Namekian (Dragon Ball Supplement)
Namekians, also commonly known as nameks, are a race from the far-away planet of Namek.
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Various namekians of the dragon clan and the warrior type. Source |
Namekians are green-skinned, human-sized humanoids with several characteristics reminiscent of slugs, including a pair of slug-like antennae protruding from their foreheads, and light green skin almost completely devoid of hair. Pink or pale yellow patches appear uniformly across their body, most notably on the abdomen, biceps, forearms, thighs, and calves. Namekians universally have elf-like pointed ears, and usually have sharp nails ending in points. Most namekians are hairless, but an exceedingly rare few grow white-colored facial hair.
Namekians reproduce asexually by producing eggs, which for most of them is an act they can perform willingly but sparsely. A young namekian born from its egg is remarkably similar in mentality and mannerism to a human child, albeit with namekian physical traits. It reaches maturity at a rate comparable to humans, appearing to be an adult in less than 20 years. A namekian will begin to show signs of advanced age—such as darker green and wrinkled skin, faded patches, and deterioration of body—after 100 to 200 years, but can still live to see five centuries or more.
Due to their unique biology, nameks can seemingly survive on nothing but water, air, and rest. They are nonetheless capable of eating, many choose to do so, as this may be required for gaining strength or reproducing after reaching adulthood.
Unlike most races of this planet, namekians have a natural aptitude for manipulating a natural energy they usually refer to as either "ki" or simply "energy." This energy comes from within them, and supposedly all living beings, and they are able to use it to achieve feats indistinguishable from magic—including regenerating limbs, hurling destructive blasts of force, or even attaining magical flight.
As namekians reproduce asexually, they only have one gender. This gender is generally referred to as male.
Originating from a separate dimension originally, less than three centuries ago, the namekian home planet of Namek was met with catastrophe, and utterly destroyed. Before its demise, the race had mastered esoteric and advanced magic, and through it was even capable of interstellar flight. The handful of namekians surviving today are those who were either off-planet at the time of its destruction, or were able to survive at the last minute.
Because this world has a very similar, albeit slightly warmer climate than Namek, many if not all namekians who survived migrated to this planet with what little remained of their interstellar-traveling magic. Only a few generations at most have passed since then. Most of their advanced magic has been lost or eroded over the years. The few survivors and their descendants have managed to persist on this world, alien to them, and have mostly adapted to cultural norms. Many have even greater mastery over the Common tongue than their original language.
As namekians have no home world, and have only come to this planet haphazardly, their society is sparse at best. The few societies of namekians that persist today are small, and usually descended from one or a handful of survivors who reproduced the entire clan asexually. Consequently, any given gathering of namekians can vary wildly depending on the surviving parent. They will often find refuge among other races, particularly humans.
Namekian Names[edit]
For reasons unknown, namekians of the Demon Clan are usually named after Common names for musical instruments. Most namekians not of this clan tend to avoid such names, and instead choose something with meaning from their native tongue. Namekians generally lack surnames.
Demon Clan Names: Banjo, Bongos, Cymbal, Drum, Piano, Piccolo, Tambourine
Traditional Namekian Names: Dende, Guru, Katas, Moori, Nail, Tsuno
Namekian Traits[edit]
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A typical warrior type namekian. Source |
These green-skinned humanoids hail from a far-away planet, and are renowned for their regenerative capabilities and manipulation of ki.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. Namekians mature quickly, reaching maturity at age four, and are capable of living to the ripe age of 500 years.
Alignment. Namekians keep hold of tradition and will fight to keep evil beings from gaining power. Warrior types and those of the Dragon Clan have a strong tendency towards lawful good.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Diametric Ki Sense. Namekians are prone to sensing variations in ki. If you gain the Ki Sense Technique, you may also gain the Good/Evil Sense technique as well. Gaining the Good/Evil Sense technique in this way does not count toward your technique limit or cost ki.
Slug-Like Structure. Namekian bodies resemble slugs in biological structure. You do not need to eat food but still must drink water, all your limbs but the torso and head parts have half as much maximum hp.
Regeneration. If a limb or other body part is severed from your torso, but you remain conscious, you can expend a number of hit die as an action to regenerate and heal the limb with a number of hit points equal to the result of the hit die rolled. When you expend hit dice in this way, you take necrotic damage equal to half the total of the roll. Additionally, you can expend a number of hit die up to your proficiency bonus as an action to regenerate hit points equal to the total result of the hit die rolled. For every hit die rolled in this way, you lose 1 Ki Point.
Enhanced Hearing. Namekians can hear sounds from up to triple their movement speed away as if they were standing in that spot. Additionally, the first time you would gain the deafened condition unless due to your ears being removed from your body, you are not deafened. You can only benefit from this once per encounter, and up to a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per short or long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write both Common and Namekian. Rarely if ever is a creature not of the sparse namekian race able to understand anything from the Namekian tongue.
Subrace. Demon Clan, Dragon Clan, and Warrior Type
Demon Clan[edit]
Namekians of the Demon Clan are a minority, and seemingly can only be produced by the rare evil-hearted namekian. Unlike others of their race, they are often of monstrous appearance and may have seemingly random physical mutations that resemble demons or dinosaurs— such as horns, vestigial wings, tails, or uncanny accents. Like their dark-hearted parent, namekians of the Demon Clan have a tendency towards evil and chaos. As truly evil namekians are rare, so too are members of this clan.
Unlike most namekians, a member of this clan often matures to adulthood in only a few years, but rarely lives beyond a century.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Monstrous Mutation. Choose one of the following:
- Mutant Strength: You can roll a d4 and add it to your Strength damage rolls or ability checks.
- Demonic Flesh: When you take damage, you can reduce it by 1d6 + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1, no reaction required). You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
- Predatory Form: You gain claws, horns, or other natural weapons, allowing you to make unarmed strikes that deal 1d8 slashing or piercing damage, when you hit a creature with your natural weapon, you can force it to make a Charisma saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). On a failure, the creature is frightened of you until the end of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.
Sound Menace. You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill, and whenever you make an Intimidation check you may add your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of 1) in addition to the normal modifier.
Dragon Clan[edit]
Members of the dragon clan are those capable of innate magical abilities and a particular aptitude for magic in general. According to legend, members of this clan were once able to create magical artifacts capable of summoning dragons and granting wishes. Members of this clan tend to be slightly less muscular than Warrior-type namekians but are otherwise visibly indistinguishable from them.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Dragon Spells. You know two cantrips from the cleric spell list. You can cast any 1st level spell from the Cleric spell list without expending a spell slot or requiring material components. 2nd level spell at 6th level, 3rd level at 18th, 4th level at 30th, 5th level at 42nd, and 6th level at 54th level, you can do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per long rest (minimum of 1, maximum of 4). Wisdom is your casting ability for these spells.
Sound Judgement. You have proficiency in the Insight skill, and whenever you make an Insight check you may add your Intelligence Modifier in addition to the normal modifier.
Warrior Type[edit]
Warrior-type namekians incorporate those of advanced physical abilities, who usually have an inherent aptitude for hand-to-hand combat and athleticism. The majority of surviving namekians at the time of Namek's demise were of this subrace, and consequently, they remain the most common variety.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.
Namekian Martial Arts. Your unarmed strike any 1 on a damage die may instead be counted as a 2. You can make an unarmed strike even if your hands are occupied. When you make an unarmed strike, its normal reach is considered 10 feet greater and you can spend your free action to increase the reach of that unarmed strike by another 10 feet.
Warrior Athleticism. You have proficiency in the Athletics and Acrobatics skills.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
5′ 6″ | +2d12 | 120 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
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