Orboid (3.5e Creature)

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CR 1

NG Small Outsider (Native)
Init/Senses +6/low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +4
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11
(+2 Dexterity, +1 Size)
hp 8 (1 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+2
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (Good)
Ranged light ray +3 (1d6)
Space/Reach 5 ft./5ft
Base Atk/Grp 1/-3
Abilities Str 6, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 12
SQ Glowing Body, Spherical Shape, Nurture
Feats Improved Initiative
Skills Diplomacy +3, Escape Artist +4 Sense Motive +2
Glowing Body Orboids shine a light of their respective color, as strong as a torch. As a swift action they can dim the light to be as strong as a candle's. This light is not able to dispell darkness effects such as Darkness.
Nurture Orboids breathe and sleep as other beings, but when it comes to eating, they nurture themselves from natural energy. 10 minutes of uninterrupted repose surrounded by a natural element, such as direct sunlight or clear water from a river, counts as a meal for the orboid.
Spherical Shape Orboids have a ball shape, instead of being humanoid. They cannot use weapons, conventional armor or shields, and they only carry one object at a time. However, their body can accommodate a head or neck equipment, but only one at a time, and not at the same time as armor. Effectively, the orboid picks one to wear between headgear, neck gear, or armor. The orboid has a facing direction and can be flanked normally. Due to their unusual body, enemies do not deal extra damage from critical hits or Sneak Attacks against the orboid unless they succeed a 15 CD Knowledge (The Planes) check to recognize its weak spots.
Light Ray As a standard action, orboids can fire a light projectile that deals 1d6 of damage with a max range of 30 feet. This damage overcomes all types of damage reduction. This is the main form that orboid attacks, since using melee is nonoptimal.

Orboids are magical creatures in the shape of a glowing sphere and some stronger glowing expressions painted in their faces. They are kind and curious, and will do what they can to help those in need, even if their form may limit their capabilities.

Strategies and Tactics[edit]

Orboids avoid unnecessary confrontation, and often try to resolve things through dialogue first. If give no other choice, they'll try to keep distance with their speed and jab at enemies with its light ray. However, if they see they have no chance to win, they'll flee as fast as possible, making vertical distance, or hiding in places only they can fit.

Sample Encounters[edit]

Double Trouble (ECL 2): A mysterious mist is causing the simple minded creatures of the forest to go in a mindless rage. The party faces a pair of crazed orboids. Maybe if they are cured, the party can extract valuable information, but how? There's little time to think as the glowing duo charges in.


Environment: Wild orboids are fond of lush surroundings, mainly ones that offer colors in form of flowers and fruits. Most gather around bodies of water and let themselves float calmly. Though some may be found in medium or big cities, but these tend to be either pets or independent adventurers.

Typical Physical Characteristics: Orboids are always a glowing sphere with a visible glowing expression. Their color and texture may vary a lot, and they like to decorate their bodies with colorful things.

Alignment: Orboids tend to be neutral good. Lawful or evil orboids are extremely rare

For Player Characters[edit]

A character with the Improved Familiar or Planar Familiar (Planar Handbook pg. 41) can choose an orboid as a familiar. Their first feat is always Improved Initiative. As a full-round action, an orboid familiar can deliver touch spells with their Light Ray. Characters with an Orboid Familiar have a +2 bonus in all Charisma-based checks.

Creatures As Characters[edit]

Players can pick orboids as a race with +1 Level Adjustment. Their favored classes are Sorcerer or Favored Soul (Complete Divine pg. 6) For more information, see Orboids (3.5e Race)

Creatures With Class Levels[edit]

Orboids take levels in Sorcerer, Favored Soul or Warlock (Complete Arcane, pg 5), since their high Charisma allows them to use the spellcasting abilities of these classes more effectively. More daring orboids may be Fighters or Rogues, opting for a agile ranged style.

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