Holy Prince (5e Equipment)
Weapon (Rapier), Very Rare (Requires Attunement) This +2 silvered rapier deals an additional 2d8 radiant damage and comes from a holy empire of half-elves long ago, once made in a great forge, built by a family of master blacksmiths that took generations to craft, and was blessed by many celestial gods. When the item was processed, this item was then handed down to the king's prince and used in wars against other kingdoms. This rapier is warm as the dawn of the first light, crafted with unique gems, riches only found as the most exquisite, the pommel is see-through as is golden and has holy magic swirling inside the pommel. The rapier's tip is sharp and a faint essence of magic follows the tip as it moves. Prince's Slayer of Unholy You deal an additional 2d8 radiant damage to any targets that are classified as undead. Dancing with the Holy Prince As part of an attack action, you can make a performance check (DC 17), on a fail, you must add a -1 in the attack and damage roll for the attack made on your turn, on a success, a fain shadow of that of a half-elf follows your body, you gain a +1 in attack and damage rolls, deal an additional 1d8 piercing damage, and you advantage on attack rolls and dexterity checks and saving throws for 3 turns. You can use this feature three times a day. Saint's Heart: Grip of the Holy |
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