Fish of Slapping (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Club), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3)

The Fish of Slapping resembles a large or mid-sized fish, perhaps a mackerel or a salmon, with a slightly misshapen body which exudes a constant, pungent odor that lingers in the air. Unusually, this fish does not decay, maintaining its freshness despite the smell.

Magic Bonus. While wielding the Fish of Slapping, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon. This bonus is a +2 if the weapon is rare and +3 if it is very rare.

Slap of Humiliation. The first time a target is hit with the fish in a day, the creature must make a saving throw based on the fish's rarity:

  • Uncommon: DC 13 Wisdom
  • Rare: DC 15 Wisdom
  • Very Rare: DC 17 Wisdom
On a failed save, the creature is stunned until the end of its next turn.

"A fish may not be the most fearsome weapon, but its slaps are sure to leave a mark...both physically and mentally!"

Holy Mackerel from Team Fortress 2. Source: [| Team Fortress Wiki]
(one vote)

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