Blazing Rapier (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (rapier), rare (minor)

A rapier in a purple sheath.

Blazing Will. Your rapier reacts to magic power by shining with a purple light. When any magic touches the rapier, the wielder speaks to the spirit of the sword. The user has the option to let the spirit aid in battle by making the rapier blaze with a purple flame.
This magic rapier has 3 charges. When you are the target of a spell or other magical effect, you can expend a charge to cause the rapier to flare with power until the end of your next turn. If you hit with an attack using the rapier, you deal an additional 2d12 fire damage and the target is pushed 30 feet away from you and knocked prone and you can use a bonus action to move up to your speed toward the target.
The rapier regains 1d3 expended charges daily at noon.

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