Shadowglass Blade (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (arrow or any weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage), very rare

Shadowglass, also known by other names such as "Astral Glass" or "Portal Glass," is a unique material that straddles the planes. It is formed when any permanent portal, such as a rift between two planes, is forcibly closed or violently collapses. Shards of phase-shifted glass erupt from the blast, which pass through organic matter such as flesh, wood, cotton, wool, or plant fibers, but interact normally with inorganic materials such as stone, dirt or steel. Passing a cutting edge of shadowglass through organic material causes a wound inside of the creature, It is brittle and has almost no weight. Any weapon or missile that has its cutting edge fashioned out of a shard of shadowglass has a very unique property which makes it an expensive favorite of assassins and cutthroats.

Planar Anomaly. All damage dealt by this magic weapon is considered internal and bypasses a creature's resistance (but not immunity) to slashing or piercing damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this weapon cannot be stabilized by nonmagical means. Death saving throws are not affected by this property and behave as normal.

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