Hope's End (5e Equipment)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: When do the charges return (dawn, midnight, dusk, etc.) and do all the charges return, or 1/1d4-1 charges. When expending charges for properties, what action type is it(bonus or normal action)? Grasp of the wicked is underexplained.

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Design Note: This weapon is complementary to Painful Truth.

Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)

The longsword was forged in the nine hells from countless evil souls who lived over the millennia, it was created in the earliest days of the nine hells and continuously absorbed the souls of the worst individuals to ever live, their hate itself gives it power. The Sword has three charges (They recharge every long rest) which can be used to do the following:
Magic Weapon. Hope's End gains an additional damage die, and deals necrotic damage.

Hope's End. A being killed by this sword will have its soul absorbed into it and can't be brought back by anything less than a wish spell.

Hateful Slice. Fueled by the hate inside, You can expend 1 charge as an action to produce a clean precise slice which can cut directly trough armors and shields, the sword can cut trough any armor except heavy armors and any materials except adamantium. The damage that this sword deals in this way is 4d8.

Grasp of The Wicked. Seeing how far the one who uses the sword has come, the souls in the sword now fully obey their master and allow him to manifest their power. You can expend 1 charge as an to manifest three chains which hang down from their chest, the carrier can use their action/bonus action to connect the chains to a creature, once connected the creature is grappled and after all three chains are connected the creature is restrained as eight spectral hands suddenly emerge from the ground and hold the creature.

Dual Wielding. While attuned to both Hope's End and Painful Truth, the charges from both weapons add up to 6.

Soul Division. While attuned to both Hope's End and Painful Truth, you can expend 3 charges as an to have a ghastly chain emerge from the sword and connect itself to the carrier's soul and the body, the soul itself leaves their body for 1d4 of its own turns in which it acts as another separate being while the main body is being operated by the souls from the sword. They both have their own turns and actions.

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