Boxing Glove of Extending (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Glove/Gauntlet), Rare (unless you’re a Looney Tune)

A bronze gauntlet with a large red boxing glove instead of hand and a trigger hidden on the inside. This weapon is weapon is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks.

Have Some Punch. As a bonus action you may wind the boxing glove up and use an action to squeeze the handle, causing it to launch forward at any creature you can see within ten feet and dealing 2d6 bludgeoning damage. The creature must then make a Strength saving throw against the glove’s DC (10+Charisma modifier) or be knocked back 1d10 feet.

Have Some (Spiked) Punch. This feature world the same way as the last but this time you may opt to use bonus action to cause three large spikes to emerge from the glove that deal an additional 1d6 of piercing damage at the cost of sending the creature back only 1d6 feet instead.

(one vote)

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