Blush of Dawn (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (Katana), Rare (Requires Attunement)

This +1 katana steel is made with a hint of red as its grip is decorated with a rising dawn bring a new day, new life, and new beginnings. This blade is said in legends to make the cycle of dawn blush itself as it was forged in the span of one day on the mountain tops when dawn rose up, and when dusk had only but started.

Blushing Dawn As a bonus action, you can activate this blade's max potential. For one minute, this katana now becomes a +2 weapon and deals an additional 1d8 fire damage or 2d8 fire damage if the weapon's presence is at the face of dawn. Additionally, this blade can make precise attacks. When making attack rolls with this blade twice per usage of this feature, you can roll with advantage and three times if the weapon's presence is at the face of dawn. You can use this feature once per day.

A New Day, Life, and Beginning As an action, once per day, you can heal any creature of your choice in a 15 ft radius 3d8 hit points. Additionally, you give your allies a new perceptive on others new beginnings. Good or bad. Any creature that was in the healing radius also has a +2 on wisdom saving throws for 2 hours.

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