Wandering Swordsmen (3.5e Creature)

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Wandering Swordsmen
Size/Type: Medium Outsider
Hit Dice: 8d8+9 (58 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 50 ft
Armor Class: 30 (10 +5 Dex +15 deflection), touch 30, flat-footed 25
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+11
Attack: +4 time striking longsword +15/10 melee (1d8+4)
Full Attack: +4 time striking longsword +15/+10 melee (1d8 +4)
Space/Reach: 5/5
Special Attacks: Time theft, karmatic strike, sneak attack +3d6
Special Qualities: Time Freeze, Darkvision 70 ft., Retribution
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +10
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 20, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 20
Skills: Knowledge (The Planes) +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Climb +12, Handle Animal +12, Intimidate +12,

Jump +12, Ride +12, Swim +12

Feats: Weapon Focus (Longsword), Power Attack, Toughness, Run
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, cult (2-5) or vengeance (6-20 + 1 at least sixteenth level cleric)
Challenge Rating: By character class +3
Treasure: +4 longsword, double standard
Alignment: Neutral Good
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: By character class
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Suddenly, everything stops and only you seem to be able to move. A dark figure has appeared and is walking toward you. It wears a black robe and has a huge sword that is glowing faintly red drawn. It looks at you, then raises its hand. A flash of energy hits you and you feel stronger. It then turns and stabs one of the cultists. He falls as an old man. The figure then disappears in a flash of power

Born when the suffering of humanoids has hit a point that the universe itself is reacting, wandering swordsmen (or karmanic swordsmen) come either a lone assassin or an invading swarm. They are the dark lords of time and wield the power for karmatic revenge. Made from negative energy, they strike quickly, leaving fear and terror in their wake. They rarely directly attack, but rather locate their target (or targets) and use their Freeze Time ability to gain the element of surprise. Once in battle, they use their time-shifting abilities to weaken their opponents to a level they find suitable, then coming in with their Karmanic Strike ability. Their coming to the world is rare, and means that the natural order has been tainted. If a necromancer has managed to cheat death and is now using his powers to torture, dominate and slaughter a cities, they will come. On the other hand, their coming could also mark a change for good. If an individual has gained so much positive energy that they have attracted their, attention they will come and use their temporal abilities to extend their life. Such an event is rare, and requires a truly astounding amount of positive energy. Wandering swordsmen speak Common, Undercommon, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Gnomish, Goblinoid, Giant, and Abyssal.


When attacking, wandering swordsmen use their temporal abilities to weaken and debilitate opponents before using their Karmanic strike to either wound or kill opponents. Time Theft (Su):A wandering swordsman can attempt to drain several years from their targets life span at will (Will DC 25). On a success, they can add 2d20 years to their opponents age (these "bonus years" cannot kill the chosen target). They can also reverse this ability, giving a target 2d20 bonus years to live (subtract 2d20 from targets age). This ability cannot send a target below the age of adulthood (it can't make a human younger than 15, for example).

Karmanic Strike (Su): As a touch attack once a day, a wandering swordsman can use his sword to cause the target all the pain he has caused others. Unless a Will save is made (DC 30), the target dies. If the save is a success the attack does 1d20 damage and a d6 is rolled to decide the other effects 1. Target loses their arm 2. Targets age increases by 2d6 3. Target is frozen by fear for 1d8 rounds 4. Target takes 1d6 intelligence or wisdom damage 5. Target takes 3d6 damage 6. Damage done by Karmanic strike doubles

Time Freeze (Su): This ability acts as time stop, but continues until the wandering swordsman makes an attack.

Retribution (Su):If a wandering swordsman's hit points goes below 0, he automatically sends a call, and in 1d6+2 rounds, 1d6 wandering swordsmen will come to avenge him. These wandering swordsmen are treated as 3rd level warriors, and they do not have Retribution.

Outsider Traits

The wandering swordsman shown here was a ninth level warrior and had the following abilities before racial adjustment. |str= 16 |dex= 18 |con= 16 |int= 16 |wis= 16 |cha= 18

Time Strike Any longsword in the hands of a wandering swordsman automatically gains this ability. Add 1d4 years to opponents age Will save (15 + Wandering swordsman class level) This enchantment is impossible to have, unless the wielder is a wandering swordsman.

This has been a Kobold Crusher 547 creation.

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