Charge Blade and Shield (5e Equipment)

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Weapon, Rare (3 Vials), very rare (4 Vials), legendary (5 Vials) (Attunement)

A strange looking longsword and shield that appears to have empty vials in the hilt of the blade and on the back of the shield. The sword easily slips into a slot on the top of the shield.

Unrelenting Defender The Charge Blade and Shield provides a +2 to AC and uses both hands.

Vial Charge When you successfully hit with a melee attack using the Charge Blade and Shield, before causing damage, it charges 1 vial.

Overload If all vials are charged you suffer -3 to all attack rolls with the Charge Blade and Shield.

Vialed Defense As a Bonus action you may discharge all charged vials giving you +1 AC for each vial discharged, this gives you a charge on the shield for 1 minute.

Vialed Precision If you have a charge on the shield you may use a bonus action to discharge all charged vials giving you +1 to hit for each vial discharged, this gives you a charge on the blade which lasts until you no longer have a charge on a the shield.

Vialed Strike If you have a charge on the blade and hit with an attack you may use a bonus action to discharge all charged vials doing an additional 1d6 force damage per discharged vial.

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