Silvermountains Runeblade (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (any two-handed blade), rare (requires attunement)

This enormous weapon towers above most people’s heads, almost too tall to carry around while being surprisingly lightweight. Its blade is clean, almost white, and vaguely shimmers blue, on closer inspection these reflections reveal magical runes written in giant onto the sides of the blade.

Mithral Blade:

  • The blade of This weapon is made of pure mithral. This magical weapon weights only half of its base weight and you have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.
  • While attuned to this weapon it loses its heavy property.
  • While attuned and wielded by a large or bigger creature this weapon loses its two-handed property.

Call of the Silvermountains: You can use a bonus action to speak its magic command word, instantly covering you and anything you are carrying in a thick layer of mithral. While you are covered you cannot take damage or move. You can see and hear as normal; you can also speak but no one further away than 5ft is able to understand you. This effect lasts up to one minute and you can use a bonus action to end this effect immediately. You cannot use this magical ability again until the next dawn.

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