Alcohol Dragon (4e Creature)
Alcohol dragons are some of the most... interesting... of the draconic species. This is because they are not completely immune to their own breath weapons, and are in fact perpetually tipsy at best, or extremely drunk at worst, resulting in clumsy movement, slurred speech, and lowered inhibitions. Some alcohol dragons are angry and mean drunks, others are reclusive and sad drunks, while others still are happy and silly drunks. All are dangerous and unpredictable.
In general, these dragons are the essence of every drunkard found in any tavern throughout the worlds. They are pranksters, joke tellers, and riddlers (although their riddles and jokes do not always make sense). They often love to talk and are quite the conversationalists to anyone who can understand their slurred speech. They are lovers of stories, jokes and humor, tall tales, epic poems and songs, and especially anything relating to stupid or misguided fools. Furthermore, they tend to love games of all types and appreciate such, but often hate losing by a unordainable amount, and are notorious cheats.
Alcohol dragons are somewhat larger in size than the average dragon of their age category, yet tend to look sickly and perpetually sleepy. Many hapless adventurers have been fatally fooled by these dragons' delicate appearance. They're still dragons, and should not be taken lightly!
The alcohol produced by an alcohol dragon is magical in nature, and actually possesses a higher Alcohol by Volume (ABV) than is physically possible. A wyrmling's breath weapon starts at 150% ABV, while an ancient alcohol dragon can produce significantly higher percentages. This property means that bottled dragon breath, when used as a potion making ingredient, can significantly improve potency or simply multiply the amount of potion produced.
Some bars may serve alcohol dragon breath weapon under the label "O.D.B.", or "Old Dragon's Breath". Connoisseurs consider the potency of the beverage to be a test of constitution and strength worthy of competition, ocassionally even ending in death, but the flavor alone is said to be unremarkable yet painful. When used as a mixer, however, O.D.B. significantly intensifies whatever other flavors are added to it. Used as a medium to make extracts, a skilled chef could create spectacular dishes fit for kings, or even gods.
Alcohol Dragon Wyrmling[edit]
(Statblock: to be created)
At birth, an alcohol dragon's scales are bright pink with a tint of baby blue, and are easily confused with Pink Dragons. As the dragon gets older, the scales become finer and a soft color of bluish-white sets in.
Young Alcohol Dragon[edit]
(Statblock: to be created)
When the dragon becomes a young adult, it develops a chameleon-like ability to change its color to any it wishes. This color changing ability is a very slow process, however, and can take days or even weeks to complete. Most alcohol dragons enjoy appearing with bright cheery colors, such as yellow, blue, or pink, but will generally choose a color that matches their demeanor. Some deliberately mimic the colors of other species of dragon as a practical joke, although anyone who can pass a DC 14 arcana check will immediately know that the body shape is wrong.
Adult Alcohol Dragon[edit]
Description[edit]Alcohol dragons like to collect hoards, just like any other dragon, but will also seek out fine wines and liquors to add to its collection. They will prize the vintage as well as the artistry of the bottles they are contained within, and may in some situations actually commission artistic bottles to be made for their collections. They also collect various varieties of potions, as they are able to use their breath weapons to easily expand their stock from a small source to a large quantity. Typically sought after potions for their hoards include: alchemist's fire, antivenom, giggle gas, goodnight tincture, healing potions, and anything considered valuable or particularly rare. Combat Tactics[edit]Adult Alcohol Dragons prefer to exert themselves as little as possible. If combat is started, they will typically begin with Frightful Presence, followed by crushing and grinding as many opponents as it can fit beneath its massive belly at once. Anyone else will be struck with claws, teeth, and breath weapon as appropriate. As long as it does not use a typical move action, or if it imbibes an antivenom potion of at least 11th level, it will not suffer the usual -4 penalty to attacks and defenses from being clumsy. If the dragon is feeling overwhelmed for whatever reason, it will seek to spread its Intoxicating Fumes aura as widely as possible, ensuring it does so either when using its Crush power, or ending its turn out of reach from its foes, so as not to suffer the -4 penalty to attacks and defense from moving while clumsy. |
Elder Alcohol Dragon[edit]
(Statblock: To be created)
Ancient Alcohol Dragon[edit]
(Statblock: To be created)
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