Goltal (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Maul), Legendary (requires attunement: Wielder must have a strength score of 20 or higher)

A powerful maul that was made by the spirits of earth to protects the land. Goltal has three charges that recharge every long rest

Earthquake. slamming Goltal down cause the ground to shake and send rocks at three targets within a 35 foot cone each rock does 3d6 of bludgeoning damage and on a failed DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw knocks them prone. This costs one charge

Stone Pillars. hitting the bottom of Goltal on the ground can send spikes at a target making them roll a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw, on a failed save target takes 4d8 of piecing damage, on a successful save target jumps back 5 feet. This cost two charges

Gates of Hell. As a turn Goltal opens the ground below a target forcing them to make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save target falls into the opening and die immediately. This costs three charges and give the wielder one level of exhaustion

Damage. 3d12 + 7 + The attuned wielder's current level Bludgeoning Damage

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