- 5e Creatures
- 5e Dragon Monsters
- 5e SRD:Adult Black Dragon
- 5e SRD:Adult Blue Dragon
- 5e SRD:Adult Brass Dragon
- 5e SRD:Adult Bronze Dragon
- 5e SRD:Adult Copper Dragon
- 5e SRD:Adult Green Dragon
- 5e SRD:Adult Red Dragon
- 5e SRD:Adult White Dragon
- 5e SRD:Ancient Black Dragon
- 5e SRD:Ancient Blue Dragon
- 5e SRD:Ancient Brass Dragon
- 5e SRD:Ancient Bronze Dragon
- 5e SRD:Ancient Copper Dragon
- 5e SRD:Ancient Green Dragon
- 5e SRD:Ancient Red Dragon
- 5e SRD:Ancient White Dragon
- 5e SRD:Black Dragon Wyrmling
- 5e SRD:Blue Dragon Wyrmling
- 5e SRD:Brass Dragon Wyrmling
- 5e SRD:Bronze Dragon Wyrmling
- 5e SRD:Copper Dragon Wyrmling
- 5e SRD:Dragon Turtle
- 5e SRD:Green Dragon Wyrmling
- 5e SRD:Half-Dragon
- 5e SRD:Half-Red Dragon Veteran
- 5e SRD:Red Dragon Wyrmling
- 5e SRD:White Dragon Wyrmling
- 5e SRD:Young Black Dragon
- 5e SRD:Young Blue Dragon
- 5e SRD:Young Brass Dragon
- 5e SRD:Young Bronze Dragon
- 5e SRD:Young Copper Dragon
- 5e SRD:Young Green Dragon
- 5e SRD:Young Red Dragon
- 5e SRD:Young White Dragon
- Abyssal Dragon
- Adult Blue Inferno Dragon
- Adult Brown Dragon
- Adult Candle Dragon
- Adult Chaos Dragon
- Adult Cobalt Dragon
- Adult Dawn Dragon
- Adult Dusk Dragon
- Adult Feather Dragon
- Adult Fey Dragon
- Adult Force Dragon
- Adult Force Shadow Dragon
- 5e SRD:Adult Gold Dragon
- Adult Grey Dragon
- Adult Iron Dragon
- Adult Lead Dragon
- Adult Light Dragon
- Adult Magenta Dragon
- Adult Mecha Dragon
- Adult Mercury Dragon
- Adult Mithral Dragon
- Adult Moonstone Dragon
- Adult Orange Dragon
- Adult Orium Dragon
- Adult Pink Dragon
- Adult Pitch Dragon
- Adult Prismatic Dragon
- Adult Purple Dragon
- Adult Sapphire Dragon
- Adult Silent Dragon
- 5e SRD:Adult Silver Dragon
- Adult Steel Dragon
- Adult Topaz Dragon
- Adult Velvet Dragon
- Adult Yellow Dragon
- Albion (White Dragon Emperor)
- Alien Commoner (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Alien Guard (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Alien Soldier (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Alien Soldier Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Amethyst Dragon Wyrmling
- Amethyst Dragon, Adult
- Amethyst Dragon, Ancient
- Amethyst Dragon, Young
- Ancient Blue Inferno Dragon
- Ancient Brown Dragon
- Ancient Candle Dragon
- Ancient Chaos Dragon
- Ancient Cobalt Dragon
- Ancient Dawn Dragon
- Ancient Dusk Dragon
- 5e SRD:Ancient Gold Dragon
- Ancient Gray Dragon
- Ancient Grey Dragon
- Ancient Iron Dragon
- Ancient Lead Dragon
- Ancient Light Dragon
- Ancient Lunar Dragon
- Ancient Magenta Dragon
- Ancient Mecha Dragon
- Ancient Mercury Dragon
- Ancient Mithral Dragon
- Ancient Moonstone Dragon
- Ancient Orange Dragon
- Ancient Orium Dragon
- Ancient Pink Dragon
- Ancient Pitch Dragon
- Ancient Prismatic Dragon
- Ancient Purple Dragon
- Ancient Purple Titanium Dragon
- Ancient Sapphire Dragon
- Ancient Silent Dragon
- 5e SRD:Ancient Silver Dragon
- Ancient Solar Dragon
- Ancient Steel Dragon
- Ancient Topaz Dragon
- Ancient Yellow Dragon
- Android 13 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Android 16 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Android 17 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Android 18 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Aqua Dragon
- Arch Dragon Wyrmling
- Armed Dragon LV10
- Armed Dragon LV3
- Armed Dragon LV5
- Armed Dragon LV7
- Aspect of the Great Dragon of Calamity
- Baby Candle Dragon
- Basilisk Dragon
- Battle Jacket (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Bear Thief (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Bear Thief (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Black Dragon Crime Lord, Jarek Variant
- Black Dragon Crime Lord, Kabal Variant
- Black Dragon Crime Lord, Kano Variant
- Black Dragon Kalameet
- Black Dragon Mercenary
- Black Dragon Mercenary, Kobra Variant
- Black Dragon Pyromaniac
- Black Dragon Sprinter
- Black Dragon Swordmaster
- Black Skull Dragon
- Blackland Fire Dragon
- Blight Dragon
- Blood Dragon Construct
- Blue Inferno Baby Dragon
- Blue Inferno Dragon
- Blue-Eyes White Dragon
- Bongo, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Book Dragon
- Brown Dragon Wyrmling
- Bulma (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Bulma, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Burter (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Candle Dragons
- Chaos Dragon Wyrmling
- Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Chiaotzu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Chromatic Prism Dragon
- Cobalt Dragon Wyrmling
- Cronak, The Dragon of Time
- Crystal Dragon Wyrmling
- Crystal Dragon, Adult
- Crystal Dragon, Ancient
- Crystal Dragon, Young
- Cui (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Curse of Dragon (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Cymbal (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Dawn Dragon Wyrmling
- Deep Dragon Wyrmling
- Deep Dragon, Adult
- Deep Dragon, Ancient
- Deep Dragon, Young
- Dende (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Dende, Xeno (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Devil (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Devil Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Diamond Dragon Wrymling
- Dice Dragon
- Dividing Wyvern Fairy (Red Dragon)
- Dodoria (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Dragon Ball +30 Preload
- Dragon Curse (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Dragon Follower
- Dragon Frog
- Dragon Ogre
- Dragon Ogre Shaggoth
- Dragon Piper
- Dragon Rider Class)
- Dragon Rider, 2nd Variant Class)
- Dragon Turtle
- Dragon Zombie
- Dragon's Chosen Class)
- Dragonair
- Dragonblood Ooze
- Dragonbone Golem
- Dragonborn Baboon
- Dragonborn Champion
- Dragonflesh Abomination
- Dragonflesh Grafter
- Dragonfly
- Dragonfly of Termina
- Dragonfolly
- Dragonite
- Dragonnel
- 5e SRD:Dragons
- Dragons
- Dragonslayer Ornstein
- Drum (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Dusk Dragon Wyrmling
- Eclipse Dragon
- Elder Brain Dragon
- Elder Chroma Dragon
- Elemental Dragon
- Emerald Dragon Wyrmling
- Emerald Dragon, Adult
- Emerald Dragon, Ancient
- Emerald Dragon, Young
- Esca (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Evil Buu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Evil Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Evolved Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Faerie Dragon
- Fairies of the White Dragon Emperor
- False Dragon
- Farmer with Shotgun (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Feathered Dragon
- Fey Dragon Wyrmling
- Fey Dragon Wyrmling, Variant
- First of the Dragons
- Flower Dragon (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Force Dragon Wyrmling
- Frieza (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Frieza Soldier (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Frieza Soldier Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Frost Demon Commoner (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Frost Demon Mutant (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Future Gohan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Future Trunks (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gaia the Dragon Champion (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Ganymede Dragon (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Gargoyle Dragon
- Garlic Jr. (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Ghost Dragon
- Giant Dragonfly
- Giant Paper Dragon
- Glass Dragon
- Gohan, Android Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Buu Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Cell Games (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, GT (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Namek Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Raditz Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Super (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gohan, Tournament of Power (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku Black (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, 21st Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, 22nd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, 23rd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Android Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Baba Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Blue (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Blue Kaioken (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Buu Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Cell Games (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, End of GT (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, God (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, GT (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, King Piccolo Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Namek Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Pilaf Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Super Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goku, Ultra Instinct (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- 5e SRD:Gold Dragon Wyrmling
- Golem Dragon
- Good Buu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goten (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Goten, RoSat (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gotenks (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gotenks, RoSat (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Grandpa Gohan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Grayscale Dragon Totality
- Great Wyrm Black Dragon
- Great Wyrm Blue Dragon
- Great Wyrm Brown Dragon
- Great Wyrm Force Dragon
- Great Wyrm Gold Dragon
- Great Wyrm Green Dragon
- Great Wyrm Mithral Dragon
- Great Wyrm Prismatic Dragon
- Great Wyrm Red Dragon
- Great Wyrm White Dragon
- Greater Than Or Equal To CR 31 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Grey Dragon Wyrmling
- Guru (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gurumes Soldier, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gurumes, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- High-Class Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Hollow Dragon
- Imperfect Cell (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Infiltrator Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Iron Dragon Wyrmling
- Jade Dragon Hatchling
- Jeice (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Juvenile Black Dragon
- Juvenile Blue Dragon
- Juvenile Brown Dragon
- Juvenile Green Dragon
- Juvenile Grey Dragon
- Juvenile Red Dragon
- Juvenile White Dragon
- Kaiwareman (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kami (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Katas (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kid Buu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kid Chi Chi (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Kid Goku, Pilaf Saga (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Kid Piccolo (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- King Piccolo (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- King Piccolo, Young (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kobold, Dragontouched
- Koumori Dragon (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Krillin, 21st Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Krillin, 22nd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Krillin, 23rd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Krillin, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Kyukonman (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Lazaro, the Corrupted Dragon
- Lead Dragon Wyrmling
- Legendary Super Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Lesser Black Dragon Wyrmling
- Lord Slug (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Lord Slug, Young (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Low-Class Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Low-Class Saiyan Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Luring Dragon
- Magenta Dragon Wyrmling
- Magma Dragon
- Majin Buu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Martial Arts Expert (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Martial Arts Master (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Martial Arts Prodigy (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Martial Arts Student (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Master Roshi, Pilaf Saga (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Mature Adult Black Dragon
- Mature Adult Blue Dragon
- Mature Adult Brown Dragon
- Mature Adult Green Dragon
- Mature Adult Red Dragon
- Mature Adult White Dragon
- Mercury Dragon Wyrmling
- Mid-Class Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Mighty Majin (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Mithral Dragon Wyrmling
- Monaito (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Moonstone Dragon Wyrmling
- Mr. Satan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Mythic Wyrm Force Dragon
- Nail (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Namekian 11 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Namekian 9 (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Nameless Namekian (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Nappa (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Night Dragon
- Nightmare Dragon
- Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo - Daedalus
- Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
- Old Black Dragon
- Old Blue Dragon
- Old Brown Dragon
- Old Green Dragon
- Old Red Dragon
- Old White Dragon
- Ongde (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Oolong (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Oolong, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Oozaru Goku, Pilaf Saga (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Orange Dragon Wyrmling
- Orium Dragon Wyrmling
- Paper Dragon
- Pasta, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Perfect Cell (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Phantom Dragon
- Piano (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, 23rd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Android Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Buu Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Kami Absorbed (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Nail Absorbed (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Namek Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Piccolo, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Pink Dragon Wyrmling
- Pirate Robot (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Pirate Robot Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Pitch Dragon Wyrmling
- Pixie Dragon
- Pixie Dragons
- Plant Dragon
- Popo (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Prismatic Dragon Wyrmling
- Puar (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Puar, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Purple Dragon Wyrmling
- Pygmy Dragon
- Quazenti Dragoncaller
- Raditz (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Rainbow Dragon (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Raz-you'll, the Dreaded Dragonborn
- Recoome (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Red Disintegration Baby Dragon
- Red Dragon God
- Red Dragon of Domination
- Red Dragon Shikigami (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Red-Eyes Black Dragon
- Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
- Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
- Remote Tracking Device (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Roshi's Turtle (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Roshi, 22nd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Rust Dragon Wyrmling
- Saibaking (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Saibaman (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Saibaman Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Sapphire Dragon Wyrmling
- Semi-Perfect Cell (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Shard Dragon
- Silent Dragon Wymling
- 5e SRD:Silver Dragon Wyrmling
- Skeleton Dragon
- Skull Robo (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Skull Robo Swarm (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Slifer the Sky Dragon
- Slifer the Sky Dragon (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Slimy Dragon
- Smog Dragon
- Solar Dragon Wyrmling
- Spider Dragon
- Spirit Dragon
- Steel Dragon Wyrmling
- Super Buu (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Super Human (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Super Saiyan (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Swarm of Paper Dragons
- Swarm of Pixie Dragons
- Tambourine (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Tangled Dragon
- Tea Dragon
- Tea Leaf Dragon
- The Winged Dragon of Ra
- The Winged Dragon of Ra (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Thunder Dragon
- Tien, 22nd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Tien, 23rd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Tien, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Toad Dragon
- Topaz Dragon Wyrmling
- Trunks (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Trunks, Cell Games (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Trunks, RoSat (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Tsuno (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon
- Ukulele (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Android Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Blue (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Blue Evolved (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Buu Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Cell Games (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, God (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, GT (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Namek Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegeta, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Vegito, Buu Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Very Old Black Dragon
- Very Old Blue Dragon
- Very Old Brown Dragon
- Very Old Green Dragon
- Very Old Red Dragon
- Very Old White Dragon
- Very Young Black Dragon
- Very Young Blue Dragon
- Very Young Brown Dragon
- Very Young Green Dragon
- Very Young Grey Dragon
- Very Young Red Dragon
- Very Young White Dragon
- Videl (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Warrior Clan Namekian (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- White Dragon of Supremacy (Juggernaut Drive)
- Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
- Wish Dragon
- Wonder Majin (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Wyrm Black Dragon
- Wyrm Blue Dragon
- Wyrm Brown Dragon
- Wyrm Green Dragon
- Wyrm Red Dragon
- Wyrm White Dragon
- Yajirobe (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yamcha, 21st Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yamcha, 23rd Tenkaichi (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yamcha, Curse of the Blood Rubies (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yamcha, Pilaf Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yamcha, Pilaf Saga (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Yamcha, Saiyan Saga (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Yellow Dragon Wyrmling
- Young Adult Black Dragon
- Young Adult Blue Dragon
- Young Adult Brown Dragon
- Young Adult Candle Dragon
- Young Adult Green Dragon
- Young Adult Red Dragon
- Young Adult White Dragon
- Young Brown Dragon
- Young Bulma (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Young Chaos Dragon
- Young Cobalt Dragon
- Young Dawn Dragon
- Young Dusk Dragon
- 5e SRD:Young Gold Dragon
- Young Grey Dragon
- Young Iron Dragon
- Young Lead Dragon
- Young Lunar Dragon
- Young Magenta Dragon
- Young Mecha Dragon
- Young Mercury Dragon
- Young Mithral Dragon
- Young Moonstone Dragon
- Young Orange Dragon
- Young Orium Dragon
- Young Pink Dragon
- Young Pitch Dragon
- Young Prismatic Dragon
- Young Purple Dragon
- Young Sapphire Dragon
- Young Silent Dragon
- 5e SRD:Young Silver Dragon
- Young Steel Dragon
- Young Topaz Dragon
- Young Yellow Dragon
- Z Gogeta (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Zarbon (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- 5e Classes
- Abyssal Dragon Lord (Re-balanced)
- Abyssal Dragon Lord, Variant
- Dragon Blade
- Dragon Born
- Dragon Disciple
- Dragon Fighter
- Dragon Fighter, Variant
- Dragon Heir
- Dragon Kin
- Dragon King
- Dragon Knight
- Dragon Knight, 3rd Variant
- Dragon Lord
- Dragon Mage
- Dragon Rider
- Dragon Rider, 2nd Variant
- Dragon Ryder, Variant
- Dragon Sage
- Dragon Scion
- Dragon Slayer
- Dragon Slayer, Fairy Tail
- Dragon Slayer, Fairy Tail Variant
- Dragon Slayer, Variant
- Dragon Slayer, Variant 2
- Dragon Warrior
- Dragon Warrior (Dragonhyme)
- Dragon's Chosen
- Dragonborn
- Dragonbound
- Dragonbound, Variant
- Dragonhunter
- Dragonslayer
- Dragonsmith
- Dragonsoul Warrior
- Fairy Tail Dragon Slayer
- Guild Wars Dragonhunter
- Ki Martial Artist (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Red Dragon Emperor
- The Abyssal Dragon God
- Trapped Dragon
- Universal Subclass Dragon Raiser Subclass)
- White Dragon Emperor
- User:ZarHakkar/Dragon's Blood
- 5e Subclasses
- 5e Races, Subraces and Racial Variants
- 5e Other
- Aberrant Dragonmark (5e Feat)
- Adamantine Dragon (5e Equipment)
- Adult Dragon (5e Equipment)
- Adventures (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Adventuring Gear (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Aetherius, the Dragon Slayer (5e Equipment)
- Ancient Dragon's Lightning Spear (5e Spell)
- Ancient Dragon's Lightning Strike (5e Spell)
- Ancient Dragonborn (5e Feat)
- Armor (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Ascalon the Dragon Slayer (5e Equipment)
- Astral Dragonsphire (5e Equipment)
- Backgrounds (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Bestiary (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Bestiary (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Blessing of the Dragon's Mark (5e Blessing)
- Blue Dragon Tooth (5e Equipment)
- Boon of Dragon Form (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of Greater Dragon Breath (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dragon (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dragon Form, Variant (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dragon God (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dragon Rider (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Dragon Slayer (5e Epic Boon)
- Boon of the Gold Dragon God (5e Blessing)
- Boon of the Tireless Dragon Breath (5e Epic Boon)
- Boons (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Character Creation (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Character Creation (Ruins & Dragons Setting)
- Child of the Great Dragon (5e Background)
- Classes (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Classes (Ruins & Dragons Setting)
- Claws of the Dragon (5e Spell)
- Cloak of Dragon Power (5e Equipment)
- Cloak of Dragon Speed (5e Equipment)
- Clockwork Dragon (5e Equipment)
- Conjure Dragon (5e Spell)
- Copper Dragon Rapier (5e Equipment)
- CR 1-14 NPCs (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- CR 15-22 NPCs (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- CR 23-38 NPCs (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- CR 39-45 NPCs (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- CR 46-50 NPCs (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- CR 51-60 NPCs (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Dragon (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Ball (5e Campaign Setting)
- Dragon Ball (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Ball: Further Beyond (5e Campaign Setting)
- Dragon Balls (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Blade (Shinobi World Supplement)
- Dragon Blessed (5e Feat)
- Dragon Bone Armor (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Bone Daikatana (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Boots (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Claws (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Claws, Variant (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Crystal Blade (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Deck Mini-Quest Series (5e Quest)
- Dragon Fang (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Fear (5e Feat)
- Dragon Form (5e Spell)
- Dragon Full Plate (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Gauntlet (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Half Plate (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Hearts (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Helm (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Hide (5e Feat)
- Dragon Killer (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Knight (5e Spell)
- Dragon Kusarigama (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Layer / Sorcerer Army (5e Optimized Character Build)
- Dragon Lycanthropy (5e Variant Rule)
- Dragon Mantle (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Mantle - Black (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Mantle - Red (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Mask (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Master's Sword (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Meteor (5e Spell)
- Dragon Ooze (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Peppers (5e PlantFungi)
- Dragon Radar (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Rage (5e Spell)
- Dragon Rage, 2nd Variant (5e Spell)
- Dragon Rage, Variant (5e Spell)
- Dragon Raised (5e Background)
- Dragon Rein (5e Spell)
- Dragon Rend (5e Spell)
- Dragon Render (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Rider's Bond (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Rises from the Sea (5e Spell)
- Dragon Scale Armor (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Scale Essence (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Scales (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Scales (5e Feat)
- Dragon Shield (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Skeleton (5e Template)
- Dragon Slayer (5e Feat)
- Dragon Slayer Blade (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Slayer Shield (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Soul Weapons (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Speaker (5e Feat)
- Dragon Spine and Claw (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Staff (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Summoner (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Swirl (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Sword (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Tooth (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Tooth Dagger (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Trained (5e Background)
- Dragon Vessel (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Warrior (5e Background)
- Dragon Wing Bow (5e Equipment)
- Dragon Zombie (5e Template)
- Dragon's Ageing (5e Feat)
- Dragon's Blood (5e Feat)
- Dragon's Breath (5e Spell)
- Dragon's Eye (5e Equipment)
- Dragon's Kiss (5e Equipment)
- Dragon's Magic (5e Feat)
- Dragon's Skin (5e Spell)
- Dragon's Stolen Breath (5e Spell)
- Dragon's Tear (5e Equipment)
- Dragon's Wrath (5e Equipment)
- Dragon's Wrath Weapon (5e Equipment)
- Dragon-Touched Focus (5e Equipment)
- Dragonblood Brew (5e Equipment)
- Dragonbone Club of Reinvigoration (5e Equipment)
- Dragonborn (5e Background)
- Dragonborn Elemental Charge (5e Feat)
- Dragonborn Hammer (5e Equipment)
- Dragonborn heritage: Constitution and Defense (5e Feat)
- Dragonborn in Grisaire (Grisaire Supplement)
- Dragonbreath Warrior (5e Feat)
- DragonFang (5e Equipment)
- Dragonfang Longbow (5e Equipment)
- Dragonfly (Spelljammer Supplement)
- Dragonforger (5e Feat)
- Dragonhide Belt (5e Equipment)
- Dragonhorn Bow (5e Equipment)
- Dragonlance (5e Equipment)
- Dragonrider's Bow (5e Equipment)
- Dragonriders Soul (Drangleic Supplement)
- Dragonroot Arrow (5e Equipment)
- Dragons (Oredell Setting)
- Dragons of Legend (5e Deity)
- Dragonship (Spelljammer Supplement)
- Dragonshore Buccaneer (5e Background)
- Dragonslayer (5e Equipment)
- Dragonslayer Greataxe (5e Equipment)
- Dragonslayer Swordspear (5e Equipment)
- Dragonslayer Swordspear, Variant (5e Equipment)
- Dragonslayer's Axe (5e Equipment)
- Dragonslayer, Variant (5e Equipment)
- Dragonspine Axe (5e Equipment)
- Dragontouched (5e Feat)
- Druids and Dragons (5e Quest)
- Dungeons and Dragons Advanced Kit (5e Equipment)
- Dungeons and Dragons Starter Kit (5e Equipment)
- Enhanced Dragon Breath (5e Feat)
- Enlarged Dragon Breath (5e Feat)
- Eye of the Dragon (5e Equipment)
- Feats (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Feats (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Feats (Ruins & Dragons Setting)
- Find Lesser Dragon Familiar (5e Spell)
- Fire Dragon's Iron Fist (5e Spell)
- Fire Dragon's Wing Attack (5e Spell)
- Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
- Category:Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
- Flight, Half-Dragon (5e Feat)
- Force Dragon Blade (5e Equipment)
- Fusions (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Galatine Sword of The Platinum Dragon (5e Equipment)
- Geography (Ruins & Dragons Setting)
- Gift of the Chromatic Dragon (5e Feat)
- Gift of the Gem Dragon (5e Feat)
- Gift of the Metallic Dragon (5e Feat)
- Goku's Techniques (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Gourmet Dragon Scaler (5e Equipment)
- Grafted Dragon Head (5e Equipment)
- Great Dragon Shield (5e Equipment)
- Great Dragon Slayer (5e Equipment)
- Greater Dragon's Stolen Breath (5e Spell)
- History (Ruins & Dragons Setting)
- Hoard of the Dragon Queen (5e)
- How to Train your Dragon (5e Campaign Setting)
- Illusory Dragon (5e Spell)
- Intensified Dragon's Breath (5e Feat)
- Items (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Jacket of Dragon Leather (5e Equipment)
- Jade Dragon Syndicate (Grisaire Supplement)
- King of Dragons (5e Feat)
- Magic System (Ruins & Dragons Setting)
- Martial Apprentice (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Martial Artist (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Mask of Dragon Scales (5e Equipment)
- Metal Dragon Stake (5e Equipment)
- Movie Cast (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Noble Dragon Tamer (5e Background)
- NPCs (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- OGC:Dragon's Breath Shot (5e Equipment)
- OGC:Mask of the Dragon (5e Equipment)
- Old Dragonslayers Soul (Drangleic Supplement)
- Pilaf Saga (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Player Characters as Half-Dragons (5e Variant Rule)
- Potion of Dragon's Majesty (5e Equipment)
- Races (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Races (Ruins & Dragons Setting)
- Religion (Ruins & Dragons Setting)
- Rider's Sword of the Dragon's Bond (5e Equipment)
- Ring of Dragons (5e Equipment)
- Rising Dragon Soars the Sky (5e Spell)
- Ruins & Dragons (5e Campaign Setting)
- Scale Sickness/Dragon Lycanthropy (5e Disease)
- Secrets of the Dragons (5e Sourcebook)
- Shadow Dragon Armor (5e Equipment)
- Shield of the Dragon Hunter (5e Equipment)
- Space Pirate (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Specific Setting Combat Rules (Ruins & Dragons Setting)
- Storm Dragon Bow (5e Equipment)
- Summon Dragon (5e Spell)
- Summoning the Water Dragon
- Technique Mastery (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Techniques (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- The Dungeon, The Dragon and the Tiki Wiki (5e Quest)
- The Elder Scrolls (5e Campaign Setting)/Dragon Shouts
- Tiamat's Dragon Shape (5e Spell)
- Transformations (Dragon Ball: Further Beyond Supplement)
- Treasure (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Twin Dragon Bow (5e Equipment)
- Tyranny of Dragons
- Undead Dragon (5e Spell)
- Usekh of the Dragon (5e Equipment)
- Variant Rules (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Void Dragon (5e Spell)
- Warrior Race (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Water Dragon Scale (5e Equipment)
- Weapons (Dragon Ball Supplement)
- Whiskey, Dragonbreath (5e Equipment)
- White Dragon Mask, Variant (5e Equipment)
- Young Dragon (5e Equipment)
- 5e SRD
- 4e Creatures
- 4e Classes
- 4e Races and Race Variants
- 4e Other
- 3.5e Creatures
- 3.5e Races
- 3.5 Dragonborn (Herregor Supplement)
- Android (Dragon Ball Z)
- Brood, Dragon Clan
- Dragon Faunus
- Dragon, Variant
- Dragon, Variant 2
- Dragona
- Dragonblood
- Dragonblood - Royal Variant
- Dragonborn
- Dragonborn Variante
- Dragonborn, 3.5e Variant
- Dragonborn, Keran Variant
- Dragonborn, Variant
- Dragonkin, Tirr
- Grey Dragon Bloodline Bloodline)
- Half Beast Dragon Centaur Racial Class)
- Half-Dragonkin
- Immortal Dragons
- Laguz, Dragon
- Lesser Dragon, Variant
- Lesser Dragons
- Lesser Dragons, Arctic
- Lesser Dragons, Lunar
- Prismatic Dragon Bloodline)
- True Dragon Descendants
- Were-Dragon, Gold
- Young Adamantine Half-Dragon Racial Class)
- 3.5e Classes
- 3.5e Other
- 3.5e SRD
- Unearthed Arcana
- Dragon, Black
- Dragon, Blue
- Dragon, Brass
- Dragon, Bronze
- Dragon, Copper
- Dragon, Gold
- Dragon, Green
- Dragon, Red
- Dragon, Silver
- Dragon, White
- Dragon Totem Class Features
- Dragonblade
- Half-Dragon Paragon
- Half Sun Elf/Radiant Dragon
- 3e SRD
- d20 Modern SRD
- d20 Modern Homebrew
- Pathfinder SRD
- Pathfinder Homebrew
- 2.5e Homebrew