Greater Dog Undertale (3.5e Creature)

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Greater Dog[edit]

Greater Dog

CR 10

Barbarian, 5
CE Large Magical Beast
Init/Senses +2/Listen +5, Spot +5
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15
hp 150 (15d10+45 HD)
Immune Cold
Fort/Ref/Will +12/+9/+6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Claw +20 (2d6+5)
Space/Reach 5 ft./10 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +15/+25
Abilities Str 21, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 10
SQ Darkvision 60 ft., Scent
Feats Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Claw), Improved Sunder
Skills Listen +5, Spot +5, Intimidate +6
Advancement by character class (Barbarian)
Possessions Full Plate Armor
Winter's Bite Greater Dog's attacks deal an additional 1d6 cold damage.
Sentinel Stance Greater Dog gains a +2 bonus to AC when standing still.

Strategies and Tactics[edit]

Greater Dog relies on its formidable physical attacks and high hit points to overwhelm its opponents. It often uses its Sentinel Stance to increase its defense while blocking passages or protecting its territory.

Sample Encounters[edit]

Greater Dog is typically encountered guarding key areas in Snowdin Forest. It may attack adventurers who intrude into its territory without provocation.


Environment: Snowdin Forest Typical Physical Characteristics: Greater Dog stands 7 feet tall when fully upright and wears full plate armor. It has the appearance of a large dog with a powerful build. Alignment: Chaotic Evil


Greater Dog is a formidable guardian in Snowdin Forest, known for its loyalty and strength. It serves as a challenging obstacle for those trying to navigate through the forest.


Greater Dog does not have a society of its own but is often found in the company of other formidable monsters in Snowdin Forest.

Sample Lair[edit]

Greater Dog's lair is typically found near important locations within Snowdin Forest, such as the entrances to caves or hidden pathways.

Typical Treasure[edit]

Greater Dog does not collect treasure, but its armor can be valuable to adventurers.

For Player Characters[edit]

Greater Dog can be a significant challenge for mid-level parties. Its high hit points and powerful attacks require strategic planning to overcome.

Creatures As Characters[edit]

Greater Dog does not generally function as a player character due to its alignment and nature.

Creatures With Class Levels[edit]

If given class levels, Greater Dog would likely excel as a Barbarian, utilizing its natural strength and ferocity.

Advanced Creatures[edit]

An advanced Greater Dog might have additional levels in Barbarian or Fighter, further increasing its combat prowess.

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