The Hummingbird Blade: Domina Mortis (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Rapier), Legendary (Requires Attunement)

A silver rapier of incredibly fine make. Its basket hilt is heavily inlaid with imagery of thorny flowers, and its pommel contains a large ruby-like gem.

Weapon Background Long ago in a time none living remember, there was an adventuring party. Now this party had many members, but only two are relevant to this tale. One, a bard, half elven and crafty. The other, a fighter, whose short human lifespan was matched by her zeal for living and all that entailed. Their love story is now long lost to time, but thankfully all we need know is this: Years after his lady love had passed on to Valhalla ahead of him, the bard pooled together all of his resources to make a monument to his lover. And what better memorial for a fighter than a weapon of unmatched quality? Deep within the frozen caves the bard crafted this blade, imbuing pieces of his lover's personality into each individual piece. Into the blade, he imbued her ferocity and love for battle. Into the guard, he imbued he protective and caring nature. Into the tang, he imbued her loyalty and sense of family. And into the pommel, he imbued her kindness, and good alignment. Lastly he gave the last of his lifeforce into the blade, giving it mind and life of it's own! There in the icy mountain it lies, waiting for a worthy hand to find it and take it to battle!

Sentience Domina Mortis is a sentient weapon of chaotic good alignment, with an intelligence of 10, a wisdom of 14, and a charisma of 16. She can talk telepathically to whomever she is attuned to and she has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.

Personality Domina Mortis loves fighting, and will actively try to get the user to fight anything she sees as "evil," due to her years alone in the cave she loves finding new places and new sights to look at! If the user refuses to fight against a blatantly evil cause for too long she will unattune herself in protest.

Whisper-Quick Blade You can attack once as a bonus action with this blade regardless of if you attacked with it with your action.

Vicious Armament The Hummingbird Blade is a vorpal sword, as such you gain the following benefits: You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, the weapon ignores resistance to piercing damage. When you attack a creature that has at least one head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature's heads. The creature dies if it can't survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the DM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.

Dance of the Hummingbird Once per dawn you can speak a command phrase to cast haste on yourself without spending a spell slot or material components. This spell requires no concentration but will end early if you let go of the blade or receive any kind of effect that restores your hit points. The command phrase is thus: "Dance lady death, let my life follow you through glorious battle!"

Battle-Loving Blade The Hummingbird Blade vibrates with excitement whenever it senses a battle is at hand. As such, you can't be surprised while you are conscious and holding this weapon.

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