Damageshift Weapon (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Any Melee Weapon), Rare (Requires Attunement)

Created by the Eladrin, Damageshift weapons were created to change their style and mood just as often as the eladrin themselves. The eladrin use these weapons when there is uncertainty in an upcoming battle. The eladrin call them the "Alcithin", meaning uncertainty or unpredictability.

When you finish a long rest, choose any damage type other than bludgeoning, slashing or piercing. This weapon deals that type of damage when it hits with an attack, instead of it's normal damage type. The weapon changes to match the damage type it deals, such as catching on fire at the end of a spear, or a warhammer becoming wreathed in white lightning. Any creature that wields this weapon, but isn't attuned to it treats this weapon as it's standard variant, although it gives off a faint aura of transmutation magic.

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