Dragon's Blood (5e Feat)

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Dragon's Blood

Choose a dragon from the table below. The dragon transfered its blood and part of its power on to you.

  • +1 to one ability score, depending on the dragon.
  • As a bonus action or reaction, you may transform parts or all of your skin/fur/scales into dragon scales resembling your choice of dragon. The transformation grants you resistance to a damage type depending on the colour of the dragon and a dragonbornlike appearance. The transformation reverts after finishing a short rest or a long rest.
  • You gain +1 AC while the transformation is active and you become twice as hungry as normal for your next meal after transforming.

Table taken from the Draconic Ancestry table.
Dragon Damage type Ability score
Black Acid Charisma or Dexterity
Blue Lightning Constitution or Intelligence
Brass Fire Intelligence or Strength
Bronze Lightning Dexterity or Wisdom
Copper Acid Constitution or Intelligence
Gold Fire Wisdom or Strength
Green Poison Charisma or Intelligence
Red Fire Constitution or Strength
Silver Cold Charisma or Dexterity
White Cold Strength or Constitution
(one vote)

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