Dragon Rein (5e Spell)

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Design Note: This page was created using the Epic Magic (10th+ Level Magic) Variant Rule.

Dragon Rein
11th-level Enchantment
Casting time: 2 hours
Range: touch
Components: V, M, (a vial of three different dragon's blood, at least one has to be the race of the dragon you are trying to ride)
Duration: 15 hours
Casters: 7

Target must be a saddle large enough to fit a dragon, or something to that effect. Upon donning this saddle, the dragon makes a dexterity saving throw every 5 hours the rider is on them. Upon leaving the vessel, the dragon makes a dex saving throw with advantage to escape.

At Higher Levels/With More Casters. If you use 10 or more casters the time limit is increased by 1/30th of a day for each new caster. If you cast at a higher level, this effect also happens at 1/24th of a day for each level higher than its own.

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