All 3.5e Creatures
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- Aardvark (3.5e Creature)
- Aberration, Rubber Extract (3.5e Creature)
- Abyssal Phantom Fungus, Greater (3.5e Creature)
- Acrosapien, Keran (3.5e Creature)
- Adamantine Golem, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Adamantine Ooze (3.5e Creature)
- Adamithral Vault Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Adrammelech (3.5e Creature)
- Adsecula (3.5e Creature)
- Advanced Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Aegis (3.5e Creature)
- Aerolith (3.5e Creature)
- Aertai (3.5e Creature)
- Aether Elf Elder (3.5e Creature)
- Agarran (3.5e Creature)
- Agent Smith (3.5e Creature)
- Agony Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Akur (3.5e Creature)
- Akyanzi (3.5e Creature)
- Alien Queen (3.5e Creature)
- Alien Warrior (3.5e Creature)
- Allurin (3.5e Creature)
- Alpha Splinter (3.5e Creature)
- Amaranth (3.5e Creature)
- Amber Bee (3.5e Creature)
- Amber Dragon (Keran Creature)
- Amber Golem, Keran (3.5e Creature)
- Ancient Core Hound (3.5e Creature)
- Angel, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Anger (3.5e Creature)
- Anguan (3.5e Creature)
- Ani-Men (3.5e Type)
- Animated Pumpkin (3.5e Creature)
- Annihilator (3.5e Creature)
- Anomalocaris (3.5e Creature)
- Ant Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Ant Swarm, Army (3.5e Creature)
- Ant Swarm, Fire (3.5e Creature)
- Ant Swarm, Flying (3.5e Creature)
- Ant Swarm, Yellow (3.5e Creature)
- Anthropomorph (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Anthropomorphic Duckbunny (3.5e Creature)
- Anthropomorphic-Ape (3.5e Creature)
- Anubal Hound (3.5e Creature)
- Anubal Warden (3.5e Creature)
- AnvilFist (3.5e Creature)
- Arcano-Turret (3.5e Creature)
- Arcanosians (3.5e Creature)
- Arkhaal Wurm (3.5e Creature)
- Armadillo (3.5e Creature)
- Aroghin (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Arrowtongue (3.5e Creature)
- Ash Zombie (3.5e Creature)
- Assblaster (3.5e Creature)
- Asura (3.5e Creature)
- Atrocity Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Azure Guardian (3.5e Creature)
- Babble Fish (3.5e Creature)
- Badger Mole (3.5e Creature)
- Balaur (3.5e Creature)
- Balor, Cora Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Banshee Warrior (3.5e Creature)
- Barb Wire Worm (3.5e Creature)
- Barri Wight (3.5e Creature)
- Barrow-wight (3.5e Creature)
- Beachquill (3.5e Creature)
- Beastfolk (3.5e Subtype)
- Bee Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Beetle (3.5e Creature)
- Behemoth (3.5e Creature)
- Behemoth King (3.5e Creature)
- Belias (3.5e Creature)
- Berkrakwar (3.5e Creature)
- Bersaerkae (3.5e Creature)
- Big Lantern Ghost (3.5e Creature)
- Big McLargeHuge (3.5e Creature)
- Bitterbeetle (3.5e Creature)
- Bittercold Pudding (3.5e Creature)
- Black Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Black Entity (3.5e Creature)
- Black Leech (3.5e Creature)
- Black Tentacle (3.5e Creature)
- Blacklight Guard (3.5e Creature)
- Blight (3.5e Condition)
- Blink Drake (3.5e Creature)
- Blinkfolk (3.5e Creature)
- Blooberi (3.5e Creature)
- Blood Sludge (3.5e Creature)
- Bloodseeker (3.5e Creature)
- Boaboa (3.5e Creature)
- Bob Saget (3.5e Creature)
- Bodachan (3.5e Creature)
- Bohrok (3.5e Creature)
- Bokiin Axe Master (3.5e Creature)
- Bokiin Berserker (3.5e Creature)
- Bokiin Sergeant (3.5e Creature)
- Bokiin Soldier (3.5e Creature)
- Bonewheel Skeleton (3.5e Creature)
- Bonnacon (3.5e Creature)
- Boo (3.5e Creature)
- Borogon (3.5e Creature)
- Bowleg (3.5e Creature)
- Bowser (3.5e Creature)
- Brawn (3.5e Creature)
- Bread Spawn (3.5e Creature)
- Bright-light Vision (3.5e Creature Ability)
- Bronze (3.5e Creature)
- Brown Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Budgerigar (3.5e Creature)
- Bumble Bear (3.5e Creature)
- Bunbun Defender (3.5e Creature)
- Bunbun Rouge (3.5e Creature)
- Burnt Soul (3.5e Creature)
- Butthead (3.5e Creature)
- Byakhee (3.5e Creature)
- Cafter (3.5e Creature)
- Cairn (3.5e Creature)
- Cannith Wasp (3.5e Creature)
- Canocroc (3.5e Creature)
- Canuan (3.5e Creature)
- Carbuncle (3.5e Creature)
- Carnifex (3.5e Creature)
- Carnivorous Plant (3.5e Creature)
- Carrion Wurm (3.5e Creature)
- Carver Warrior (3.5e Creature)
- Catapult (3.5e Creature)
- Category:Evolution
- Category:Gremlin (3.5e Creature Overview)
- Catling (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Badger (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Baleen Whale (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Bison (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Black Bear (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Brown Bear (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Cachalot Whale (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Dire Badger (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Dire Bear (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Dire Lion (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Dog (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Eagle (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Elephant (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Giant Bee (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Giant Bombardier Beetle (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Giant Eagle (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Giant Fire Beetle (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Giant Owl (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Giant Stag Beetle (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Griffon (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Hippogriff (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Lion (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Monkey (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Monstrous Spider, Colossal (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Monstrous Spider, Gargantuan (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Monstrous Spider, Huge (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Monstrous Spider, Large (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Monstrous Spider, Medium (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Monstrous Spider, Small (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Orca Whale (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Owl (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Polar Bear (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Porpoise (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Riding Dog (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Roc (3.5e Creature)
- Celestial Triceratops (3.5e Creature)
- Cepholathe (3.5e Creature)
- Cerberus Pup (3.5e Creature)
- Chain Snake (3.5e Creature)
- Chain Snake, Dire (3.5e Creature)
- Champa (3.5e Creature)
- Champion Engine (3.5e Creature)
- Changeling Warrior (3.5e Creature)
- Chaos Elemental, Greater (3.5e Creature)
- Chaos Elemental, Lesser (3.5e Creature)
- Chef Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Chestburster (3.5e Creature)
- Chew'd Button (3.5e Creature)
- Child of Earth and Storm (3.5e Creature)
- Children (3.5e Creature)
- Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Chocobo Zombie (3.5e Creature)
- Chromatic Dwarf (3.5e Creature)
- Chuul, Greater (3.5e Creature)
- Cladonil (3.5e Creature)
- Clockwork Herald (3.5e Creature)
- Clockwork Owls Summon (3.5e Creature)
- Clockworker (3.5e Creature)
- Cloudrail Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Clubba (3.5e Creature)
- Cluster Soldier (3.5e Creature)
- Coalgobbler (3.5e Creature)
- Cockworm (3.5e Creature)
- Collector Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Condor (3.5e Creature)
- Controller (3.5e Creature)
- Cooler Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Core Hound (3.5e Creature)
- Cow Sniper (3.5e Creature)
- Crab (3.5e Creature)
- Crab with a Knife (3.5e Creature)
- Create Spawn (3.5e Creature Ability)
- Crested Lizardfolk (3.5e Creature)
- Crew of Maid Mary (3.5e Creature)
- Crickori (3.5e Creature)
- Critter (3.5e Creature)
- Crool (3.5e Creature)
- Crypt Chanter (3.5e Creature)
- Crystal Abomination (3.5e Creature)
- Crystal Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Crystal Elemental, Greater (3.5e Creature)
- Cuddles (3.5e Creature)
- Cyclops (3.5e Creature)
- Daeijine Illithid (3.5e Creature)
- Daggerwrist (3.5e Creature)
- Dalek (3.5e Creature)
- Dark Adept (3.5e Creature)
- Dark Blue Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Darkling (3.5e Creature)
- Darkmote Cloud (3.5e Creature)
- Daughter of Roses (3.5e Creature)
- Daughters of Mothers Three (3.5e Creature)
- Daylight Powerlessness (3.5e Creature Ability)
- Dazreth (3.5e Creature)
- Dead Gentleman (3.5e Creature)
- Deann-Trù (3.5e Creature)
- Death Bat (3.5e Creature)
- Death Teddy (3.5e Creature)
- Deathless (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Deathtongue (3.5e Creature)
- Deep One (3.5e Creature)
- Deer (3.5e Creature)
- Demi Cat (3.5e Creature)
- Demi Fox Creature (3.5e Creature)
- Demi Wolf Creature (3.5e Creature)
- Demitalpan Hound (3.5e Creature)
- Deprived (3.5e Creature)
- Desert Centipede (3.5e Creature)
- Desert Lizard (3.5e Creature)
- Destradoloth (3.5e Creature)
- Devourer Demon (3.5e Creature)
- Diablos Summon (3.5e Creature)
- Dikapi (3.5e Creature)
- Dimidium Troll (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Borogon (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Cat (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Flying Squirrel (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Half-Dragon Ape (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Half-Dragon Wolverine (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Hummingbird (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Hyena (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Monitor Lizard (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Panda (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Panther (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Rabbit (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Shadowrat (3.5e Creature)
- Dire Snapping Turtle (3.5e Creature)
- Dizzywing Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Doodle Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Draconae (3.5e Creature)
- Dragon Sire (3.5e Creature)
- Dragona (3.5e Creature)
- Dragonet (3.5e Creature)
- Drainer (3.5e Creature)
- Draining Melody (3.5e Creature Ability)
- Dread Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Drecko, Riding (3.5e Creature)
- Dreg Colossus (3.5e Creature)
- Dreg Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Dreg Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Dreg Titan (3.5e Creature)
- Drilthids (3.5e Creature)
- Drird (3.5e Creature)
- Drone Splinter (3.5e Creature)
- Drunkard Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Dry Bones (3.5e Creature)
- Dry Dragon (Keran Creature)
- Dryad, Darkwood (3.5e Creature)
- Duckbunny (3.5e Creature)
- Ducky-Horsie (3.5e Creature)
- Dullahan (3.5e Creature)
- Dune Lizard, Heavy (Keran Creature)
- Dune Lizard, Light (Keran Creature)
- Dunner (3.5e Creature)
- Dusk Elves (3.5e Creature)
- Dweomerling (3.5e Creature)
- Dwimmerlaik (3.5e Creature)
- Eagle priest of Obad-Hai (3.5e Creature)
- Earth Tyrant (3.5e Creature)
- Eater of Worlds (3.5e Creature)
- Elder Sand Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Eldrazi Walker (3.5e Creature)
- Electrum Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Eleionomae (3.5e Creature)
- Elf Warrior (3.5e Creature)
- Elite Splinter (3.5e Creature)
- Emperor Sea Strider (3.5e Creature)
- Emperor Sea Strider Nymph (3.5e Creature)
- Eponine (3.5e Creature)
- Equan (3.5e Creature)
- Erradiagos (3.5e Creature)
- Erythropine (3.5e Creature)
- Esquilax (3.5e Creature)
- Essence of Merihem (3.5e Creature)
- Evil Sucking Thing of Doom (3.5e Creature)
- Eximus (3.5e Creature)
- Extra-Terrain (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Eye Filly (3.5e Creature)
- Eye King (3.5e Creature)
- Facehugger (3.5e Creature)
- Faelcuvyn (3.5e Creature)
- Fairy Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Falcon (3.5e Creature)
- False Hydra (Adult, 6 heads) (3.5e Creature)
- Fast Headcrab (3.5e Creature)
- Feline (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Feltar (3.5e Creature)
- Felyn, Disgaea (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Ape (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Boar (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Bokiin Berserker (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Crocodile (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Deinonychus (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Dire Ape (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Dire Bat (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Dire Boar (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Dire Rat (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Dire Shark (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Dire Tiger (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Dire Weasel (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Dire Wolf (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Dire Wolverine (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Elasmosaurus (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Giant Crocodile (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Giant Octopus (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Giant Praying Mantis (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Giant Squid (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Giant Wasp (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Girallon (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Hawk (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Megaraptor (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Centipede, Colossal (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Centipede, Gargantuan (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Centipede, Huge (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Centipede, Large (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Centipede, Medium (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Gargantuan (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Huge (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Large (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Medium (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion, Small (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Spider, Colossal (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Spider, Gargantuan (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Spider, Huge (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Spider, Large (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Spider, Medium (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Monstrous Spider, Small (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Octopus (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Raven (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Rhinoceros (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Shark, Huge (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Shark, Large (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Shark, Medium (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Snake, Constrictor (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Snake, Giant Constrictor (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Snake, Huge Viper (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Snake, Large Viper (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Snake, Medium Viper (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Snake, Small Viper (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Squid (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Tiger (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Tyrannosaurus (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Wolf (3.5e Creature)
- Fiendish Wolverine (3.5e Creature)
- Fire Elf (3.5e Creature)
- Fire Mouse (3.5e Creature)
- Fire Scorpion (3.5e Creature)
- Fireball, Living Epic (3.5e Creature)
- Firebloom Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Firemane (3.5e Creature)
- Firqas (3.5e Creature)
- Fladioan (3.5e Creature)
- Flame Imp (3.5e Creature)
- Flame Sprite (3.5e Creature)
- Flame Zombie (3.5e Creature)
- Flaredrake Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Flatworm (3.5e Creature)
- Flesh Atronach (3.5e Creature)
- Flesh Caller (Brute) (3.5e Creature)
- Flesh Caller (Wizard) (3.5e Creature)
- Flesh Filcher (3.5e Creature)
- Floro Sapien (3.5e Creature)
- Flowering Death (3.5e Creature)
- Fluxagon (3.5e Creature)
- Fly (3.5e Creature)
- Fooling (3.5e Creature)
- Forgefire Behemoth (3.5e Creature)
- Forgefire Destrier (3.5e Creature)
- Forgefire Hound (3.5e Creature)
- Forgespark Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Fox, Red (3.5e Creature)
- Fox-Squirrel (3.5e Creature)
- Freyan Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Frog (3.5e Creature)
- Frost Ettin (3.5e Creature)
- Frozen Shade (3.5e Creature)
- Fungus Beast (3.5e Creature)
- Fuzzy (3.5e Creature)
- Fyre Fiend (3.5e Creature)
- Fyrthig (3.5e Creature)
- Gaea's Skyfolk (3.5e Creature)
- Gajalaka (3.5e Creature)
- Gateguard Personnel (3.5e Creature)
- Gear (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Gear Actua (3.5e Creature)
- Gehonalloth (3.5e Creature)
- Gelatinous Pudding, Elder (3.5e Creature)
- Geliefd (3.5e Creature)
- Gemini (3.5e Creature)
- Gemron (3.5e Creature)
- Gene Simmons (3.5e Creature)
- Geostase (3.5e Creature)
- Ghast, Deathless (3.5e Creature)
- Giant Amoeba (3.5e Creature)
- Giant Beetles (3.5e Creature)
- Giant Dwarven War Hound (3.5e Creature)
- Giant Frog (3.5e Creature)
- Giant Toad (3.5e Creature)
- Giant Whelk (3.5e Creature)
- Gibling (3.5e Creature)
- Gift Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Gingerbread Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Giraffa polycephalic camelopardalis (3.5e Creature)
- Glaicon (3.5e Creature)
- Glop Knight (3.5e Creature)
- Glow (3.5e Creature)
- Gnarlwick (3.5e Creature)
- Goat (3.5e Creature)
- Goblin, Brute (Herregor Supplement)
- Goblin, Fey (3.5e Creature)
- Goblin, Pansaer (3.5e Creature)
- Goblin, Skulker (Herregor Supplement)
- Goblin, Trickster (Herregor Supplement)
- Godslayer Warrior (3.5e Creature)
- Gol Nokaad (3.5e Creature)
- Gold Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Gold Dragon, Cora Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Gold Speckled Demon (3.5e Creature)
- Golden Hen (3.5e Creature)
- Golem, Mercury (3.5e Creature)
- Goliath Frog (3.5e Creature)
- Goliath, Pansaer (3.5e Creature)
- Goobear the Strapping Immorality (3.5e Creature)
- Good Black Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Good Brown Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Good Dark Blue Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Good Gold Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Good Gray Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Good Green Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Good Light Blue Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Good Purple Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Good Red Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Good White Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Good Yellow Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Goomba (3.5e Creature)
- Gore Magala (3.5e Creature)
- Grabby Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Grablit (3.5e Creature)
- Graboid (3.5e Creature)
- Grand Nagualdl (3.5e Creature)
- Grave Hunter (3.5e Creature)
- Gray Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Gray One (3.5e Creature)
- Great Black Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Great Brown Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Great Dark Blue Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Great Flower (3.5e Creature)
- Great Gold Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Great Gray Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Great Green Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Great Guardian of Aramaethia (3.5e Creature)
- Great Light Blue Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Great Purple Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Great Red Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Great Unclean One (3.5e Creature)
- Great White Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Great White Handkerchief (3.5e Creature)
- Great Yellow Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Greater Dog Undertale (3.5e Creature)
- Greater Dreg Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Greater Lycanthrope (3.5e Creature)
- Greater Mudman (3.5e Creature)
- Greater Sand Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Greater Stirge (3.5e Creature)
- Green Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Green Death (3.5e Creature)
- Green Spider Dragon, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Greenskin Boy (3.5e Creature)
- Gremlin (3.5e Creature)
- Gremlin Bat (3.5e Creature)
- Gremlin Blue Half-Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Gremlin Half-Fiend (3.5e Creature)
- Gremlin Ruster (3.5e Creature)
- Gremlin Spider (3.5e Creature)
- Gremlins (3.5e Creature)
- Grey Dragon, Gnarlackian (3.5e Race)
- Greymon (3.5e Creature)
- Grife (3.5e Creature)
- Griffon, Psitigris (3.5e Creature)
- Gritaur (3.5e Creature)
- Grot (3.5e Creature)
- Groveback (3.5e Creature)
- Grugach (3.5e Creature)
- Gyro (3.5e Creature)
- Gyrosprinter (3.5e Creature)
- Hades Summon (3.5e Creature)
- Half-Brown Dragon Ancient Greater Mudman (3.5e Creature)
- Half-Celestial Heavy Warhorse (3.5e Creature)
- Half-Hobgoblin (3.5e Creature)
- Halja (3.5e Creature)
- Happy Bunny (3.5e Creature)
- Hashka, 1st-Level Warrior (3.5e Creature)
- Hauntling (3.5e Creature)
- Hawk Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Headcrab (3.5e Creature)
- Headcrab Zombie (3.5e Creature)
- Heart Scarab (3.5e Creature)
- Heavy Horse Skeleton (3.5e Creature)
- Hellball, Living Epic (3.5e Creature)
- Henger (3.5e Creature)
- Heni (3.5e Creature)
- Hexer's Lackey (3.5e Creature)
- Hiveforge Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Hoar Fox (3.5e Creature)
- Hobgoblin Monk (3.5e Creature)
- Hollow (3.5e Creature)
- Horned Ghost (3.5e Creature)
- Hornet Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Horrid Tiger (3.5e Creature)
- Houou (3.5e Creature)
- Housefly (3.5e Creature)
- Hover (3.5e Creature Ability)
- Howling Hopper Mouse (3.5e Creature)
- Huge Monstrous Spider, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Huge Sand Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Humankind (3.5e Creature Type)
- Humidifier Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Hunch (3.5e Creature)
- Hybrid 3rd Class Warrior (3.5e Creature)
- Hydra, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Hydravise (3.5e Creature)
- Hypno-TV (3.5e Creature)
- Ice Cap Undertale (3.5e Creature)
- Ice Ghost (3.5e Creature)
- Ice Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Ice Skeleton (3.5e Creature)
- Ifrit Summon (3.5e Creature)
- Imp, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Implacable (3.5e Creature)
- Incarnate Construct Maug (3.5e Creature)
- Incarnation (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Incorporeal Touch (3.5e Creature Ability)
- Inooa (3.5e Creature)
- Inooa, Blob (3.5e Creature)
- Inooa, Core (3.5e Creature)
- Inooa, Hulk (3.5e Creature)
- Inooa, Loaf (3.5e Creature)
- Inooa, Wing (3.5e Creature)
- Iron Bird (3.5e Creature)
- Iron Knuckle (3.5e Creature)
- Ironshell Beetle (3.5e Creature)
- Ironspine (3.5e Creature Overview)
- Ironspine, Adult (3.5e Creature)
- Ironspine, Elder (3.5e Creature)
- Ironspine, Hatchling (3.5e Creature)
- Ironspine, Juvenile (3.5e Creature)
- Ironspine, Venerable (3.5e Creature)
- Ironspine, Yearling (3.5e Creature)
- Ixen Ia'ejah'iv (3.5e Creature)
- Kaleid Ooze (3.5e Creature)
- Kalhadrin (3.5e Creature)
- Kalkara (3.5e Creature)
- Kangaroo (3.5e Creature)
- Karrnathi Battlemaster (3.5e Creature)
- Karrnathi Elite Skeleton (3.5e Creature)
- Karrnathi Elite Zombie (3.5e Creature)
- Keenblade Mutant (3.5e Creature)
- Kenilath (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Khezu (3.5e Creature)
- Kibble (3.5e Creature)
- Killer Frog (3.5e Creature)
- Kinzom spore (3.5e Creature)
- Kiren (3.5e Creature)
- Kittelar (3.5e Creature)
- Kizhan'Tri, Blindness Devil (3.5e Creature)
- Klik (3.5e Creature)
- Kodama (3.5e Creature)
- Kolar (3.5e Creature)
- Kolir (3.5e Creature)
- Koloss (3.5e Creature)
- Konkyah (3.5e Creature)
- Koopa Troopa (3.5e Creature)
- Kopi Doll (3.5e Creature)
- Kopi Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Koteshki Kolju (3.5e Creature)
- Kraata (3.5e Creature)
- Krainos Delta (3.5e Creature)
- Krana (3.5e Creature)
- Kril'ti (3.5e Creature)
- Kronin (3.5e Creature)
- Kroot (3.5e Creature)
- Kurg Godslayer (3.5e Creature)
- Laborer (3.5e Creature)
- Lacerti (3.5e Creature)
- Lancer (3.5e Creature)
- Lantern Dog (3.5e Creature)
- Lap Dog (3.5e Creature)
- Lapahn (3.5e Creature)
- Lappen (3.5e Creature)
- Large Cat Mount (3.5e Creature)
- Large Monstrous Spider, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Larpyx (3.5e Creature)
- Leader of the Hunt (3.5e Creature)
- Legion Michael (3.5e Creature)
- Leon (3.5e Creature)
- Lesser Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Lesser Finger Horror (3.5e Creature)
- Lesser Mudman (3.5e Creature)
- Lesser Vile Minion (3.5e Creature)
- Lethus Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Light Blue Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Light Elemental, Greater (3.5e Creature)
- Light Elemental, Lesser (3.5e Creature)
- Lightmote Cloud (3.5e Creature)
- Lightning Brother (3.5e Creature)
- Lightning Whelk (3.5e Creature)
- Liopleurodon (3.5e Creature)
- Liquan (3.5e Creature)
- Little Red (3.5e Creature)
- Littoralope (3.5e Creature)
- Living Dead (3.5e Creature)
- Living Fortress (3.5e Creature)
- Living Servant (Keran Creature)
- Living Water (3.5e Creature)
- Loftwing (3.5e Creature)
- Logos (3.5e Creature)
- Loxellion (3.5e Creature)
- Lukaamos (3.5e Creature)
- Luminous Shark (3.5e Creature)
- Lumrenescim Rainlight (3.5e Deity)
- Lupsan (3.5e Creature)
- Lure (3.5e Creature)
- Lychguard (3.5e Creature)
- Lying beast (3.5e Creature)
- Lynx (3.5e Creature)
- MacGuffin (3.5e Creature)
- Madness Devil (3.5e Creature)
- Magma Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Magmadar (3.5e Creature)
- Magmoblin (3.5e Creature)
- Major Creature (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Maker Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Malboro (3.5e Creature)
- Mallenoctus (3.5e Creature)
- Maneater Crab (3.5e Creature)
- Mangot (3.5e Creature)
- Mankey (3.5e Creature)
- Mantis Shrimp, Giant (3.5e Creature)
- Mark of the Hero (3.5e Template)
- Masked Brute (3.5e Creature)
- Masked Horror (3.5e Creature)
- Mateus (3.5e Creature)
- Maxulaw (3.5e Creature)
- Meara, LotR (3.5e Creature)
- Mechanical Hound (3.5e Creature)
- Mechanoid War Machine, Average (3.5e Creature)
- Mechanoid War Machine, Greater (3.5e Creature)
- Mechanoid War Machine, Least (3.5e Creature)
- Mechanoid War Machine, Lesser (3.5e Creature)
- Medium Ice Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Medium Monstrous Spider, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Medium Positive Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Meerkat (3.5e Creature)
- Megalith (3.5e Creature)
- Memory Eater (3.5e Creature)
- Menas (3.5e Creature)
- Mermaid (3.5e Creature)
- Merwyl (3.5e Creature)
- Metal Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Metal Elemental Monolith, Black (3.5e Creature)
- Metal Elemental Monolith, Death (3.5e Creature)
- Metal Elemental Monolith, Doom (3.5e Creature)
- Metal Elemental Monolith, Folk (3.5e Creature)
- Metal Elemental Monolith, Heavy (3.5e Creature)
- Metal Elemental Monolith, Thrash (3.5e Creature)
- Metal Elemental, Primal (3.5e Creature)
- Metal Elemental, Primal, Neutronium (3.5e Creature)
- Metal Elemental, Primal, Orichalcum (3.5e Creature)
- Metroid (3.5e Creature)
- Microhurler Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Mimic, Advanced (3.5e Creature)
- Mini Troll (3.5e Creature)
- Minyun (3.5e Creature)
- Mirror Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Mirror Golem, Greater (3.5e Creature)
- Mist Devil (3.5e Creature)
- Mithril Colossus (3.5e Creature)
- Moblin (3.5e Creature)
- Mogwai (3.5e Creature)
- Mogwai Half-Celestial (3.5e Creature)
- Mohrg, Deathless (3.5e Creature)
- Molten Giant (3.5e Creature)
- Mongrel (3.5e Creature)
- Moose (3.5e Creature)
- Morbidly Obese Abomination (A.K.A. Bertha) (3.5e Creature)
- Mountain Giant (3.5e Creature)
- Mountain Sheep (3.5e Creature)
- Mudman (3.5e Creature)
- Mulskroo Rogue (3.5e Creature)
- Muqua (3.5e Creature)
- Mushizo Toad (3.5e Creature)
- Mushku (3.5e Creature)
- Mycelian Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Myrddraal (3.5e Creature)
- Mystic Snake (3.5e Creature)
- Mûmak, LotR (3.5e Creature)
- Nacre Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Naiad (3.5e Creature)
- Nargacuga (3.5e Creature)
- Necrolith (3.5e Creature)
- Necromind (3.5e Creature)
- Needlekin (3.5e Creature)
- Nesthene Crawler, Valshock (3.5e Creature)
- Nezna Beast (3.5e Creature)
- Nightcrawler, Deathless (3.5e Creature)
- Nightgaunt (3.5e Creature)
- Nighthunter (3.5e Creature)
- Null Elemental, Greater (3.5e Creature)
- Null Elemental, Lesser (3.5e Creature)
- Numbed (3.5e Condition)
- Nur'arakos (3.5e Creature)
- Nymph, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- OGC:Bloodhound (3.5e Creature)
- OGC:Magehound (3.5e Creature)
- OOZe, Epic (3.5e Creature)
- Obruss (3.5e Creature)
- Oderus Urungus (3.5e Creature)
- Ogre Jelly (3.5e Creature)
- Ogre Wolf (3.5e Creature)
- Ohmu, Forest Guardian (3.5e Creature)
- Olympus Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Omega Weapon (3.5e Creature)
- Omnicide Theoshell Redux (3.5e Creature)
- Onikage (3.5e Creature)
- Opalogene (3.5e Creature)
- Orange Slime (3.5e Creature)
- Orboid (3.5e Creature)
- Order Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Ostrich (3.5e Creature)
- Pandora (3.5e Creature)
- Panther (3.5e Creature)
- Paper Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Papyrus Undertale (3.5e Creature)
- Paragon Legendary Bear (3.5e Creature)
- Paragon Werewolf (3.5e Creature)
- Parasite (3.5e Creature)
- Parrot (3.5e Creature)
- Pawn (3.5e Creature)
- Peacekeeper Agent (3.5e Creature)
- Peafowl (3.5e Creature)
- Pearl Walker (3.5e Creature)
- Peccary (3.5e Creature)
- Peon (3.5e Creature)
- Phanaton (3.5e Creature)
- Phantom Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Phantom Nishoba (3.5e Creature)
- Phantom Tiger (3.5e Creature)
- Philosoraptor (3.5e Creature)
- Phlegonian Dragon (3.5e Creatue)
- Phoenix (3.5e Creature)
- Phoenix Elves (3.5e Creature)
- Pigorc (3.5e Creature)
- Pike (3.5e Creature)
- Piranha Plant (3.5e Creature)
- Plague Dragon (Keran Creature)
- Plains Dragon (Keran Creature)
- Planetouched (Goroth) (3.5e Creature)
- Plasma ooze (3.5e Creature)
- Plasmid Dragon (3.5e Creature Overview)
- Plaything of Tzakarath (3.5e Creature)
- Plushie Gunner (3.5e Creature)
- Pocket Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Poison Dart Frog (3.5e Creature)
- Poison Headcrab (3.5e Creature)
- Polypuan (3.5e Creature)
- Poor Black Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Poor Brown Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Poor Dark Blue Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Poor Gold Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Poor Gray Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Poor Green Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Poor Light Blue Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Poor Purple Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Poor Red Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Poor White Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Poor Yellow Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Pop Bee (3.5e Creature)
- Positive Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Praetorian (3.5e Creature)
- Praetorian Splinter (3.5e Creature)
- Primal Storm Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Primeval (3.5e Creature)
- Primeval, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Protean-Above-All (3.5e Deity)
- Psi Dragons (3.5e Creature)
- Psion Hunter (3.5e Creature)
- Psychic Construct (3.5e Creature Overview)
- Psychotic Charger (3.5e Creature)
- Puncher Homunclus (3.5e Creature)
- Purple Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Pylraster (3.5e Creature)
- Pyx (3.5e Creature)
- Rabbit (3.5e Creature)
- Radiant Angel (3.5e Creature)
- Ragnorakling (3.5e Creature)
- Rakshasa, Naz'nakya (3.5e Creature)
- Rat, Epic (3.5e Creature)
- Raven Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Rayback (3.5e Creature)
- Razor Bite (3.5e Feat)
- Razor Boar (3.5e Creature)
- Razor Fish (3.5e Creature)
- Reality Giant (3.5e Creature)
- Reaper of Utiolth (3.5e Creature)
- Reaver (3.5e Creature)
- Red Bird (3.5e Creature)
- Red Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Red Dragon, Cora Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Red-Eye (3.5e Creature)
- Reeker (3.5e Creature)
- Reinforced Plating (3.5e Creature Ability)
- Replicator (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Replicator, Dreadnaught (3.5e Creature)
- Replicator, Drone (3.5e Creature)
- Replicator, Overseer (3.5e Creature)
- Replicator, Scout (3.5e Creature)
- Replicator, Sentinel (3.5e Creature)
- Reptoid (3.5e Creature)
- Revenant (3.5e Creature)
- Ribbit (3.5e Creature)
- Ribbon Maiden (3.5e Creature)
- Riding Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Ridley (3.5e Creature)
- Ritova (3.5e Creature)
- Roadrunner (3.5e Creature)
- Rock Crab (3.5e Creature)
- Rock Frog (3.5e Creature)
- Rock Worm (3.5e Creature)
- Rot Worm (3.5e Creature)
- Rotund'jere (3.5e Creature)
- Royal Incinerator (3.5e Creature)
- Rubber Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Ruffian (3.5e Creature)
- Rust Rat (3.5e Creature)
- SRD:1st-Level Astral Construct
- SRD:2nd-Level Astral Construct
- SRD:3rd-Level Astral Construct
- SRD:4th-Level Astral Construct
- SRD:5th-Level Astral Construct
- SRD:6th-Level Astral Construct
- SRD:7th-Level Astral Construct
- SRD:8th-Level Astral Construct
- SRD:9th-Level Astral Construct
- SRD:Aasimar
- SRD:Aboleth
- SRD:Aboleth Mage
- SRD:Abomination
- SRD:Abyssal Greater Basilisk
- SRD:Achaierai
- SRD:Adamantine Golem
- SRD:Adult Arrowhawk
- SRD:Adult Tojanida
- SRD:Advanced Megaraptor Skeleton
- SRD:Advanced Mummy
- SRD:Air Elemental
- SRD:Air Mephit
- SRD:Allip
- SRD:Anaxim
- SRD:Androsphinx
- SRD:Angel
- SRD:Animated Object
- SRD:Ankheg
- SRD:Annis
- SRD:Ape
- SRD:Aranea
- SRD:Archon
- SRD:Arrowhawk
- SRD:Assassin Vine
- SRD:Astral Construct
- SRD:Astral Deva
- SRD:Athach
- SRD:Atropal
- SRD:Average Salamander
- SRD:Average Xorn
- SRD:Avoral
- SRD:Azer
- SRD:Babau
- SRD:Baboon
- SRD:Badger
- SRD:Baleen Whale
- SRD:Balor
- SRD:Barbed Devil
- SRD:Barghest
- SRD:Basilisk
- SRD:Bat
- SRD:Bat Swarm
- SRD:Bearded Devil
- SRD:Bebilith
- SRD:Behemoth Eagle
- SRD:Behemoth Gorilla
- SRD:Behir
- SRD:Beholder
- SRD:Belker
- SRD:Bison
- SRD:Black Bear
- SRD:Black Dragon
- SRD:Black Pudding
- SRD:Blink Dog
- SRD:Blue
- SRD:Blue Dragon
- SRD:Boar
- SRD:Bodak
- SRD:Bone Devil
- SRD:Brachyurus
- SRD:Brain Mole
- SRD:Bralani
- SRD:Brass Dragon
- SRD:Bronze Dragon
- SRD:Brown Bear
- SRD:Bugbear
- SRD:Bugbear Zombie
- SRD:Bulette
- SRD:Cachalot Whale
- SRD:Caller In Darkness
- SRD:Camel
- SRD:Cat
- SRD:Cauchemar Nightmare
- SRD:Celestial Charger
- SRD:Centaur
- SRD:Centipede Swarm
- SRD:Cerebrilith
- SRD:Chain Devil
- SRD:Chaos Beast
- SRD:Chaotic Creatures
- SRD:Chaotic Evil Creature
- SRD:Chaotic Good Creature
- SRD:Chaotic Neutral Creature
- SRD:Cheetah
- SRD:Chichimec
- SRD:Chimera
- SRD:Chimera Skeleton
- SRD:Choker
- SRD:Chuul
- SRD:Clay Golem
- SRD:Cloaker
- SRD:Cloud Giant
- SRD:Cloud Giant Skeleton
- SRD:Cockatrice
- SRD:Colossal Animated Object
- SRD:Colossal Monstrous Centipede
- SRD:Colossal Monstrous Scorpion
- SRD:Colossal Monstrous Spider
- SRD:Colossal Size
- SRD:Colossus
- SRD:Constrictor Snake
- SRD:Copper Dragon
- SRD:Couatl
- SRD:Creature Types
- SRD:Creatures by CR
- SRD:Creatures by Environment
- SRD:Creatures by Type
- SRD:Criosphinx
- SRD:Crocodile
- SRD:Crysmal
- SRD:Dark Naga
- SRD:Darkmantle
- SRD:Deinonychus
- SRD:Delver
- SRD:Demon
- SRD:Derro
- SRD:Destrachan
- SRD:Devastation Beetle
- SRD:Devastation Centipede
- SRD:Devastation Scorpion
- SRD:Devastation Spider
- SRD:Devil
- SRD:Devourer
- SRD:Digester
- SRD:Diminutive Size
- SRD:Dinosaur
- SRD:Dire Animal
- SRD:Dire Ape
- SRD:Dire Badger
- SRD:Dire Bat
- SRD:Dire Bear
- SRD:Dire Boar
- SRD:Dire Lion
- SRD:Dire Rat
- SRD:Dire Shark
- SRD:Dire Tiger
- SRD:Dire Weasel
- SRD:Dire Wolf
- SRD:Dire Wolverine
- SRD:Djinni
- SRD:Dog
- SRD:Donkey
- SRD:Doppelganger
- SRD:Dragon Turtle
- SRD:Dragonne
- SRD:Dread Wraith
- SRD:Dream Larva
- SRD:Dretch
- SRD:Drider
- SRD:Dromite
- SRD:Drow
- SRD:Dryad
- SRD:Duergar
- SRD:Dust Mephit
- SRD:Dwarf
- SRD:Eagle
- SRD:Earth Elemental
- SRD:Earth Mephit
- SRD:Efreeti
- SRD:Eight-Headed Hydra
- SRD:Elan
- SRD:Elasmosaurus
- SRD:Elder Air Elemental
- SRD:Elder Arrowhawk
- SRD:Elder Black Pudding
- SRD:Elder Earth Elemental
- SRD:Elder Fire Elemental
- SRD:Elder Titan
- SRD:Elder Tojanida
- SRD:Elder Treant
- SRD:Elder Water Elemental
- SRD:Elder Xorn
- SRD:Elemental
- SRD:Elephant
- SRD:Eleven-Headed Hydra
- SRD:Elf
- SRD:Erinyes
- SRD:Ethereal Filcher
- SRD:Ethereal Marauder
- SRD:Ettercap
- SRD:Ettin
- SRD:Ettin Skeleton
- SRD:Evil Creatures
- SRD:Fine Size
- SRD:Fire Elemental
- SRD:Fire Giant
- SRD:Fire Mephit
- SRD:Five-Headed Hydra
- SRD:Flamebrother Salamander
- SRD:Flesh Colossus
- SRD:Flesh Golem
- SRD:Flesh Harrower Puppeteer
- SRD:Folugub
- SRD:Force Dragon
- SRD:Formian
- SRD:Formian Myrmarch
- SRD:Formian Queen
- SRD:Formian Taskmaster
- SRD:Formian Warrior
- SRD:Formian Worker
- SRD:Frost Giant
- SRD:Frost Giant Jarl
- SRD:Frost Worm
- SRD:Gargantuan Animated Object
- SRD:Gargantuan Monstrous Centipede
- SRD:Gargantuan Monstrous Scorpion
- SRD:Gargantuan Monstrous Spider
- SRD:Gargantuan Size
- SRD:Gargoyle
- SRD:Gelatinous Cube
- SRD:Genie
- SRD:Genius Loci
- SRD:Ghaele
- SRD:Ghast
- SRD:Ghoul
- SRD:Giant
- SRD:Giant Ant
- SRD:Giant Ant Queen
- SRD:Giant Ant Soldier
- SRD:Giant Ant Worker
- SRD:Giant Bee
- SRD:Giant Bombardier Beetle
- SRD:Giant Constrictor Snake
- SRD:Giant Crocodile
- SRD:Giant Eagle
- SRD:Giant Fire Beetle
- SRD:Giant Octopus
- SRD:Giant Owl
- SRD:Giant Praying Mantis
- SRD:Giant Squid
- SRD:Giant Stag Beetle
- SRD:Giant Wasp
- SRD:Gibbering Mouther
- SRD:Gibbering Orb
- SRD:Girallon
- SRD:Glabrezu
- SRD:Gloom
- SRD:Gnoll
- SRD:Gnome
- SRD:Goblin
- SRD:Gold Dragon
- SRD:Golden Protector
- SRD:Golem
- SRD:Good Creatures
- SRD:Gorgon
- SRD:Gray Glutton
- SRD:Gray Ooze
- SRD:Gray Render
- SRD:Gray Render Zombie
- SRD:Greater Air Elemental
- SRD:Greater Barghest
- SRD:Greater Earth Elemental
- SRD:Greater Fire Elemental
- SRD:Greater Shadow
- SRD:Greater Stone Golem
- SRD:Greater Water Elemental
- SRD:Green Dragon
- SRD:Green Hag
- SRD:Grick
- SRD:Griffon
- SRD:Grig
- SRD:Grimlock
- SRD:Guardian Naga
- SRD:Gynosphinx
- SRD:Ha-Naga
- SRD:Hag
- SRD:Hagunemnon
- SRD:Half-Giant
- SRD:Halfling
- SRD:Harpy
- SRD:Harpy Archer
- SRD:Hawk
- SRD:Heavy Horse
- SRD:Heavy Warhorse
- SRD:Hecatoncheires
- SRD:Hell Hound
- SRD:Hellcat
- SRD:Hellwasp Swarm
- SRD:Hezrou
- SRD:Hieracosphinx
- SRD:Hill Giant
- SRD:Hill Giant Dire Wereboar
- SRD:Hippogriff
- SRD:Hoary Hunter
- SRD:Hoary Steed
- SRD:Hobgoblin
- SRD:Homunculus
- SRD:Horned Devil
- SRD:Horse
- SRD:Hound Archon
- SRD:Hound Archon Hero
- SRD:Howler
- SRD:Huge Air Elemental
- SRD:Huge Animated Object
- SRD:Huge Earth Elemental
- SRD:Huge Fire Elemental
- SRD:Huge Monstrous Centipede
- SRD:Huge Monstrous Scorpion
- SRD:Huge Monstrous Spider
- SRD:Huge Shark
- SRD:Huge Size
- SRD:Huge Viper
- SRD:Huge Water Elemental
- SRD:Human
- SRD:Human Warrior Skeleton
- SRD:Human Zombie
- SRD:Hunefer
- SRD:Hydra
- SRD:Hyena
- SRD:Ice Devil
- SRD:Ice Mephit
- SRD:Imp
- SRD:Inevitable
- SRD:Infernal
- SRD:Intellect Devourer
- SRD:Invisible Stalker
- SRD:Iron Colossus
- SRD:Iron Golem
- SRD:Janni
- SRD:Juvenile Arrowhawk
- SRD:Juvenile Tojanida
- SRD:Kapoacinth
- SRD:Kobold
- SRD:Kobold Zombie
- SRD:Kolyarut
- SRD:Kraken
- SRD:Krenshar
- SRD:Lacedon
- SRD:Lamia
- SRD:Lammasu
- SRD:Lantern Archon
- SRD:Large Air Elemental
- SRD:Large Animated Object
- SRD:Large Earth Elemental
- SRD:Large Fire Elemental
- SRD:Large Monstrous Centipede
- SRD:Large Monstrous Scorpion
- SRD:Large Monstrous Spider
- SRD:Large Shark
- SRD:Large Size
- SRD:Large Viper
- SRD:Large Water Elemental
- SRD:Lavawight
- SRD:Lawful Creatures
- SRD:Lawful Evil Creature
- SRD:Lawful Good Creature
- SRD:Lawful Neutral Creature
- SRD:Legendary Bear
- SRD:Legendary Tiger
- SRD:Lemure
- SRD:Leonal
- SRD:Leopard
- SRD:Leshay
- SRD:Light Horse
- SRD:Light Warhorse
- SRD:Lillend
- SRD:Lion
- SRD:Living Vault
- SRD:Lizard
- SRD:Lizardfolk
- SRD:Locathah
- SRD:Locust Swarm
- SRD:Maenad
- SRD:Magma Mephit
- SRD:Magmin
- SRD:Manta Ray
- SRD:Manticore
- SRD:Marilith
- SRD:Marut
- SRD:Medium Air Elemental
- SRD:Medium Animated Object
- SRD:Medium Earth Elemental
- SRD:Medium Fire Elemental
- SRD:Medium Monstrous Centipede
- SRD:Medium Monstrous Scorpion
- SRD:Medium Monstrous Spider
- SRD:Medium Shark
- SRD:Medium Size
- SRD:Medium Viper
- SRD:Medium Water Elemental
- SRD:Medusa
- SRD:Megaraptor
- SRD:Mephit
- SRD:Mercane
- SRD:Merfolk
- SRD:Merrow
- SRD:Mimic
- SRD:Minor Xorn
- SRD:Minotaur
- SRD:Minotaur Zombie
- SRD:Mithral Golem
- SRD:Mohrg
- SRD:Monitor Lizard
- SRD:Monkey
- SRD:Monstrous Centipede
- SRD:Monstrous Scorpion
- SRD:Monstrous Spider
- SRD:Mu Spore
- SRD:Mule
- SRD:Mummy
- SRD:Mummy Lord
- SRD:Naga
- SRD:Nalfeshnee
- SRD:Neh-Thalggu
- SRD:Neothelid
- SRD:Nessian Warhound
- SRD:Neutral (Good-Evil) Creatures
- SRD:Neutral (Law-Chaos) Creatures
- SRD:Neutral Creature
- SRD:Neutral Evil Creature
- SRD:Neutral Good Creature
- SRD:Night Hag
- SRD:Nightcrawler
- SRD:Nightmare
- SRD:Nightshade
- SRD:Nightwalker
- SRD:Nightwing
- SRD:Nine-Headed Hydra
- SRD:Nixie
- SRD:Noble Djinni
- SRD:Noble Salamander
- SRD:Nonaligned Creature
- SRD:Nymph
- SRD:Ochre Jelly
- SRD:Octopus
- SRD:Ogre
- SRD:Ogre Barbarian
- SRD:Ogre Mage
- SRD:Ogre Zombie
- SRD:Ooze
- SRD:Ooze Mephit
- SRD:Orc
- SRD:Orca
- SRD:Otyugh
- SRD:Owl
- SRD:Owlbear
- SRD:Owlbear Skeleton
- SRD:Pegasus
- SRD:Phaethon
- SRD:Phane
- SRD:Phantom Fungus
- SRD:Phase Spider
- SRD:Phasm
- SRD:Phthisic
- SRD:Pit Fiend
- SRD:Pixie
- SRD:Planetar
- SRD:Planetouched
- SRD:Polar Bear
- SRD:Pony
- SRD:Porpoise
- SRD:Primal Air Elemental
- SRD:Primal Earth Elemental
- SRD:Primal Fire Elemental
- SRD:Primal Water Elemental
- SRD:Prismasaurus
- SRD:Prismatic Dragon
- SRD:Pseudodragon
- SRD:Pseudonatural Troll
- SRD:Psicrystal
- SRD:Psion-Killer
- SRD:Psionic Aboleth
- SRD:Psionic Couatl
- SRD:Puppeteer
- SRD:Purple Worm
- SRD:Quasit
- SRD:Rakshasa
- SRD:Rast
- SRD:Rat
- SRD:Rat Swarm
- SRD:Raven
- SRD:Ravid
- SRD:Red Dragon
- SRD:Remorhaz
- SRD:Retriever
- SRD:Rhinoceros
- SRD:Riding Dog
- SRD:Roc
- SRD:Roper
- SRD:Ruin Swarm
- SRD:Rust Monster
- SRD:Sahuagin
- SRD:Salamander
- SRD:Salt Mephit
- SRD:Satyr
- SRD:Scrag
- SRD:Sea Cat
- SRD:Sea Hag
- SRD:Seven-Headed Hydra
- SRD:Shadow
- SRD:Shadow Mastiff
- SRD:Shadow of The Void
- SRD:Shambling Mound
- SRD:Shape of Fire
- SRD:Shark
- SRD:Shield Guardian
- SRD:Shocker Lizard
- SRD:Shrieker
- SRD:Silver Dragon
- SRD:Sirrush
- SRD:Six-Headed Hydra
- SRD:Skum
- SRD:Small Air Elemental
- SRD:Small Animated Object
- SRD:Small Earth Elemental
- SRD:Small Fire Elemental
- SRD:Small Monstrous Centipede
- SRD:Small Monstrous Scorpion
- SRD:Small Monstrous Spider
- SRD:Small Size
- SRD:Small Viper
- SRD:Small Water Elemental
- SRD:Snake
- SRD:Solar
- SRD:Spectre
- SRD:Sphinx
- SRD:Spider Eater
- SRD:Spider Swarm
- SRD:Spirit Naga
- SRD:Sprite
- SRD:Squid
- SRD:Steam Mephit
- SRD:Stirge
- SRD:Stone Colossus
- SRD:Stone Giant
- SRD:Stone Giant Elder
- SRD:Stone Golem
- SRD:Storm Giant
- SRD:Succubus
- SRD:Svirfneblin
- SRD:Swarm
- SRD:Tarrasque
- SRD:Tayellah
- SRD:Temporal Filcher
- SRD:Ten-Headed Hydra
- SRD:Tendriculos
- SRD:Thoqqua
- SRD:Thorciasid
- SRD:Thought Eater
- SRD:Thought Slayer
- SRD:Three-Headed Sirrush
- SRD:Tiefling
- SRD:Tiger
- SRD:Tiny Animated Object
- SRD:Tiny Monstrous Centipede
- SRD:Tiny Monstrous Scorpion
- SRD:Tiny Monstrous Spider
- SRD:Tiny Size
- SRD:Tiny Viper
- SRD:Titan
- SRD:Toad
- SRD:Tojanida
- SRD:Treant
- SRD:Triceratops
- SRD:Triton
- SRD:Troglodyte
- SRD:Troglodyte Zombie
- SRD:Troll
- SRD:Troll Hunter
- SRD:Troll Skeleton
- SRD:True Dragon
- SRD:Trumpet Archon
- SRD:Twelve-Headed Hydra
- SRD:Tyrannosaurus
- SRD:Udoroot
- SRD:Umbral Blot
- SRD:Unbodied
- SRD:Unicorn
- SRD:Uvuudaum
- SRD:Vampire Spawn
- SRD:Vargouille
- SRD:Vermin
- SRD:Vermiurge
- SRD:Violet Fungus
- SRD:Vrock
- SRD:War Pony
- SRD:Water Elemental
- SRD:Water Mephit
- SRD:Water Naga
- SRD:Weasel
- SRD:Werebear
- SRD:Wereboar
- SRD:Wererat
- SRD:Weretiger
- SRD:Werewolf
- SRD:Werewolf Lord
- SRD:Whale
- SRD:White Dragon
- SRD:Wight
- SRD:Will-O'-Wisp
- SRD:Winter Wolf
- SRD:Winterwight
- SRD:Wolf
- SRD:Wolf Skeleton
- SRD:Wolverine
- SRD:Worg
- SRD:Worm That Walks
- SRD:Wraith
- SRD:Wyvern
- SRD:Wyvern Zombie
- SRD:Xeph
- SRD:Xill
- SRD:Xixecal
- SRD:Xorn
- SRD:Yeth Hound
- SRD:Young Adult Red Dragon Skeleton
- SRD:Yrthak
- SRD:Zelekhut
- Safecat Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Salamander Warrior (3.5e Creature)
- Sample Adsecula Host (3.5e Creature)
- Sample Dúnedain (3.5e Creature)
- Sand Devil (3.5e Creature)
- Sand Elemental, Lesser (3.5e Creature)
- Sangor (3.5e Creature)
- Sarahakktah Army Ants (3.5e Creature)
- Saurian (3.5e Creature)
- Scarab (3.5e Creature)
- Scaver (3.5e Creature)
- Scorgon (3.5e Creature)
- Scorpion Mount (3.5e Creature)
- Scorpionfolk (3.5e Creature)
- Scottish Terrier (3.5e Creature)
- Scourge of Falseflame (3.5e Creature)
- Screeching Horror (3.5e Creature)
- Scrubber Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Scylla (3.5e Creature)
- Scylla of the Infernal End (3.5e Creature)
- Semi-Corporeal (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Sempiterne the Living Quasar (3.5e Creature)
- Sensitive Hearing (3.5e Feat)
- Sentinel Drone (3.5e Creature)
- Sentry Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Servants of the Great Claw (3.5e Creature)
- Sewage Sorcerer (3.5e Creature)
- Shadow A.I. (3.5e Creature)
- Shadow Creature (3.5e Creature)
- Shadow Imp (3.5e Creature)
- Shadow Parasite (3.5e Creature)
- Shadowfire Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Shadowkin Doppelganger (3.5e Creature)
- Shardbeasts (3.5e Creature)
- Sharn Shadow Spider (3.5e Creature)
- Shavarath Mouther (3.5e Creature)
- Shetland Centaurs (3.5e Creature)
- Shield (3.5e Creature Ability)
- Shikigami (3.5e Creature)
- Shiva Summon (3.5e Creature)
- Shoggoth (3.5e Creature)
- Shouter Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Shredder (3.5e Creature)
- Shriekbat (3.5e Creature)
- Shriekers (3.5e Creature)
- Shuuva-Kui (3.5e Creature)
- Shy Guy (3.5e Creature)
- Shæné (3.5e Creature)
- Sidhe (3.5e Creature)
- Sidhe War Moose (3.5e Creature)
- Sight Devil (3.5e Creature)
- Sigran (3.5e Creature)
- Silver Steed (3.5e Creature)
- Silver Wolf (3.5e Creature)
- Simulacrum (3.5e Creature)
- Sishka, 1st-Level Cleric (3.5e Creature)
- Sjtel (3.5e Creature)
- Skewer (3.5e Creature)
- Skewer Ant (3.5e Creature)
- Skitterer (3.5e Creature)
- Skull Reaper (3.5e Creature)
- Skunk (3.5e Creature)
- Sky Drake (3.5e Creature)
- Sky Eye (3.5e Creature)
- Sky Seed (3.5e Creature)
- Skyfish (3.5e Creature)
- Skyst Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Skyter (3.5e Creature)
- Slaiss (3.5e Creature)
- Sledged's Ogrillon (3.5e Creature)
- Sleepwalker (3.5e Creature)
- Slenderman (3.5e Creature)
- Slicer (3.5e Creature)
- Slowgo Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Slythyre (3.5e Creature)
- Small Ice Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Small Positive Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Small Thunder Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Smiling Medina (3.5e Creature)
- Småklaffnese (3.5e Creature)
- Snail Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Snow Drake Undertale (3.5e Creature)
- Soa Novus (3.5e Creature)
- Sol Crawler (3.5e Creature)
- Sol Hunter (3.5e Creature)
- Sol Sentinal (3.5e Creature)
- Songbird (3.5e Creature)
- Songbird Flock (3.5e Creature)
- Songbird Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Soul Demon (3.5e Creature)
- Soul Hound (3.5e Creature)
- Soul Ribbon (3.5e Creature)
- Soulmask Ambusher (3.5e Creature)
- Soulmask Defender (3.5e Creature)
- Soulmask Reaver (3.5e Creature)
- Soulmask Skirmisher (3.5e Creature)
- Speaker Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Spellbook Imp (3.5e Creature)
- Spellshine Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Spellstitched Hangwight (3.5e Creature)
- Spellwaste Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Sperm Cobra (3.5e Creature)
- Spider Ancient (3.5e Creature)
- Spider Queen Summon (3.5e Creature)
- Spiked Serpent (3.5e Creature)
- Spiky Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Spinosaurus (3.5e Creature)
- Spirit (3.5e Creature)
- Spiritmonger (3.5e Creature)
- Spitter Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Splinter (3.5e Creature)
- Sprinting Zombie (3.5e Creature)
- Sprite, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Spritelight Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Sproutlette (3.5e Creature)
- Spulpit (3.5e Creature)
- Squirrel (3.5e Creature)
- Squirrel, Flying (3.5e Creature)
- Static Mephit (3.5e Creature)
- Stegosaurus (3.5e Creature)
- Stiliuan (3.5e Creature)
- Stitcher Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Stock (3.5e Creature)
- Storm Hag (3.5e Creature)
- Strider (3.5e Creature)
- Stygian (3.5e Creature)
- Stygian Minion (3.5e Creature)
- Succubus Decoy (3.5e Creature)
- Sulking Flayer (3.5e Creature)
- Sunglari Arbiter (3.5e Creature)
- Sunglari Autosoldier (3.5e Creature)
- Super Fly (3.5e Creature)
- Superpseudo Drake (3.5e Creature)
- Surface Kobold (3.5e Creature)
- Swampfire, Enlarged (3.5e Creature)
- Swarm of Flies (3.5e Creature)
- Swinling (3.5e Creature)
- Symbiotic (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- T-Leech Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Tabaxi (3.5e Creature)
- Tabaxi, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Tacky Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Taijin-to (3.5e Creature)
- Taintwolf (3.5e Creature)
- Tako (3.5e Creature)
- Tank Scarab (3.5e Creature)
- Temple of the Rising Attendants (3.5e Creature)
- Tengu Archer (3.5e Creature)
- Teoryran Humans (3.5e Race)
- Terragnaw (3.5e Creature)
- Tesla Giant (3.5e Creature)
- The Gatekeeper (3.5e Creature)
- The Genius (3.5e Creature)
- The Masked (3.5e Creature)
- The Metal (3.5e Creature)
- The Royal Emberguard (3.5e Creature)
- The Royal Gatekeeper (3.5e Creature)
- Thought Nibbler (3.5e Creature)
- Three-Headed Hydra (3.5e Creature)
- Throne (3.5e Creature)
- Thunder Assassin (Kriel'gen) (3.5e Creature)
- Thunder Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Thunder Hound (3.5e Creature)
- Thunder Mephit (3.5e Creature)
- Thunderborn Elf (3.5e Creature)
- Tigrex (3.5e Creature)
- Timber Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Time Devil (3.5e Creature)
- Time Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Titan Demi Wolf (3.5e Creature)
- Titan, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Titanic Boar (3.5e Creature)
- Toucan (3.5e Creature)
- Trasher the Mimic (3.5e Creature)
- Treadscout (3.5e Creature)
- Trebuchet (3.5e Creature)
- Tree Dwelling Elephant (3.5e Creature)
- Tree Howler (3.5e Creature)
- Triglav Airshark (3.5e Creature)
- Trild (3.5e Creature)
- Trild Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Tripewhelp (3.5e Creature)
- Trivencini (3.5e Creature)
- Trog (3.5e Creature)
- Troll Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Trollkin (3.5e Creature)
- Trololol (3.5e Creature)
- True Celestial (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- Trunksucker (3.5e Creature)
- Trynnie (3.5e Creature)
- Turathian Hunter (Herregor Supplement)
- Turrator (3.5e Creature)
- Turtle (3.5e Creature)
- Turtleduck (3.5e Creature)
- Twinborn (3.5e Creature)
- Twisted Vampire (3.5e Creature)
- Ultima Summon (3.5e Creature)
- Ultrasensitive Hearing (3.5e Feat)
- Umbrax (3.5e Creature)
- Unchosen of Kindorsian (3.5e Creature)
- Undead Arm (3.5e Creature)
- Undyne Undertale (3.5e Creature)
- Unicorn, Valshock (3.5e Creature)
- Uniraptor (3.5e Creature)
- Universal Elemental (3.5e Creature)
- Unmovable Sentinel (3.5e Creature)
- Ursine (3.5e Creature Subtype)
- User Creature Glossary
- User Creatures
- User Creatures by CR
- Utahraptor (3.5e Creature)
- Uttervoid Slosh (3.5e Creature)
- V. Rex (3.5e Creature)
- Valor (3.5e Creature)
- Vampire Highlord (3.5e Creature)
- Vampire Retainer (3.5e Creature)
- Vampires, Valshock (3.5e Template)
- Vandal Dæmon (3.5e Creature)
- Vengeful Geist (3.5e Creature)
- Vidokkun (3.5e Creature)
- Visaru (3.5e Creature)
- Void Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Voidstalker (3.5e Creature)
- Volver (3.5e Creature)
- Von Leaven Estate Guard (3.5e Creature)
- Vorpal Kitty (3.5e Creature)
- Vortigaunt (3.5e Creature)
- Vraath (3.5e Creature)
- Vrey-dotalken (3.5e Creature)
- Wailling Virgin (3.5e Creature)
- Walking Endolith (3.5e Creature)
- Wandering Swordsmen (3.5e Creature)
- War Unicorn (3.5e Creature)
- War Wolfoceros (3.5e Creature)
- Warbound impaler (3.5e Creature)
- Warbringer (3.5e Creature)
- Warforged Colossus (3.5e Creature)
- Warpmonster (3.5e Creature)
- Waspider Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Water Giants (3.5e Creature)
- Watermote Swarm (3.5e Creature)
- Wax Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Wendigo (3.5e Creature)
- Werebalor (3.5e Creature)
- Wetboy (3.5e Creature)
- Wheel of Pain (3.5e Creature)
- Whirling Shuriken (3.5e Creature)
- Whisp (3.5e Creature)
- Whisper Devil (3.5e Creature)
- White Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wild Haggis (3.5e Creature)
- Wild Hunt, Variant (3.5e Creature)
- Winged Mantle (3.5e Creature)
- Winged Protector (3.5e Creature)
- Winged Urulóki Fire-Drake (3.5e Creature)
- Winter Wolf-Dragon (3.5e Creature)
- Wishy Homunculus (3.5e Creature)
- Witch Wraith (3.5e Creature)
- Wolfoceros (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful Black Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful Brown Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful Dark Blue Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful Gold Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful Gray Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful Green Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful Light Blue Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful Purple Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful Red Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful White Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wonderful Yellow Chocobo (3.5e Creature)
- Wood Golem (3.5e Creature)
- Worker Splinter (3.5e Creature)
- Writers Block (3.5e Creature)
- Wulg (3.5e Creature)
- Wyrm Weird (3.5e Creature)
- Zaezur (3.5e Creature)
- Zalera (3.5e Creature)
- Zenite (3.5e Creature)
- Zergling (3.5e Creature)
- Zombie, Alchemical (3.5e Creature)
- Zoranth (3.5e Creature)
- Zoranth, Epic (3.5e Creature)
- Zoranth, Greater (3.5e Creature)
- Zoranth, Lesser (3.5e Creature)
- Zoranths (3.5e Creature Overview)
- Zygok (3.5e Creature)
- Zyxaxyz (3.5e Creature)