Man Catcher (5e Equipment)

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Man catcher

Martial Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Man catcher 25 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Two-handed, reach, special

A man catcher is a polearm with a two-pronged head. Each prong is semi-circular and ends in a hinged lip that allows an object through, but not back.

Attacks with this weapon against targets within 5 feet of you have disadvantage.

On a hit against a Small or Medium humanoid or beast with a man catcher, you may make attempt to grapple the target as part of the attack. When you move a creature grabbed with the man catcher, you can choose to move it adjacent to you or keep it at reach. While grappling a creature in this way, you cannot make attacks with the man catcher and must continue to hold it with both hands.

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Man Catcher(Source)