Forefathers (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Sniper Rifle), Rare (Major) (Requires Attunement)

This +1 sniper rifle has a large red X painted on the sniper and an engraving that says in common: "Destroy those who have come before you". Additionally, when looking into the scope and aiming at a creature for two turns, you learn the creature's age.

Mark the Present, Destroy the Past You mark a creature in an 50 ft range, while marked, for one minute, the creature takes an additional 1d12 piercing damage on successful attack rolls and creatures that are older than the marked creature you are attacking in a 15 ft range must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or take 2d12 piercing damage. You can mark a creature once per day.

Pastime Bloodshed When rolling a 12 on the damage dice, your rifle automatically reloads itself.

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