Turrator (3.5e Creature)
Stoic, monolithic sentries that carry the appearance of columns with eyes that fire energy blasts. These constructs usually stand guard for powerful mages outside their lairs and are known for being a decently cost-effective security option for the affluent and powerful. When placed in groups, turrators provide extremely dangerous foes to intruders. That being said, it takes a very long time for a turrator to relocate as they can only slide along smooth surfaces at a very slow pace. Hence they tend to be installed in lairs and dungeons much in the same way that furniture, decorations, or traps would be.
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Twilight Princess Beamos Image, A close approximation |
Turrator | |
Size/Type: | Medium Construct (Lawful) |
Hit Dice: | 18d10+20 (119 hp) |
Initiative: | +20 |
Speed: | 5 ft. (1 square, cannot run) |
Armor Class: | 45 (+25 natural, +10 deflection), touch 20, flat-footed 20 |
Base Attack/Grapple: | +18/+23 |
Attack: | Eye-Ray +25 ranged touch attack (3d6+7, 17-20, x3) |
Full Attack: | Eye-Ray +25 ranged touch attack (3d6+7, 17-20, x3) |
Space/Reach: | 5 ft./0 ft. |
Special Attacks: | Beam Blast, Wave Blast |
Special Qualities: | Alarm Network, Construct traits, damage reduction 10 -/-, energy shield, true seeing, immunity to magic, slow |
Saves: | Fort +6, Ref +20, Will +20 |
Abilities: | Str 20, Dex 34, Con —, Int 20, Wis 34, Cha 15 |
Skills: | Intimidate +23, Diplomacy +23, Listen +33, Search +26, Sense Motive +33, Spot +33, |
Feats: | Distant Shot, Far Shot, Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, Improved Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot |
Environment: | Any |
Organization: | Solitary, 1d4 |
Challenge Rating: | 24 |
Treasure: | None |
Alignment: | Always Lawful Neutral |
Advancement: | — |
Level Adjustment: | — |
Turrators are generally about 7' 0" tall and weigh about 12 tons. They speak whatever languages their creator endows them with, usually including common.
Turrators can hardly move at all, if they need to relocate then they either magically slide along the floor or are transported there by their owners. But when a turrator is in place, it acts as an extremely, albeit stationary, defensive measure. Their owners can give turrators a variety of orders, which turrators are generally intelligent enough to understand the main intention of. Their voice sounds mechanical, monotone, and intimidating. And they hardly ever speak, except when demanding identification or warning trespassers.
Alarm Network (Su): At-will as a free action, a turrator may trigger either an audible or a silent alarm for their designated master plus up to 10 others. Triggering this alarm also alerts any other turrators within a 5 mile radius. The turrator does alarm checks every now and then at random to ensure that the alarm system is still working. If it cannot transmit an alarm signal, it will sound an audible alarm that is 180 decibels loud and flashes red and blue with an illumination radius of 600 feet.
Beam Blast (Ex): At-will as a standard action, a turrator may unleash a powerful beam of energy that covers a 1,000 ft. by 5 ft. line. Creatures and objects in the area of effect must succeed on a reflex save (DC is dexterity based, DC 33). Success on the saving throw means the creature or object takes half damage. Failure on the saving throw means that the creature or object is subject to 36d6 points of radiant damage. Using this ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Energy Shield (Ex): A turrator emits an energy shield as a 5 ft. radius sphere around itself that grants it a +10 deflection bonus to armor class and a +20 energy resistance to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and to sonic damage.
Eye-Ray (Ex): At-will as a standard action, a turrator may unleash a beam of deadly energy as a ranged touch attack with pinpoint accuracy from its rotating turret section. As far as aiming is converned, the turrator has 360 degrees of horizontal freedom and 350 degrees of vertical freedom (with the excluded 10 degrees being directly underneath the firing piece). The range increment on this beam is 1,000 feet. If it hits then the target takes 3d6+7 radiant damage. Using this ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A turrator is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance.
Slow (Ex): A turrator is so slow to move from any given position (except for it's highly nimble firing piece), that it is denied its dexterity bonus to armor class. However, it is never considered to be flat-footed as it is programmed to always be ready to fight and can fire in virtually any direction.
True Seeing (Su): At all times a turrator is capable of seeing as if it was under the effects of a true seeing spell.
Wave Blast (Ex): At-will as a standard action, a turrator may unleash a powerful beam of energy that covers a 500 ft. cone Creatures and objects in the area of effect must succeed on a reflex save (DC is dexterity based, DC 33). Success on the saving throw means the creature or object takes half damage. Failure on the saving throw means that the creature or object is subject to 18d6 points of radiant damage. Using this ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
See Also[edit]
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