 intelligence, 18 wisdom, and a Chaotic Good alignment. It gives the user the ability to speak, read, and write Abysall as well as an advantage on charisma checks. The Sword of Day is sentient being with 18 charisma, 22 intelligence, 30 wisdom and a Lawful Good alignment. It gives the user the ability to speak, read, and write celestial as well as an advantage on wisdom checks. The swords can be used as a spellcasting focus.

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