Greataxe of Wildheart (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Greataxe), Rare (Requires attunement by a barbarian with the Path of the Beast)

When not attuned this item is a -1 greataxe, covered in dull vines with rotting wood, the metal is dented and has small cracks in its metal but when attuned, the greataxe sheds its true form, this item becomes a +1 greataxe. The vines begin to sharpen dealing 1 piercing damage to any creature that holds the weapon besides the attuner. The wood becomes renewed and firm, the metal enhances, dealing an additional 1d12 slashing damage against creatures on successful attack rolls. Lastly, your path awakens the greataxe, making your path more powerful.

Root Armor The roots of your beastal spirit spectrally surround your body like armor. You gain a +1 to your AC.

Root Endurance The roots of your Beastal spirit spectrally surround your body to make you more tough. As an action, you gain 20 temporary hit points. You can use this once per day.

Bestal Form's Awakening As part of your rage, you make your heart as well as your form wild like the untamed beasts of land before you, enhancing one of your "Form of the Beast" properties once per rage. Granting you one of the following abilities.

  • Awakening Bite When raged, your mouth grows slightly larger and sharper. You deal an additional 1d8 piercing damage when making attacks rolls with your mouth. Also, when regaining hit points upon damaged creatures you heal 1d4 + your proficiency modifier. Provided you are below 60% of your hit points.
  • Awakening Claws When raged, your claws become elongated and more light. Once per turn, you can make two additional attacks but only with your claws and you have the reach property.
  • Awakened Tail When raged, you grow a sharper tail that glows dimly. you deal an additional 1d8 piercing damage when making attacks rolls with your tail. after using your reaction to apply a D8 of AC, you also swipe the creature's legs, the creature must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or become prone.

Beastal Soul's Awakening As part of your rage, you make your beastal soul spark brightly with ferrous intent, furthering the enhancement of your beastal body, mind, and soul. Enhancing one of your "Beastal Soul" properties once per rage. Granting you one of the following abilities.

  • Aquatic Awakening You gain a swimming speed double your walking speed. You gain immunity to difficult terrain on aquatic based surfaces that are in water.
  • Spider Crawl Awakening You gain a climbing speed double your walking speed. You gain immunity to difficult terrain on surfaces that are made of webs.
  • Jump Awakening When you extend your jump by a number of feet equal to your roll’s total. Roll a 1d10 and extend the jump further.
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