Lightning Brother (3.5e Creature)

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The lightning brothers are loosely based on aboriginal mythology.

Lightning Brothers[edit]

Lesser Deity
Symbol: Chalk outline on stone representing the brothers
Home Plane: Paraelemental Plane of Lightning, Positive Energy Plane (coexistent with both)
Alignment: Neutral
Portfolio: Creation, creativity, weather, primitive cultures, world-building
Clergy Alignments: Any neutral
Domains: Air, Creation, Lightning, Weather
Favored Weapon: Dire flail

Lightning brothers are world-crafting minor gods with roughly the same power as balors, pit fiends, and solars, though their leaders (the lightning fathers) are on par with lesser deities. When you worship one, you worship them all. They travel from one young material plane world to the next (preferring those with lower levels of magic and populations of fantastic creatures to minimize distraction), shaping the land and the seasons as they see fit. Their work often leads members of these early civilizations venerating the lightning brothers as creator deities for generations after they have left to the next project.

The Earth Builders[edit]

Lightning Brother
Quasi-Deity of Creation and Lightning
Size/Type: Large Outsider (Air, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 22d8+132+88 (396 hp), 792 in its godly realm
Initiative: +19 (+15 Dex, +4 divine)
Speed: 100' (20 squares), fly 300' (perfect)
Armor Class: 47 (-1 size, +10 deflection, +17 Dex, +4 divine, +7 natural), touch 40, flat-footed - (seventh sense)
Base Attack/Grapple: +22/+37
Attack: Claw +42 melee (3d4+10 plus 3d8+12 electricity/18-20/x2)
Touch +42 melee touch (3d8+12 electricity)
Full Attack: 2 claws or 2 touches
Space/Reach: 10'/10'
Special Attacks: Divine aura (320', DC 34), erratic, lightning touch, spell-like abilities (CL 26, DC's 24 plus spell level), spells (CL 26, DC's 29 plus spell level)
Special Qualities: Communication, damage reduction 20/cold and epic, electricity absorption, elemental traits, divine traits, improved evasion, portfolio traits, radiant attunement, regeneration 15, resist fire 20, resist sonic 40, spell resistance 46
Saves: Fort +23, Ref +38, Will +32
Abilities: Str 30 (+10), Dex 45 (+17), Con 22 (+6), Int 25 (+7), Wis 41 (+15), Cha 31 (+10)
Skills: Balance +31, Concentration +35, Craft (any three) +36, Escape Artist +36, Knowledge (arcana) +26, Knowledge (geography) +36, Knowledge (nature) +36, Knowledge (religion) +26, Knowledge (the planes) +33, Listen +46, Search +36, Sense Motive +44, Spellcraft +36, Spot +46, Tumble +46
Skill Tricks: -
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Extend Spell, Flyby Attack[b], Improved Critical (Claw), Power Attack, Run[b], Sculpt Spell, Spring Attack[b], Weapon Finesse[b]
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed[b], Epic Reflexes, Greater Critical (Claw), Greater Power Attack, Ignore Material Components[b], Improved Spell Resistance (x5)[b], Sixth Sense
Divine Abilities: Perfect Body, Perfect Mind, Self-Hypnosis, Seventh Sense (4/day)
Environment: Any (Prime Material Worlds), Positive Energy Plane and the Paraelemental Plane of Lightning (native)
Organization: Single, artisan (3-7)
Challenge Rating: 21
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral, often chaotic
Advancement: 23-33 (Large), 34-66 (Huge)
Level Adjustment: +8

A long, curving bolt of lightning shoots from the clouds and strikes earth. Where it hits, the bolt forms a vaguely humanoid shape, tall and very thin, its body made of interweaving arcs of electricity. The impressive creature is still for a moment, then zips across the earth as if searching. The faster its movements, the more it morphs into a thunderbolt. It finds a spot, then shapes the ground with magic and by hand, all six of them -- its arms becoming three each to perform fine craftsmanship on the stone and metal that spontaneously forms around it. In the distance, another lightning bolt stirs the storm clouds, separating, combining, pushing away with summoned wind...

Lightning brothers are spirit beings of electric creativity. They are as fingers of a builder deity, with which they carve into the land and sky until the result pleases them, and only them.

A long, curving bolt of lightning shoots from the clouds and strikes earth. Where it hits, the bolt forms a vaguely humanoid shape, tall and very thin, its body made of interweaving arcs of electricity. The impressive creature is still for a moment, then zips across the earth as if searching. The faster its movements, the more it morphs into a thunderbolt. It finds a spot, then shapes the ground with magic and by hand, all six of them -- its arms becoming three each to perform fine craftsmanship on the stone and metal that spontaneously forms around it.

Any primitive civilizations tend to revere them as creator gods and ancestral guardians, praying to thunderclouds for guidance and mercy.

When disturbed while working, or if their current project is tampered with or ruined, lightning brothers are as mercurial as any artist. Depending on the level of the transgression and its mood, offenders may be sent away, forcibly sent away, or slain and their body parts scattered to the wind. Many planes-hopping adventurers have been killed when they inadvertently explored a world being tended to by lightning brothers, sometimes sparking crusades (as anything less could not threaten a single one of them) to put an end to these extremely dangerous "storm fiends", born of misunderstanding.

When at rest, they often exult amidst the thunderous peaks of Ysgard or highly magical pockets of the Elemental Plane of Air. They are native to both the Positive Energy Plane and the Paraelemental Plane of Lightning, born from regions coexistent with both. These regions are the godly realm of all lightning brothers. They don't stay there long, though, as paradoxically one can't create much within the furnace of creation -- more than enough raw material, but little to build upon. They shy from divinely morphic planes as they are "too easy" to work with, and usually overseen by powerful beings like devils and deities. They leave others alone so long as they're treated likewise, and don't work with heavily populated or established lands -- unless one or more decide they can "improve" or "fix" the world.

Lightning brothers are about nine feet tall with a two-foot shoulder width and less than a foot of depth (from chest to back), resembling extremely lanky humans when still (which is rare). As beings composed of intertwining arcs of electricity, they are virtually weightless.

When they deign to, they speak Auran, each word flashing and disappearing like a thunderbolt with no pause between sentences. With their Tongues SLA, they can speak with and understand any creature with a language.


When a lightning brother strikes, its arms split into three, which is akin to being clawed thrice by the limbs of a Medium beast (accounting for its unusual damage dice).

Prior to a battle, if it feels threatened enough, a lightning brother will have casted owl's insight, stormrage, control winds, soul ward, body ward, divine agility, divine favor, ebon eyes, bear's endurance, protection from law, greater magic fang, giant germin, true seeing, freedom of movement, death ward, and whatever else it thinks it'll need. They usually open combat by summoning 1d3 greater storm elementals with their summon nature IX SLA, giving them arc of lightning or sleet storm as an at-will SLA (see Creative Brethren). It will then use spells like sleet storm and great thunderclap. If there's brush or trees, and the enemies are ground-bound, it will cast plant growth. If there is a group of lightning brothers, one or more uses permanent image and magic jar to further confound foes. After this, they mix up melee engagement and destructive casting with shocking storm and stormrage's lightning bolts depending on the circumstance. Against electricity-immune foes they concentrate on spells like great thunderclap, gust of wind, magic jar, and greater dispel magic. If severely threatened, they'll use their wish SLA to cast spells like polymorph any object, irresistible dance, prismatic spray, reverse gravity, forcecage, and the like. If their enemies are not divine, they may wish for an antimagic field (as deities they ignore antimagic) and grapple their mortal foe until it dies.

If you wish to use the house rule that multiplies a creature's maximum hit points by one-tenth its CR once it reaches CR 11, a lightning brother would instead have 831 maximum hit points (1,662 while within its godly realm).


Divine Aura (Su): 320' emanation of a lightning brother's divine subconscious extending beyond its physical form. Unlike most deities, a lightning brothers' aura is tangible: creatures within feel a dim hum and suffer from static buildup in their clothes and hair. These effect lessens to nothingness to about thrice this distance. A lightning brother may have one of the following effects up (can be switched to another at the beginning of its turns with no action; typically has Daze up). All DC's 34 (Cha-based).
Daze: Enemies within the aura must make a Will save or be unable to act, other than defend themselves, duration 1 round.
Fear: Enemies within the aura must make a Will save or be shaken and suffer a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saves and checks.
Heroism: Allies within the aura gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves and skill checks.
Erratic (Ex): It is difficult to know exactly where to aim on an ambulatory thunderbolt. Due to their jagged form and movements, lightning brothers have a 20% miss chance (similar to concealment). As a mundane miss chance, true seeing is ineffective. Similar beings, such as storm elementals and other deities with the lightning or thunder portfolios ignore this miss chance.
Greased Lightning (Ex): Lightning brothers fly like thunder. They gain a bonus move action on each of their turns.
Shocking Touch (Su): A lightning brother deals an extra 1d8 electricity damage with melee natural weapons per die of the original attack, which is multiplied by a critical hit (bonus damage from lightning portfolio). They can deliver this bonus electricity damage with a melee touch attack, and anyone touching, grappling, or hitting with natural weapons or unarmed strikes also take this damage. If it has multiple natural weapons and is grappled/struck, use the highest damage.
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): CL 26 (CL 28 conjuration [creation]), DC's 24 plus spell level (Cha-based). At will-- arc of lightning (DC 28 15d6+60), commune, create food and water*, dream, elemental body (air only), energy immunity (elec or sonic only), etherealness, faerie fire, geas/quest, genesis, great thunderclap, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, heroes' feast*, lightning bolt (DC 26 10d6+40), magic jar, major creation*, minor creation*, sending, shocking storm (as fire storm but electric; DC 31 20d6+80), soften earth and stone, stormrage (no save 10d6+40), summon nature's ally IX* (air or storm elementals only), tongues, transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to mud, true creation*, wall of stone; 4/day-- wish.

* standard action casting time

Spells: 11th-lvl sorcerer (Wis-based, druid/cleric spell lists only, divine spells, bonus spells known, automatically silent and still). CL 26 (CL 28 conjuration [creation]), DC's 29 plus spell level (Wis-based).
Spells per day (0th-5th): 6/10/10/10/9/7
Spells known:
0th-- cure minor wounds, detect magic, detect poison, flare, guidance, inflict minor wounds, light, mending, purify food and drink, read magic, resistance, virtue
1st-- conviction, ebon eyes, endure elements, divine favor, obscuring mist, omen of peril, protection from law, resurgence
2nd-- align fang, bull's strength, cat's grace, bear's endurance, body ward, gust of wind, metal fang, owl's wisdom, soul ward
3rd-- daylight, diminish plants, sleet storm, stone shape, greater magic fang, plant growth, poison
4th-- control water, death ward, freedom of movement, giant vermin, scrying
5th-- control winds, divine agility, owl's insight, plane shift, true seeing


Communication (Su): A telepathic and empathic ability, lightning brothers use this to keep in communication with one another across vast distances. They can send mental messages to one another so long as the other lightning brother is within a range of one mile per foot of range of its divine aura (320 miles for normal lightning brothers), and are always aware of the basic emotional state of its fellows in this area. The area is increased tenfold on the Paraelemental Plane of Lightning. They often pass along messages from one to the next to coordinate large projects. If one is attacked, it delivers emotions of distress and outrage that rally all lightning brothers who sense it. They cannot use this with other beings unless they have a form of telepathy or similar; they are treated as having blindsense in regards to such these beings in the area (and blingsight with other lightning brothers).
Damage Reduction (Ex): Pierced by epic weapons with the frost, icy blast, or similar properties. Also pierced by the natural weapons or unarmed strikes of epic creatures with the cold subtype.
Divine Traits (Ex): Lightning brothers are effectively quasi-deities and as such add a +4 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); initiative; saving throws and spell resistance. They ignore antimagic effects.
Electricity Absorption (Ex): Lightning brothers do not take electricity damage. Instead, for every two points they would have been damaged, they are instead healed, with any excess going to temporary hit points.
Elemental Traits (Ex): As much elemental as outsider; they are treated as both air outsiders and elementals. They are not subject to critical hits or flanking, and are immune to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning. They are proficient only with their natural weapons, and do not eat, sleep, or breathe.
Portfolio (Creation) Traits (Ex): Quasi-deities with the creation portfolio have the following traits.
Hostile Environment (Void) (Ex): -4 competence penalty on all die rolls while in a vacuum or void, where creation is nonexistent.
Permanent Damage Vulnerability (Ex): Permanent damage 50% more effective against a lightning brother.
Conjuration Immunity (Ex): Immune to enemies' conjuration effects.
Scion of Making (Ex): Anything the lightning brother makes with a [creation] effect (including magic items so long as they're imbued with any [creation] spell while crafted) has double hardness (or hardness 4, whichever is higher) and its base hit points multiplied by 4. Furthermore, creatures created by a lightning brother (see Great Breath cosmic ability) gain a +4 divine bonus to AC and saving throws, and a divine bonus to maximum hit points per hit die.
Creative Brethren (Ex): Creatures summoned can use any one conjuration and/or (creation) spell that a lightning brother knows, can prepare, or have as a spell-like or supernatural ability at-will as their own spell-like ability, chosen at the time of a creature's summoning and cannot be changed (CL = 1/2 summoned creature's HD plus 4 or its own CL, whichever is higher).
Portfolio (Lightning) Traits (Ex): Quasi-deities with the lightning portfolio have the following traits.
Hostile Environment (Cold) (Ex): -4 competence penalty on all die rolls while in an environment with a temperature band of severe or lower (<0F).
Fly's Endurance (Ex): -4 penalty to Constitution.
Electricity Immunity (Ex): You are immune to electricity.
Scion of Lightning (Ex): +4 competence bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and armor class when in a stormy or highly electric environment, or while bathed in lightning.
Improved Summoning (Electric): Electricity creatures summoned have 50% more HD.
Radiant Attunement (Ex): Lightning brothers are native to the positive energy plane and are as much beings of primal life force as they are lightning. They suffer no negative effects from positive-dominant areas or planes, and damage from positive-energy- or light-based effects (including prismatic spray and the like) are halved, and they have a +10 racial bonus to saving throws and AC against such effects where applicable.
Regeneration (Ex): Takes normal damage from cold damage, epic weapons with the frost, icy blast, or similar properties, and natural weapons of epic creatures with the cold subtype.


Divine Abilities: Explained here or here.
Epic Feats: Explained here if not in the SRD.
Feats: Explained here if not in the SRD.


Ability Scores: On top of its normal ability score increases (which usually goes to Wisdom), a lightning brother's Dexterity and Wisdom each increase by 1 with every two RHD, it's Charisma increases by 1 every three RHD, and its Constitution and Intelligence both increase by 1 every four RHD. All of its ability scores increase by 2 at every five RHD.
Challenge Rating: Three-quarters hit dice (round all fractions up) plus number of divine abilities. Increase by another 5 at RHD 30, and 5 again at RHD 40.
Damage Reduction: Equal to its hit dice, rounded down to nearest multiple of 5. At HD 30, increase DR by divine bonus times 5. At RHD 40, epic is replaced with divine.
Divine Traits: Increase divine bonus by +1 at every 5 RHD (25, 30...). Add 1 divine ability with every increased divine bonus.
Energy Resistance: Increase both fire and sonic resistance by fifteen each at every 5 hit dice, becoming immunity to that element when it would be above resist 50. At RHD 30, it gains cold resistance 10 which increases by 10 every five more RHD (but it never becomes immune to cold, for obvious reasons).
Erratic: At RHD 30, miss chance increases to 50%.
Greased Lightning: At RHD 40, gains a bonus standard action as well as a bonus move action.
Hit Dice: Maximum hit points per hit die. Becomes d20's at HD 30.
Improved Spell Resistance: Has a bonus Improved Spell Resistance feat every 4 RHD (effectively +2 spell resistance per four HD).
Level Adjustment: Twice number of divine abilities. +8 at RHD 30, +7 at RHD 40.
Multi-Shot Lightning Enhanced (Ex or Su): Gains this ability at RHD 40. Every time it takes damage (to hit points or ability scores), or it fails a Fortitude saving throw, every other creature within a radius burst one-fifth the area of its divine aura must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Con mod) or take 1d12 electricity damage per HD + divine bonus (mind the bonus damage to electricity damage from its lightning portfolio). Creatures within the lightning brother's normal melee reach take triple this damage and take a -20 circumstance penalty on the Reflex save, though if it fails the save, those in a cone half the range of the burst behind the creature aren't affected by the electricity damage, and gain a +10 circumstance bonus vs the fear effect (see below). This can happen any number of times in a round with no action on the part of the lightning brother.
Furthermore, any creature who perceives this burst (sight, hearing, scent...), including those within (they take a -10 circumstance penalty to the save), must make a Will save (10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod) or be panicked for 1d3 rounds then shaken for 4d8 rounds. Creatures that make the save but less than 11 higher than the DC are shaken for 2d6 rounds. Whether they fail or succeed at the save they don't have to save vs. this fear effect for 24 hours. This is an extraordinary fear effect.
This never harms other lightning brothers or anything else it does not wish to (including objects and structures). No lightning brother or deity with either the lightning or thunder portfolio needs to save vs. fear. It can injure itself to produce this effect.
Portfolio Traits: Refer to talk page for increases with each divine status.
Regeneration: Is equal to half the lightning brother's hit dice plus divine bonus. At RHD 30 it is equal to the lightning brother's hit dice plus divine-rank-times-5.
Shocking Touch: Uses d12's at RHD 30 and above.
Speed: All speeds triple at RHD 30.
Spells: Spellcasting equal to half hit dice (CL = HD). As sorcerer, except DC's and bonus spells are keyed off Wisdom, all spells are treated as divine, are chosen off the cleric and druid lists only, and knows one more spell per spell level every three class levels. All spells cast from this "class" are automatically silent and still.

Storm Sire[edit]

Lightning Father
Lesser Deity of Creation and Lightning
Size/Type: Large Outsider (Air, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 40d20+560+320 (1,680 hp), 3,360 in godly realm
Initiative: +40 (+24 Dex, +8 divine, +8 Sup Init), always first
Speed: 390' (78 squares), fly 990' (perfect)
Armor Class: 75 (-2 size, +15 deflection, +24 Dex, +8 divine, +1 dodge, +19 natural), touch 56, flat-footed - (seventh sense)
Base Attack/Grapple: +40/+76
Attack: Claw +91 melee (12d8+19 plus 12d12+96 divine electricity/18-20/x2) or
Touch +71 melee touch (12d12+96 divine electricity)
Full Attack: 3 claws or 3 touches
Space/Reach: 15'/20'
Special Attacks: Divine aura (500', DC 43), erratic, lightning touch, multi-shot lightning enhanced (100', 48d12+384 divine electricity, Ref DC 44, Will DC 45), spell-like abilities (CL 48, DC's 33 plus spell level), spells (CL 48, DC's 42 plus spell level)
Special Qualities: Communication, damage reduction 80/cold and divine, electricity absorption, elemental traits, divine traits, immune to fire and sonic, improved evasion, portfolio traits, radiant attunement, regeneration 80, resist cold 30, spell resistance 78, +1 virtual size category
Saves: Fort +44, Ref +53, Will +56
Abilities: Str 48 (+19), Dex 58 (+24), Con 38 (+14), Int 33 (+11), Wis 58 (+24), Cha 40 (+15)
Skills: Balance +73, Concentration +65, Craft (any three) +62, Diplomacy +66, Escape Artist +75, Intimidate +66, Knowledge (geography) +62, Knowledge (nature) +62, Knowledge (religion) +62, Knowledge (the planes) +62, Listen +77, Search +62, Sense Motive +75, Spellcraft +62, Spot +77, Tumble +75, Use Magic Device +66
Skill Tricks: Swift Concentration
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Energy Admixture (Electricity), Energy Substitution (Electricity), Extend Spell, Flyby Attack[b], Improved Critical (Claw), Power Attack, Run[b], Quicken Spell, Sculpt Spell, Spring Attack[b], Weapon Finesse[b]
Epic Feats: Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x5), Blinding Speed[b], Greater Critical (Claw), Greater Natural Attack (Claw), Greater Power Attack, Ignore Material Components[b], Improved Spell Resistance (x10)[b], Metamagic Freedom, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative
Divine Abilities: Divine Wizardry, Multifaceted, Perfect Body, Perfect Initiative, Quickness, Self-Hypnosis, Seventh Sense (8/day), Superior Natural Attack (Claw)
Environment: Positive Energy Plane, Paraelemental Plane of Lightning
Organization: Solitary, college (self plus 1-4 30-39 HD lightning elder brothers)
Challenge Rating: 48
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 41-66 (Huge)
Level Adjustment: +24

The lightning fathers rarely work with worlds anymore, leaving that to their "children". They pursue mysterious goals along the lines of advancing and defending their race and realm. Very few mortals have seen them, as they rarely leave their tumultuous godly realm where only the most magically protected of mortals can last beyond a breath. It is said that they are overseen by the greatest of all lightning brothers, the lightning centenarian, who is as powerful as an intermediate deity. If it exists, it surely lives in an area akin to the heart of an electric sun, a solar bolt.

They are hostile to any not of their own who enters their realm. The only ones they do not attack on sight are deities with related portfolios (creation, lightning, thunder, and the like), but still start unfriendly, barely tolerant of even related intruders.

A lightning father is about 17' tall, and like its children weighs next to nothing.


Lightning fathers defend their younger siblings with the ferocity of a barbarian demigod.

It can do a lot of damage with its attacks, and it knows a lot of spells.

Its natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as divine (lesser deity) for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

If you wish to use the house rule that multiplies a creature's maximum hit points by one-tenth its CR once it reaches CR 11, a lightning father would instead have 8,064 maximum hit points (16,128 hp while within its godly realm).

If you wish to use the house rule that lesser deities have a pseudo-CFM of 1.5, then his maximum hit points, damage reduction, and regeneration are +50% higher (Reg 120, DR 120/etc., hp 2,520/5,040 or 12,096/24,192 if this and the above houserule).


Erratic (Ex): As a lightning brother's, but 50%.
Greased Lightning (Ex): Gains a bonus move action and a bonus standard action on each of its turns.
Multi-Shot Lightning Enhanced (Ex or Su): If the lightning father takes hit point or ability damage/drain, or fails a Fortitude save, every other creature in a 100' radius burst must make a Reflex save DC 44 or take 48d12+384 divine electricity damage. This can happen any number of times a round with no action on part of the lightning father. The save DC is Con-based.
Those within 20' of the lightning father when this ability goes off take a -20 circumstance penalty on the Reflex save, but if they fail those in a 50' cone behind them don't need to make a save vs. electricity.
Any creature who perceives this burst (sight, hearing, scent...), including those within (they take a -10 circumstance penalty to this save), must make a Will save DC 45 or be panicked for 1d3 rounds then shaken for 4d8 rounds. Creatures that make the save but less than 11 higher than the DC are shaken for 2d6 rounds. Whether they fail or succeed at the save they don't have to save vs. this fear effect for 24 hours. This is an extraordinary fear effect.
This never harms other lightning brothers or anything else it does not wish to (including objects and structures). No lightning brother or deity with either the lightning or thunder portfolio needs to save vs. fear. It can injure itself to produce this effect.
Spell-like Abilities (Sp):' CL 48 (CL 58 conjuration [creation]), DC's 33 (41 conjuration and/or [creation]) plus spell level (Cha-based). At will-- arc of lightning (DC 47 15d6+120 divine electricity), commune, create food and water*, dream, elemental body (air only), energy immunity (elec or sonic only), etherealness, faerie fire, geas/quest, genesis, great thunderclap, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, heroes' feast*, lightning bolt (DC 37 10d6+80 div elec), magic jar, major creation*, minor creation*, sending, shocking storm (as fire storm but electric; DC 42 20d6+160), soften earth and stone, stormrage (no save 10d6+80 div elec), summon nature's ally IX* (air or storm elementals only), tongues, transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to mud, true creation*, wall of stone; 8/day-- wish.

* standard action casting time

Spells: 20th-lvl sorcerer (Wis-based, druid/cleric spell lists only, divine spells, bonus spells known, automatically silent and still). CL 48 (CL 58 conjuration [creation]), DC's 42 (50 conjuration and/or [creation]) plus spell level (Wis-based).
Spells per day (0th-9th): 12/24/24/24/24/22/22/22/22/20
Spells known:
0th-- create water, cure minor wounds, dawn, detect magic, detect poison, flare, guidance, inflict minor wounds, know direction, light, mending, purify food and drink, read magic, resistance, virtue
1st-- command, conviction, ebon eyes, endure elements, divine favor, lesser vigor, obscuring mist, omen of peril, protection from law, resurgence, rot of ages
2nd-- align fang, bull's strength, bear's endurance, cat's grace, dessicate, earthbind, earthfast, gust of wind, metal fang, owl's wisdom, protection from negative energy
3rd-- adoration of the frightful, daylight, diminish plants, haboob, sleet storm, spirit jaws, stone shape, greater magic fang, plant growth, poison
4th-- control water, cure critical wounds, death ward, divine power, flame strike, freedom of movement, giant vermin, inflict critical wounds, sheltered vitality, wind at back
5th-- anticold sphere, break enchantment, choking sands, control winds, divine agility, owl's insight, panacea, plane shift, righteous might, true seeing
6th-- banishment, bite of the werebear, energy immunity, find the path, greater scrying, heal, move earth, mummify, superior resistance, wall of stone
7th-- control weather (as druid), greater bestow curse, greater restoration, master earth, planar bubble, slime wave, swamp lung, transmute metal to wood, word of balance
8th-- antimagic field, bombardment, cloak of chaos, cocoon, dimensional lock, discern location, greater planar ally, mass awaken, reverse gravity, summon monster VIII, summon nature's ally VIII, waterspout
9th-- greater whirlwind, miracle, summon elemental monolith, summon monster IX, summon nature's ally IX, transmute rock to lava, true resurrection, tsunami, undermaster


Divine Traits (Ex): As a lightning brother's, but instead +8 divine bonus.
Portfolio (Creation) Traits (Ex): Lesser deities with the creation portfolio have the following traits.
Hostile Environment (Void) (Ex): -8 competence penalty on all die rolls while in a vacuum or void, where creation is nonexistent.
Permanent Damage Vulnerability (Ex): Permanent damage 50% more effective against a lightning father.
Conjuration Immunity (Ex): Immune to enemies' conjuration effects.
Scion of Making (Ex): Anything the lightning father makes with a [creation] effect (including magic items so long as they're imbued with any [creation] spell while crafted) has double hardness (or hardness 4, whichever is higher) and its base hit points multiplied by 4. Furthermore, creatures created by a lightning father (see Great Breath cosmic ability) gain a +4 divine bonus to AC and saving throws, and a divine bonus to maximum hit points per hit die.
Creative Brethren (Ex): Creatures summoned can use any one conjuration and/or (creation) spell that a lightning father knows, can prepare, or have as a spell-like or supernatural ability at-will as their own spell-like ability, chosen at the time of a creature's summoning and cannot be changed (CL = 1/2 summoned creature's HD plus 4 or its own CL, whichever is higher).
Instrument of Creation (Ex): All conjuration and (creation) effects cast, use, etc. have a +8 bonus to CL and DC's. Conjuration (creation) effects have the same bonus.
Superior Divine Beam (Su): 2,400' ray, +71 ranged touch, 30d3 divine damage.
Portfolio (Lightning) Traits (Ex): Lesser deities with the lightning portfolio have the following traits.
Hostile Environment (Cold) (Ex): -8 competence penalty on all die rolls while in an environment with a temperature band of severe or lower (<0F).
Fly's Endurance (Ex): -8 penalty to Constitution.
Electricity Immunity (Ex): You are immune to electricity.
Scion of Lightning (Ex): +8 competence bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and armor class when in a stormy or highly electric environment, or while bathed in lightning.
Improved Summoning (Electric): Electricity creatures summoned have 50% more HD.
Divine Electricity (Ex): All electricity damage is treated as 50% divine damage. (Though still treated as electricity for other effects, such as the bonus damage from lightning domain power.)
Superior Electric Storm (Su): 500' emanation, 7d6+56 divine electricity (no save, except for those trying to leave the area: Ref DC 43 half). Activated with a standard action and exists until dismissed.


Divine Abilities: Explained here or here.
Feats: Explained here if not in the SRD.
Virtual Size Category: Due to very high permanent strength for its size category, a lightning father is treated as Gargantuan for the purpose of size adjustments to ability scores, size bonuses to natural armor, and base damage with natural attacks and unarmed strikes.

Adventure Ideas[edit]

  • High Level: The players must collect an herb that, as far as anyone knows, only grows on a small island. However, the island is where a pair of lightning brothers have worked for years. They won't attack if addressed tactfully -- though one is more easily agitated than the other -- but neither will long tolerate intrusions until "We are done," which could mean decades from now.
  • Low Epic (Mid Epic if fought back): A 46-HD lightning father is enraged when a favored son is killed for committing the crime of creating. In retaliation, it sends three artisans (3-7) of lightning brothers to expunge all but the lowest creatures and monsters on the world containing the murderous sorcerer cabal who have finally crossed the line in crossing the lightning brothers. If even one more brother is slain, the lightning father and its two peers (one with 41 HD, another with 43) will personally step in.

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