The Inquisitor (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Longsword), Unique (major) (requires attunement)

a sword forged for the protection of the holy order

The Inquisitor is Sentient Lawful Good Longsword with an Intelligence of 16(+3), Wisdom of 20(+5) and a Charisma of 14(+2).
The Inquisitor has Blindsight out to a range of 20ft., shares your senses and can telepathically communicate with any creature within 100ft. of it, the telepathic voince sounds like that of a young woman with an angelic voice that is nice to listen to.
To be able to understand The Inquisitor telepathically you need to speak the same language the sword does.
The Inquisitor speaks Common and Celestial as well as any language you speak.

The Inquisitor is inclined to protect the holy order and slay any and all heretics as well as any fiend or fey that enters the material plane. It always reprimands the user whenever he would do something sinnful and always tells them to be merciful with those who don't know better.
The Inquisitor holds a grudge angainst it's sistersword [The Herretic] and wants it's destruction, yet should it ever comes close to achieveing this goal it realises that the bond between the two weapons is too strong and it will try to stop the user from destroying [The Herretic].

Only creatures that The Inquisitor deems worthy of wielding it may attune to it anyone else takes 2d6 radiant damage and their wisdom score is lowerd by 2 for 12 hours. Usually only Lawful Good creatures can attune to it though sometimes it can deem a Neutral Good creature worthy.

You gain +3 to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. It deals an extra 3d8 radiant damage to creature of the undead of fiend type and anyone who commited an act of heresy within the last year(an act of heresy is defined as anythign that goes angainst a Lawful Good, Neutral Good or Lawful Neutral Alignment and any magic that isn't derived from the gods). While being attuned to this weapon you speak celestial, but can neither read nor write it, and any celestial that belongs to a good or neutral aligned god is generally friendly to you, though exceptions exist for some chaotic gods. You also have immunity to radiant Damage.

Connection to The Heretic:
The Heretic and The Inquisitor are both holy swords meant to protect the holy order with The Heretic being the older brother and The Inquisitor being the younger sister.
While The Heretic fell from grace when a wielder of it died due to bad decision of the holy order and now tries to take down this very order, The Inquisitor is still strongly convinced of the Holy order and tries to protect it at all cost and is furious at her older brother for betraying it.
The Heretic is still the more powerful sword as the older brother.

Left: The Herretic Right: The Inquisitor

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