Dragon Summoner (5e Equipment)

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Work In Progress

Wondrous item, Legendary (Requires Attunement by a Bard)

You cannot summon a dragon inside places, only outside. I have a table for the dragons, can anyone who knows how to make it appear, can you please do that. -Paste

Song of Draconic Legends As an action, you play a forbidden tune, the user must roll a performance check determining the type of dragon that will summon to you in a 100 mile radius, when a dragon is summoned they must make a wisdom saving throw (DC 19) or they will be charmed by you, if you or allies purposely damage it it can reroll the save. the dragon is charmed by you for 2 days and then can reroll the save, if it fails again the DC drops by 1, on a success, they are aware of who charmed them and will probably be mad at you and want to fight.

d20 Performance for a Dragon Summon
1-5 You summon a dragon with a CR of 2-5
6-10 You summon a dragon with a CR of 6-10
11-15 You summon a dragon with a CR of 11-15
16-20 You summon a dragon with a CR of 16-20
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