Zodiac Mark (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (light crossbow), rare

This curious contraption resembles a large crossbow, and indeed takes crossbow bolts as ammunition, but embedded in the middle is a disc resembling a zodiac wheel, divided into twelve compartments. When the thing is wound, it rotates the disc so that the bolt fires through one of the twelve compartments contained within, coating it with a particular damage type.

Zodiac Attack. Whenever you make an attack roll with this weapon, it deals an additional 1d4 damage, the type of which is determined randomly by rolling on the following table:

d10 Damage Type d10 Damage Type
1 Acid 6 Necrotic
2 Cold 7 Poison
3 Fire 8 Psychic
4 Force 9 Radiant
5 Lightning 10 Thunder
(one vote)

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