Draconic Essence Blade (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (any sword), very rare (major tier) (requires attunement)

This magical sword has a bonus of +1 on attacks and damage rolls.

A wielder attuned with this sword can, as a bonus action, invoke the special power of this blade, rolling 1d10 to determine what form the blade takes. The weapon's damage type changes depending on this roll. Base damage of the sword/weapon it originally takes the form (like longsword, shortsword…) will be added to the the type damage. Acid, Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Poison doesn't stack, but continue until the one hit with it successfully makes a Dexterity saving throw. It it possible to inflict more than one on an enemy. The sword will now deal 1d8+1 damage in the damage type described below.

Number Rolled Blade Formed
1-2 Acid Blade: An inky-black blade, dripping with caustic ooze. This form of the blade deals acid damage. This acid cannot be collected or harvested.
3-4 Fire Blade: A burning blade of pure, magical flame. This form of the blade deals fire damage. This blade form will ignite combustibles, and emits light equal to a torch.
5-6 Ice Blade: A white, frosty blade of crystalline ice. This form of the blade deals cold damage. This blade form cannot be used to freeze things.
7-8 Lightning Blade: A blade of pure, crackling electricity. This form of the blade deals lightning damage to a single target. Cannot be used to electrify puddles or pools of water.
9-10 Poison Blade: A jade-green blade, coated with a slimy venom. This form of the blade deals poison damage. The venom cannot be collected or harvested.
It may look like a normal sword on the outside but it has been imbued with the essence of Dragons from all types, allowing the sword to change its form. No one knows if this sword was from experimenting with the Draconic Essence in weapons, and all we do know is that the sword may be sentient from the mass amount of Draconic Essence. We have heard rumors that people heard voices coming from it, and these are simply false. There is no possible way there is still any souls in the weapons…
—Dr. Brekk
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