Hell's Reach (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (spear), very rare (major) (requires attunement)

This spear has a dark ebony handle and rubies embedded in the spear point. You gain a +3 to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, attacks made with this weapon deal an extra 1d12 fire damage and you regain hit points equal to the damage deal only if you are below half of your hit points. If not, they are temporary hit points.

Blazing reprisal (3/day): as a reaction, you can target one enemy who damaged you and cause it to be engulfed in flames and take 3d12 fire damage for your turn. A succesful DC 17 constitution save allows for to halve the damage, but if the save fails by 6 or more, double the damage.

Limited awareness: Hell's reach is a lawful evil sentient item with a wisdom of 14, intelligence of 15 and charisma of 18. It seeks the destruction of demons and can communicate fluently in common and infernal as well as having truesight for 120 feet.

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