Demon Realm Race (Dragon Ball Supplement)

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Demon Realm Race[edit]

Harbingers of destruction and masters of time and space the denizens of the Demon Realm take great pleasure in the fall of other beings. While most of them tend to seek total domination, others of their race follow scientific endeavors or the ever present quest for strength.

Physical Description[edit]

Fu by Akira Toriyama

The Demon Realm Race varies wildly from other races besides their basic humanoid shape. They tend to be muscular but thinner than the other muscle-bound races such as the Saiyans or Namekians. Members of the Demon realm can range anywhere from around 4 to over 7 feet tall. Hair can vary wildly from member to member but the average type of hair are shades such as white and gray. Full grown members weigh from 180 pounds to around 300 pounds. Their skin ranges from deep red, to purple and blue, with the only trait that's universal between all members being their pointed ears.


A member of the Demon Realm hungers for some type of power. While this usually means gaining any way to obtain there goal, the power they seek could simply be the power to study time or become strong. More uncommon goals might even be to help others or to save the universe from itself. While the more good inclined members must suffer slights due to the nature of their more prominent members, even they may grow agitated and violent if their goal or ideals or contested by others. With their strong will and potential power they make an excellent addition to any adventuring party.


Most citizens of the Demon Realm follow their own goals or more powerful demons who have conscripted them. Even so, they all listen to the Dark Lord or Demon King, whoever may currently be in charge. If a demon takes a disliking to those in power, their first reaction will most likely be to replace them barring that, they will seek to live far enough away to avoid others.

Demon Realm Race Names[edit]

Demon names are commonly derived from their future goals but they may also be derived from rude phrases or evil sounding powers. Examples:

Male: Janemba, Mira, Fuu, Demigra, Dabura

Female: Towa, Pipila, Mirayo, Putine

Demon Realm Race Traits[edit]

Stories tell of their destructive ferocity and legendary resistance.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Demons mature around the age of 200 years old and live around 1000 years.
Alignment. While they tend towards Chaotic alignments but some demons have been able to break the mold and be Neutral or even Good.
Size. Demons range from a variety of different heights and weights but still maintain a basic humanoid figure. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Otherworldly Fiend. The Realm of Demons is dark and full of terrors, causing your abilities to enhance to survive in your homeworld and influence others for your benefit. You have darkvision out to 60ft, and you are resistant to cold and necrotic damage. Additionally, when you are within 30 feet of a creature with a good alignment, you have advantage in Deception checks. When you are within 30 feet of a creature with an evil alignment, you have advantage in Intimidation checks.
Partial Demon Magic. Demon Magic is an innate ability that a Demon Realm Race has access to, which can be further enhanced when you reach certain thresholds of power. At 1st level, you start with the Aberrant Magibloodfeat.
Dark Energy. Dark Energy is a source of innate power that every demonic entity has, and is greatly beneficial to making them far more powerful than normal. You have a number of dark points equal to your level, which can be spent in the following ways. You regain all expended Dark Points when you take a long rest.

  • As a bonus action, you can spend 1+ Dark Points to gain a flying (hover) speed of 10 feet for 1 minute. You gain an additional 10 feet of flying (hover) speed for each Dark Point spent in this way, up to a maximum of twice your walking speed.
  • As an action, you can spend 1+ Dark Points to gain 4 Temporary Hit Points. You gain an additional 4 Temporary Hit Points per Dark Point spent in this way. You can only gain Temporary Hit Points up to your Current Hit Points.
  • When you use Ki Points or an equivalent currency, you may spend an equivalent number of Dark Points instead.

You cannot spend both Dark Points and another currency at the same time.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Infernal.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 8'' +5d8 180 lb. × (3d8) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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