Terragnaw (3.5e Creature)

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The Terragnaw[edit]

Design Note: This content is for use with The Immortals Handbook: Epic Bestiary (by Eternity Publishing)

42-Headed Half-Beholder Teratoid Catoblepas Entity
Size/Type: Titanic Aberration
Hit Dice: 89d100+12,104+4539+3471+2136x3 (93,450 hp), 186,900 hp within godly realm
Initiative: +53 (+7 Dex, +17 divine, +13 insight, +8 luck, +8 Sup Init), always first
Speed: 900' (180 squares), burrow 450' (through any material up to hardness 92), fly 900' (perfect)
Armor Class: 274 (-16 size, +7 Dex, +15 deflection, +17 divine, +13 insight, +8 luck, +17 profane, +203 natural), touch 71, flat-footed 267, flat-footed touch 64
Base Attack/Grapple: +89/+263
Attack: 10 tail slams +294 melee (255d10+140 plus stun plus rotting) or
10 bites +294 melee (290d10+140 plus rotting) or
10 unarmed strikes +294 (370d10+140 plus rotting) or
10 death rays +158 ranged touch (death ray)
Full Attack: 42 tail slams +294 melee (255d10+140 plus stun plus rotting) and
42 bites +292 melee (290d10+90 plus rotting) and
42 unarmed strikes +292 (370d10+90 plus rotting) and
42 death rays +156 ranged touch (death ray)
Power Attack Half: 42 tail slams +250 melee (255d10+206 plus stun plus rotting) and
42 bites +248 melee (290d10+156 plus rotting) and
42 unarmed strikes +248 (370d10+156 plus rotting) and
42 death rays +112 ranged touch (death ray)
Power Attack Full: 42 tail slams +205 melee (255d10+273 plus stun plus rotting) and
42 bites +203 melee (290d10+233 plus rotting) and
42 unarmed strikes +203 (370d10+233 plus rotting) and
42 death rays +67 ranged touch (death ray)
Space/Reach: 80'/155'
Special Attacks: Death ray (990', DC 245), degeneration, divine aura (15,840', DC 90), eye rays (990', DC 124), multiheaded and multilimbed, numinous, stun (DC 245 or stunned 1 round), rotting mastery, spell-like abilities (CL 115, DC 80 plus spell level)
Special Qualities: All-around vision, damage reduction 1020/divine, darkvision (see entity traits), entity traits, fast healing 510, multiple minds, prime commitment, pugnacious, regeneration 510, scent (see entity traits), sidereal survivor, spell reflection 137, +10 virtual size categories, warbeast
Saves: Fort +220, Ref +91, Will +204
Abilities: Str 210/+100, Dex 25/+17, Con 282/+136, Int 32/+11, Wis 42/+16, Cha 40/+15
Skills: Omnicompetent - all skills 130 plus key ability modifier
Skill Tricks: Back on Your Feet, Nimble Charge, Nimble Stand, Slipping Past, Spot the Weak Point, Swift Concentration, Timely Misdirection, Twisted Charge
Feats: AlertnessB, Blind-Fight, Combat ReflexesB, Deflect Arrows, Greater Weapon Focus (Death Ray), Hold The Line, Improved InitiativeB, Improved Natural Attack (Bludgeoning), Improved Unarmed Strike, Mage Slayer, Multiattack, Pierce Magical Concealment, Pierce Magical Protection, Power Attack, Quick Reconnoiter, Steadfast Determination, Superior Unarmed Strike, Weapon Focus (Death Ray, Bludgeoning), Weapon Specialization (Bludgeoning)
Epic Feats: Exceptional Deflection, Great Strength (x4)B, Greater Natural Attack (Bludgeoning), Greater Power Attack, Improved Combat Reflexes, Infinite Deflection, Mathesis, Phrenology, Reflect Arrows, Sixth Sense, Sky Walker, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Tenacious Body, Underwalker, Weapon Mastery (Bludgeoning)
Divine Abilities: Enlarge Aura (x2), Eternal Freedom, Goetic Blood, Greater Aura, Perfect Aura, Perfect Initiative, Perfect Natural Attack (Bludgeoning) Profane Body, Profane Mind, Profane Spirit, Self-Hypnosis, Superior Aura, Superior Natural Attack (Bludgeoning), Third Eye, True Seeing, True Strike (Death Ray)
Environment: Any (Prime Material Plane)
Organization: Unique
Challenge Rating: 169
Treasure: Octuple Standard
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Advancement: 90-95 (Titanic), 96-192 (Macro-Fine), 193-384 (Macro-Diminutive); its divine rank is equal to 16 plus one-tenth its HD above 80 (rounded up)
Level Adjustment:

You can hardly believe what you see. It resembles a mobile mountain peak, though made of flesh and oxen's fur the brownish-yellow of callused heels. It has twelve short, stumpy legs -- compared to the rest of this mammoth beast, at least; its feet alone are big enough to inadvertently flatten a human's home -- all arranged in pairs circling its underside. Its most bizarre feature, though, are many dozens of very long, thin necks sprouting from the bottom of the "mountain", each ending in a head resembling a gigantic beholder. Every head is different, like beholders themselves: one is covered in deep red, leathery flesh, another in grey, chitinous scales with segmented eye stalks, another with blue-white shark skin with eye stalks resembling crab legs, the next is covered in green dragon hide, and so on, with the next just as different from the last as it is to the next. But each beholder head shares the following features: a cavernous maw packed with long, rapier fangs, twelve eye stalks, a central, bloodshot eye, and oddly another eye resembling a normal beholder's central eye, but in a different position near the bloodshot one, as if that eye were plucked out, replaced with a bloodshot one, and then stuck back on haphazardly after its uncaring creator changed its mind. Its final bizarre feature are dozens of tails from right below where the neck attaches to the body, one for each neck, about half-again as long as each neck, each ending in a huge, bony knob, perfect for squashing ancient dragons like a warhammer pulping a melon.

The terragnaw is an entity, an abomination with the personal power of a greater deity. Whereas abominations are corruptions of deific portfolios and dalliances, entities are corruptions of the planes and dimensions themselves. This entity is a multiversal cancer within the bones of the demiurge, the Prime Material Plane. This realm is its prison, or so it was intended. It is incapable of breaking the decrees of long-dormant overgods, who were last active when the Prime was little more than a realm empty of all but swirling primordial soup. They figured such a place would be perfect to house this apocalyptic beast. Too bad for the Material Plane's residents now, though.

Before its imprisonment, the terragnaw grew from the mire of the newly formed Prime, like mold on a fruit. This happened during the initial dimensional tearing as beings from one plane interacted with those from another for the first time in existence. During these tumultuous times, the future realm of the mortals was infected with the essences of elsewhere. Not even the elder gods know how exactly the terragnaw came to be, though perhaps it spawned from the decaying quintessence of hundreds of immortals, or just the remains of a single slain overdeity who personified the concepts of murder and rot.

It escaped the mucky bath to other planes, where it single-handedly slew entire armies of angels, demons, and elementals. The overpowers were too busy directing the interplanar war to step in until the terragnaw managed to defeat a pair of their own, the fallen cherubim Arazia and Nalariss, who sought to play cat and mouse with the strange little beast. They rejuvenated thanks to their cosmic string, but it was enough to gain the attention of Aditi, the first one of the Prime. Lady Fate directed her subordinates to weave an epic ritual to hedge out the terragnaw from any realm but her own, for here it could do the least damage except to outsiders stupid enough to bring their war to her doorstep.

The terragnaw is lucky she did not see fit to simply kill the monster personally. Perhaps she would have, if engaging in combat wouldn't have left her charges vulnerable to attack from the other overgods. Though the fact that its imprisonment saw a noticeable decline in elementals and spirit beings trying to carve territory in her realm was not lost on the others. Perhaps using the terragnaw as a living "Keep Out!" sign was an ulterior motive of hers? Fear of the monster would go some way towards explaining why gods and their minions are reluctant to enter the Prime, even eons later when the terragnaw directly threatened entire worlds full of worshipers.

So for now, as the terragnaw has for eons before the birth of mortals in its realm, it simply rages. Long after its imprisonment, when the overgods finally returned to the womb of the demiurge and left the Material Realm almost empty, the terragnaw felt the closest thing to peace floating in the nearly infinite void of the multiverse's afterbirth. But over time did develop the seeds that were to grow into the worlds of the Prime, ready for mortal population. The terragnaw destroyed many of these new worlds, regardless of if they were inhabited by flea-like specks pleading for its nonexistent mercy. But it could not travel fast enough to rip them all apart, for it took the terragnaw centuries to travel from the ruins of one world to the next. It became especially hateful when it suddenly became tethered to these worlds, for before the entire Material Plane was its godly realm. It could no longer safely crush these worlds into so much dust in the void, but the terragnaw could scour all life from the surface and deep below, and leave the entire realm a smoldering waste. Every moment it travels between worlds, its anger is fed by how empty and "thin" its prison, its home had become. Its ancient wrath is briefly sated only when it is blasting and shredding a world, battling younger adamic dragons, or when it kills a party of upstart gods who think they're going to go home to craft suits of terragnawhide armor.

Though evil, the terragnaw is not malicious -- it merely lacks all compassion and care for other beings aside from their deaths. It kills because that is its diseased unnature. For all its primeval intellect and insight, the terragnaw can comprehend little else but death, decay, self-preservation, and the desire for freedom. It wants nothing more than to escape its cage, release the sidereals and slay them all. But even if it found out how, it will not before it grows in might, for as of now it is a match only for the weakest of the elder ones. It gives conscious thought only to its hatred and those who can harm it.

It is said that the terragnaw wasn't always in this form, but as of now it appears as a behemoth, hecatonchieres-esque hybrid of two uncommon Material Plane aberrations: the catoblepas and the beholder.

The terragnaw is 234' long from tail club to tail club, its body (minus tail and neck) about one-third that, and is around 100' at the shoulder and 150' at the tip of its back hump. Its extremely packed muscle makes it weigh almost half a megaton (960,000,000 lbs), though thanks to its feats and divine nature it can float unfettered by gravity as though it were weightless. Its massive weight usually only comes into play if it wishes to slam into a world like a meteor. It speaks all languages (polyglot feat).


The terragnaw is an aggressive and terrific combatant. Like a beholder it rushes into the middle of any group of foes, firing hundreds of beams from its hundreds of eyes. Since it can aim all of its eye rays upwards, it tries to fight below the group (its body below the ground if need be), or upside-down above its enemies. Few who are not overdeities can withstand this assault; all others must fight from at least a thousand feet back so they are not obliterated in an instant.

Over 3 miles in every direction from the terragnaw, other creatures take enough damage each round that only the greatest true wyrms can survive longer than a few seconds, and it emanates antimagic within this area as well. Facing the terragnaw is a task for the gods.

It can create natural disasters with its spell-like abilities, though it usually doesn't use them for combat unless it knows its foes would be vulnerable.

It doesn't worry about fighting foes of less than greater deity status as it would merely rejuvenate if killed by them, though if it does, it almost always shoots upwards towards the void above the clouds to challenge it there, where it would not be permanently defeated. The terragnaw knows fear only when facing a sidereal, for it remembers that they are responsible for its imprisonment. It would battle such a being as a caged animal, nursing its ages-old grudge with fits of violence.

The terragnaw's natural weapons and unarmed strikes are treated as divine (greater deity) for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

If you wish to use the house rule that multiplies a creature's maximum hit points by one-tenth its CR once it reaches CR 11, terragnaw would instead have 1,579,305 maximum hit points (3,158,610 hp while within its godly realm).

If you wish to use the house rule that greater deities have a pseudo-CFM of 3, then its maximum hit points, damage reduction, regeneration, and range calculations are multiplied by 3 (FH/reg 1,530, DR 3,060/-, medium range [death ray, eye rays] 2,970', divine aura 47,520', hp 280,350/560,700 or 4,737,915/9,475,830 if this and the above houserule).


Death Ray (Su): The terragnaw can project a thin, green ray up to 990' from the central eye of each of its heads. Any living creature struck by this ray must make a Fortitude save (DC 245) or die instantly. Even on a success, the target takes 85d6 damage. After striking one target, the ray dissipates, and that death ray cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Con-based.
Degeneration (Su): The terragnaw's very presence causes decay. All other creatures and objects it wishes to affect within its divine aura take 510 damage each round (not subject to damage reduction or hardness).
Divine Aura (Su): The terragnaw emanates an aura 15,840' from itself. It may have one of the following effects up (can be switched to another at the beginning of its turns with no action; typically has Pain or Fear up, depending on if it thinks the creature is weak-bodied or weak-willed, respectively). All DC's 90 (Cha-based).
Daze: Enemies within the divine aura must make a Will save or be dazed for 1 round.
Death: Enemies must Fort save or die; the terragnaw may only slay up to 5,100 hp of creatures a round (starting with the creatures with the lowest current hit points).
Fear: Enemies Will save or die of fright; on a success, enemy is panicked until it leaves the aura and for 10 minutes after, cowering if it cannot escape).
Insanity: Enemies Will save or go permanently insane.
Pain: Enemies Fort or -17 attack rolls, saves, and skill checks until it leaves the aura and for 1 hour.
Perfect Heroism: Allies gain +17 morale bonus on armor class, attack rolls, saves, skill checks, are immune to fear, and gain 510 temporary hit points.
Sleep: Enemies Will save or sleep for 1d4 rounds.
Stunning: Enemies Will or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.
Weakness: Enemies Fort or take 3d6 Strength damage.
Eye Rays (Su): Each of the terragnaw's heads has twelve eye stalks like that of a beholder, each able to produce a magical ray once a round even when the terragnaw is attacking physically or moving at full speed. It can easily aim all its eyes upward, but its own head and body tend to get in the way when it tries to aim in other directions. During a round, it can aim only four eye rays from each head at targets in any one 90-degree arc other than up (forward, backward, left, right, or down). The remaining eyes must aim at targets in other arcs or not at all. Each eye's effect resembles a spell (except where otherwise noted) cast by an 89th-lvl sorcerer (CL 115) but follows the rules for a ray, and are each considered 44th-lvl spells with no level caps. All rays have a range of 990' and a DC of 124 (Cha-based).
Charm Monster: The target must succeed on a Will save or be affected as though by the spell.
Disintegrate: The target takes 230d6 damage. If reduced to 0 or fewer hit points it is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. It works as the spell otherwise.
Death and Exhaustion: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be slain as though by a finger of death spell. The target takes 3d6+115 damage and is exhausted for 3d6 rounds on a successful saving throw.
Dominate Monster: The target must succeed on a Will save or be affected as though by the spell.
Flesh to Stone: The target must succeed at a Fortitude save or be affected as though by the spell.
Imprisonment: This works as the spell, Will save to negate.
Prismatic Ray: This works like a prismatic spray spell, see spell for saving throw.
Sleep: This works like the spell, except that it affects one creature with any number of hit dice. The target must make a Will save to resist.
Stun: A target must succeed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. If it fails the save by 10 or more it is instead stunned for 4d6 rounds.
Telekinetic Sphere: Works as the spell, creating up to a 115' diameter sphere centered on the target (always just big enough to encapsulate that target and any equipment only), and the terragnaw can lift and move the sphere telekinetically so long as the creature or object within normally weighs 575,000 lbs. A successful Reflex save negates.
Terrorize: The target is frightened for 4d6 rounds (shaken for 2d6 rounds on a successful save). If the target fails its save by 10 or more, it is instead panicked for 8d6 rounds, and cowers if it cannot run. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Trap the Soul: This works like the spell, trapping the soul in the eye that fired the ray, swallowed into the stalk. That stalk can hold one soul at a time.
Multiheaded and Multilimbed (Ex): The terragnaw not only had 42 heads, it has 42 tails to match, all splayed in a radial pattern around its body along with its necks. Furthermore, each chitinous head can hit as an unarmed strike in a full attack without penalty. It can use up to ten of one type of attack with a standard action to attack (or as an attack of opportunity). However, even though its necks are far stronger and more flexible than a catoplebas', and any one of its tails can reach any point on its body, with the way its limbs and heads are arranged around, it can only bring to bear up to 14 tail slams, bites, and unarmed strikes against a single target in a 90-degree arc regardless of its target's size. Furthermore, Huge targets can only be hit with 10 of each attack in a full attack (or 10 of one type of attack in a standard attack), Large targets up to 6, and Medium or smaller targets only 2. It can aim up to 14 death rays, the eye rays of 14 beholder heads, and other ray attacks it can use with each head regardless of the target's size in the same 90-degree arc.
Numinous (Su): Out to its divine aura is an antimagic field that does not impede or affect the terragnaw or any of its abilities (supernatural, spell-like, or otherwise).
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): CL 115, DC's 80 plus spell level (Cha-based).
At-will-- commune, banishment, dimensional lock, discern location, disjunction, dream, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, implosion, lake scoria, magic jar, repulsion, sending, superior invisibility, tongues, vision
17/day-- miracle or wish
3/day-- disaster
1/year-- worldrend
Disaster (Sp): 3/day with a 1-round casting time, the terragnaw can release four distinct, simultaneous natural disasters.
An intense but highly localized tremor rips the ground. The shock knocks creatures down, collapses structures, opens cracks in the ground, and more. The effect lasts for 10 rounds, during which time creatures on the ground can't move or attack. A spellcaster on the ground must make a Concentration check (DC 90) or lose any spell he or she tries to cast. The earthquake affects all terrain, vegetation, structures, and creatures in the area. The specific effect of an earthquake spell depends on the nature of the terrain where it is cast.
Cave, Cavern, or Tunnel
The spell collapses the roof, dealing 48d12 points of bludgeoning damage to any creature caught under the cave-in (Reflex DC 75 half) and pinning that creature beneath the rubble (see below). An earthquake cast on the roof of a very large cavern could also endanger those outside the actual area but below the falling debris.
Earthquake causes a cliff to crumble, creating a landslide that travels horizontally as far as it fell vertically. Any creature in the path takes 48d12 points of bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 75 half) and is pinned beneath the rubble (see below).
Open Ground
Each creature standing in the area must make a DC 15 Reflex save or fall down. Fissures open in the earth, and every creature on the ground has a 25% chance to fall into one (Reflex DC 80 to avoid a fissure). At the end of the spell, all fissures grind shut, killing any creatures still trapped within.
Any structure standing on open ground takes 500 points of damage, enough to collapse a typical wooden or masonry building, but not a structure built of stone or reinforced masonry. Hardness does not reduce this damage, nor is it halved as damage dealt to objects normally is. Any creature caught inside a collapsing structure takes 48d6 points of bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 75 half) and is pinned beneath the rubble (see below).
River, Lake, or Marsh
Fissures open underneath the water, draining away the water from that area and forming muddy ground. Soggy marsh or swampland becomes quicksand for the duration of the spell, sucking down creatures and structures. Each creature in the area must make a DC 75 Reflex save or sink down in the mud and quicksand. At the end of the spell, the rest of the body of water rushes in to replace the drained water, possibly drowning those caught in the mud.
Pinned beneath Rubble
Any creature pinned beneath rubble takes 41d12 points of nonlethal damage per minute while pinned. If a pinned character falls unconscious, he or she must make a DC 15 Constitution check or take 41d12 points of lethal damage each minute thereafter until freed or dead.
If used in the same area as an earthquake spell, or another epic spell with the quake seed, only the highest damage, DC's, and caster level checks to overcome spell resistance applies (the areas overlap, but don't stack). This effect lasts for 1 minute, repeating its effect once per round. This is an Evocation [Earth] effect.
On top of the massive earthquake, ten 6'-diameter spheres falls from the sky. No matter their origin, they hit their targets in almost an instant. The meteor spheres leave a fiery trail of sparks.
If the terragnaw concentrates on this epic spell in a given round, it may aim the falling spheres that round. Each round it does not, they simply fall to cover an area as close to each other as possible without overlapping their radius spreads.
Any creature struck by one of these spheres takes 6d12 points of bludgeoning damage (no save) and receives no saving throw against the sphere's fire damage (see below). If a targeted sphere misses its target, it simply explodes at the nearest corner of the target's space. The terragnaw may aim more than one meteor at the same target.
Once a sphere reaches its destination, it explodes in a 400'-radius spread, dealing 14d12 points of fire damage to each creature in the area. If a creature is within the area of more than one sphere, it must save separately against each. (Fire resistance applies to each sphere's damage individually.)
This effect lasts 1 minute, dropping ten meteoric spheres once per round. This is an Evocation [Fire] effect.
Tidal Wave:
The terragnaw also conjures a giant wave of water to crush and sweep away all in its path who haven't been slain by the meteor shower or the earthquake. The wave starts at any point you select within range of the spell and then moves at a speed of 600 feet in any direction chosen by the terragnaw.
The wave deals 50d12 points of bludgeoning damage to all in its path. Anything struck can make a Fortitude saving throw for half damage. Creatures whose largest dimension (height for tall creatures, or length for long creatures) is greater than 600' (1.5* the tidal wave's height) simply take damage. Those whose largest dimension is between 301'-600' who fail the save are knocked prone. Anything smaller than 300' in its largest dimension who fail the save are picked up and carried with the tidal wave.
Each round a victim is carried by the wave, it takes the bludgeoning damage again and can make an additional Fortitude save for half damage. Creatures being carried by a tidal wave cannot move in any other way. They can otherwise act normally, but must make a Concentration check (DC 90) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in a wave take a –4 penalty to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. They can escape the wave by making successful DC 80 Swim checks, as long as they end their movement outside the effect of the wave.
Any creature that comes in contact with a tidal wave as a result of movement during its turn is considered to have been struck by the wave's movement. A creature can attempt to extract another creature caught by a wave, providing the rescuer resists being swept up or knocked down by the wave and can reach the victim. Extracting a victim in this manner requires a DC 80 Strength check.
A tidal wave's progress can be halted by anything that would normally block line of effect along its path, assuming the wave does not destroy the intervening object or creature. If only a portion of the wave is blocked, the rest of it continues on. If the wave, or a portion, containing one or more creatures, the creatures take double the bludgeoning damage that round from the savage impact.
This effect lasts 20 minutes. It is a Conjuration (Creation) [Water] effect.
Ten powerful cyclones of raging wind moves through the air, along the ground, or over water at a speed of 600' per round. The terragnaw can concentrate on controlling one cyclone's every movement or specify a simple program. Directing a cyclone's movement or changing ones programmed movement is a swift action. The cyclone always moves during your turn. If the cyclone exceeds the spell's range, it moves in a random, uncontrolled fashion for 1d3 rounds and then dissipates. (You can't regain control of the cyclone, even if comes back within range.)
Any creature over 125' in its largest dimension (over *1.25 the cyclone's base) that comes in contact with the spell effect must succeed on a Reflex save or take 43d12 points of damage. Anything smaller that fails its first save must succeed on a second one or be picked up bodily by the cyclone and held suspended in its powerful winds, taking 41d12 points of damage each round on the terragnaw's turn with no save allowed. The terragnaw may direct the cyclone to eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing the hapless souls wherever the cyclone happens to be when they are released.
This effect lasts 20 minutes. It is an Evocation [Air] effect.
Lake Scoria (Sp): As a standard action at-will within 1,500', this epic spell-like ability transmutes four 250'-cubes of stone or any kind of metal (any kind, even the likes of cold iron or adamantine), regardless of whether or not it's worked or unworked, or magical or mundane, into an equal volume of white-hot magma. The duration is instantaneous.
All creatures in the spell's area that make a successful DC 120 Reflex save take 33d12 points of fire damage, provided they can physically escape the area on their next turn. Creatures that fail their saves, or those unable to escape the area, take 100d12 points of fire damage in each round they remain in the area. Creatures in the lava have their speed reduced to 5 feet and take a –2 penalty on attack rolls and to Armor Class. Even after leaving the area of the spell, creatures that were exposed to the lava take half damage for 1 additional round.
If Lake Scoria is cast upon the ceiling (assuming it's made of stone or metal), the lava falls to the fioor and spreads out in a 375'-radius pool per cube at a depth of approximately 1-1/2 feet. The rain of lava deals 10d12 points of fire damage to anyone caught directly beneath (Reflex half). In addition, creatures take 50d12 points of fire damage each round when they are caught in the area of the pool.
Casting this on unworked stone below or adjacent to such structures deals 50d12 points of fire damage per round to any part of the structure in contact with the lava. Wooden structures in contact with lava instantly burst into fiame.
The lava cools naturally from its surface toward its center, and it no longer deals fire damage after 2d6 weeks as it slowly reverts to stone. Though a 375'-radius pool can take as long as twelve weeks to completely cool, the core of a 250' cube of lava might remain molten for a decade or more.
This spell can also be cast upon lava, turning it into stone or iron in the area. The surface still deals 25d12 fire damage for 1 hour, reducing by 1d12 per hour afterwards until it deals no damage but remains uncomfortably hot for a few days unless deliberately cooled.
Alternatively, Lake Scoria can be cast upon up to four stone or metal objects (including wielded weapons or equipped armor) up to the size of the cube (multiple cubes can be used to affect a large enough object); other cubes work normally. If casted in this manner, a wielded object is entitled to a Fortitude save (DC 120) or it is turned into lava, destroyed, and its owner takes 25d12 fire damage from the lava now oozing off its limb or limbs if it was a wielded weapon or shield, or a smallish worn item like a helmet, or 50d12 fire damage if it was an equipped suit of armor. Spell resistance applies in this case.
A magic item's enhancement bonus grants an equivalent bonus to the Fortitude save; if any spells with the fire or cold descriptor were part of its crafting, the highest level of such a spell gives an additional bonus to the Fortitude save equal to its level. This can be used on artifacts, but in 1d4 rounds the lava simply reforms back into the artifact, leaving it undamaged (this can be a roundabout way to "repair" an artifact) though warm to the touch (uncomfortable but undamaging, like the first and seventh round of a heat metal spell) for a few hours unless deliberately cooled.
If used upon a corporeal creature made of stone, metal, or both (up to four with each use) that is not an elemental with the fire subtype (fire resistance grants a +1 bonus to the Fortitude save for every 5 points of fire resistance, maximum +10; immunity to fire without having the fire subtype grants a +20 bonus on the Fortitude save, whereas being a creature other than an elemental or outsider with the fire subtype grants a +30 bonus; outsiders with the fire subtype gain a +40 bonus), it must make a Fortitude save or die, melting into a puddle of lava that sinks and spreads out into an area 1-1/2 times its space (long) or twice its space (tall) about a couple of feet deep. If the creature was flying, it acts as if the spell had transmuted rock from a cavern ceiling to any below the transmuted-to-lava creature (see above). Spell resistance applies in this case.
Lake Scoria has a +30 bonus to DC's (already factored) and its effective caster level check from the terragnaw to beat spell resistance is 140 (but is not resisted by SR except where otherwise specified). It is a Transmutation [Earth, Fire] effect.
Worldrend (Sp): 1/year with a 1-day casting time, the terragnaw punishes an entire mortal world with endless disaster. It works just like Disaster but with the following differences:
Works like the spell earthquake, only the radius spread covers every square inch of the material world it's casted on, and has a permanent duration.
Works exactly as the spell meteor swarm, only there are 1,000 meteoric spheres that strike randomly around the material world each round from the sky (unless the terragnaw concentrates for a round to direct them).
Tidal Wave:
Works like the spell tsunami (Spell Compendium) only it deals 20d6 bludgeoning damage. Also, the width of the tidal wave goes from one end of the material world to the other (forming a half-hoop), any blocked portion reforms in the next round, and it moves 1,500' per round.
Works like the spell whirlwind, only there are 1,000 cyclones that randomly travel the entire material world, and each move at 900' per round.
Stun (Ex): Any living creature struck by the terragnaw's tail must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 245) or be stunned for 1 round. DC is Con-based.


All-Around Vision (Ex): Because of its additional eyes and heads, the terragnaw is exceptionally alert and able to look in all directions at once. This gives it a +42 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks, and it can't be flanked.
Entity Traits (Ex): The terragnaw is effectively a greater deity (divine rank 17) and thus gains a +17 divine bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); hit points per hit die, initiative; saving throws, spell resistance, and weapon damage rolls. Its divine rank is equal to 16 plus one-tenth its racial hit dice above 80 (rounded up).
The terragnaw has all the traits of a greater deity (see Immortal's Handbook: Ascension pg 36) with the following exceptions: the material world it currently inhabits or last inhabited is treated as its godly realm (and thus has double its max hit points and can impose a -17 divine penalty on all die rolls of its enemies on the same world; enemies could theoretically attack from beyond the planet's atmosphere to avoid the penalty); its divine aura is long range and its base speed is increased tenfold (as a sidereal), it uses d100's for hit dice and has maximum hit points per hit die, all of its senses extend to the borders of the current planar layer or material world it currently inhabits (line of sight still blocked by objects and creatures), and it has a cosmic firmament modifier of 3. It can only be permanently slain by a creature of greater deity status and above in its godly realm; if a weaker creature delivers the telling blow, or if it is slain outside its godly realm, this creature simply rejuvenates in 10d10x10 years in the center of a material world 1d1000 planets away in a random direction (from the origin it left the Prime, if it wasn't there).
Float (Ex): The terragnaw's heads are naturally buoyant, though it is weighed down by its body. This buoyancy grants it a permanent feather fall effect with personal range.
Multiple Minds (Ex): A many-headed creature has a brain in each head. So, for all mind-affecting attacks each head the creature possesses counts as a separate creature. If a spell or effect can only affect one of the creature's head (such as Charm Monster, which affects a single target), the unaffected heads take control of the body. The spell affects the targeted head normally. In effect, mind-affecting attacks must affect all heads in order to achieve the normal result (casting 42 successful Charm Monster spells on a 42-headed catoblepas subjects it to the spell's normal effects).
Prime Commitment (Ex): The terragnaw cannot leave the Prime Material Plane under its own power under any circumstance (not even to use astal travel like greater teleport), unless its divine rank advances (even temporarily) to at least 24 (and thus can defy overdeity decree as it is itself an overgod). If it or another creature with a divine rank less than 24 tries to force it to leave, it is teleported to the center of a material world 1d10 planets away in a random direction.
If the terragnaw somehow finds itself outside the Prime before advancing to 155 hit dice and thus divine rank 24 (e.g. if it was dragged out by an overdeity, or it found a wellspring of divinity on the Prime that gave it power like unto an overdeity, then had its connection severed sometime after leaving), it remains wherever it is and can travel the planes freely (even back to the Prime, but then it would be imprisoned again). If forced back onto the Prime, it is imprisoned once more.
Pugnacious (Ex): The terragnaw is beyond resilient. All of its damage reduction (even temporary) is doubled.
Regeneration (Ex): Works as the tarrasque's, except the wish or miracle required to keep the terragnaw dead must be heightened or fortified to 26th-level (9 plus divine rank) or it doesn't work.
Sidereal Survivor (Ex): The terragnaw has battled overgods and lived. It has an insight bonus to: armor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); hit points per hit die (multiplied by cosmic firmament modifier), initiative; saving throws, spell resistance and weapon damage rolls equal to 15% of its hit dice (+13), and a luck bonus toarmor class; attack rolls; checks (ability checks, caster level checks, skill checks, turning checks); difficulty class (for any special abilities, spell-like abilities, spells); hit points per hit die (multiplied by cosmic firmament modifier), initiative; saving throws, spell resistance and weapon damage rolls equal to 10% of its hit dice (+8).
Warbeast (Ex): The terragnaw is extraordinarily adept in combat. It may select fighter-only feats as a fighter equal to its racial hit dice. Furthermore, though an aberration, its base attack bonus and saving throws are that of a magical beast (BAB equal to hit die, good fortitude and reflexes but poor will).


Damage Reduction: The terragnaw's divine damage reduction can only be pierced by natural and manufactured weapons wielded by gods of greater deity status and higher. Abilities or materials that reduce or ignore damage reduction are only effective from beings of at least lesser deity status, or by major artifacts made of adamantine, obdurium, or similar materials.
Feats, Divine Abilities, etc: Explained here, here, or here.
Virtual Size Category: The terragnaw, due to its Strength score far above and beyond the norm for creatures of its size category, is treated as a creature of macro-titanic size for the purpose of base damage with natural weapons, unarmed strikes, size bonus to natural armor, and ability score adjustments. It is treated as its normal size (titanic) for all other purposes.
Weapon Damage Dice: The terragnaw uses an alternative to the increased damage dice beyond 8d8 than within the Immortal's Handbook. Download the spreadsheet. (Sheet 3) If the terragnaw used the scaling damage die from IH, its unarmed strike would be hitting for 2560d10! All future monsters created by me will use this to calculate damage die above 8d8.

Adventure Ideas[edit]

  • High Level, Low Epic: Through a botched teleportation ritual, the players find themselves on a world blasted so thoroughly by the terragnaw that even magic has ceased functioning. Somehow there are survivors, but physical brutes like giants and linnorms rule the surface. Fleeing underground, the players discover that the lower they go, the higher levels of magic they have access to (cantrips and 1st-lvl spells below 100', up to 2nd-lvl at 300', 3rd-lvl at 900' down, etc). But down here is ruled as well -- by this world's remnants of drow, mind flayers and other underdark horrors made even more horrific by generations of unstable magical warping, the remnants of the terragnaw's wrath so many millenia ago. If the players wish to escape this dismal underworld, they must fight/steal/negotiate their way deep enough to cast their interplanar magics and escape. But getting through an underdark far darker than most, with their greatest spells and equipment so limited, will be their deadliest challenge yet.
  • Mid Epic: The terragnaw crash-lands into your world! The players are likely not powerful enough to defeat an entity, but perhaps they and some deific allies can distract it long enough for the world's population (maybe even the players' own worshipers) to evacuate.
  • High Epic: The fallen cherubim Nalariss and Arazia wish vengeance against the terragnaw. However, the two elder powers are still too frightened to face it after all these eons, so they enlist the players. But as soom as they confront the beast deep in the void above the clouds, they attack the players and the many-headed monster! Even overdeities of evil are not above the simply joys of treachery.
  • Low Cosmic: The terragnaw crash-lands into your world -- again! This time, you're prepared.

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