Ebon Blade (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (any sword), rare

The ebon blade is a simple seeming weapon with no guard. It has a black appearance throughout, with only the gleam of light showing deviation. The aura this blade carries is imbued with runes which were carved unto its keen edge from its conception. These runes are legible only to creatures learned or touched in the ways of death, meaning they have had near-death experiences, or are undead themselves. To those who can read it, it says "Death onto you, that which shalt be, and ought be, dust." When the sword is near such presences, these runes light up, almost as a sort of warning.

Death's Warning Bell. When an undead creature enters within 30 feet of this weapon, the runes on the sword light up.

Deathpierce. When you hit an undead creature with this weapon, the undead takes an extra 3d6 slashing damage. The blade then leaves an ebon shadow of its form in the undead's body, impaled thoroughly. Until the end of your next turn, the shadow blade remains in the target and they are restrained.

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